Curtains #3 - Problems of One's Own


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Sure, they have men... and with my face that have pass in all the media, and my freeky power who has done the ten o'clock news, I must not been seen by the camera. That will be great. At least, I can pass by small holes.

Less than 15 hours before the call. Let's say I must have finish at least an hour before, give me an hour to do the job, I must be here for 2 o'clock in the night. I have twelves hour to prepare myself. I wonder what is happening to Jimmy Griffon. He has disable so much alarm system, he might help me on that... but since my father arrest us, I dunno what happen to him. Let's find him.

Lawrence continue and find a cabin to call. He puts a token in the phone and wait a moment. He hangs up and take back his token. He take the phone back and call the 411.

"Yes, it is for a phone number... name? Henry Griffon... hmmm, last time he was living in..." Not knowing where to find Griffon, he decided to find his family and then try to get the contact with him.

Once he get the number (OOC: I suppose I will have one, or Lawrence will try the last number he can remember) "Hi, can I talk to Jimmy Griffon?"

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I aim to misbehave
Prof. Fate, Unharmed, HP's: 4

The Centurian, Parkside, Coast City
June 16

Rybaer said:
"Yes," Nicole says. "My cousin went missing three days ago. We've tried to use the Spell of Seeking to find her, but there is nothing to be found. Even if something...bad...had happened to her, the spell should have still told us something . . . According to the old lore, only Dracos' power should be able to block that spell," Denise says. "If you truly are the Sorcerer, then it is possible that Dracos is back as well. You would be the only one who could intervene. The endless cycle would be set to begin again."

Silently thanking Maggie with his eyes, Steven turned to the women and said, "Ladies, this is Maggie, a very close friend of mine. Maggie, this is Nicole and Denise. They are here because they think I am the Sorcerer reborn."

"Who was your cousin and why would anyone want to harm her?" Steven asked gently. "Why do you think Dracos is involved?"


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Thomas looks over the assorted items selecting various gear, in particular, a couple cans of tear gas, flash and concussion gernades, he also selects 2 hand guns, he knows that he can probably dish out more damage then they can but it never hurts to cover your bases. Almost as an afterthought he picks up a first aid kit.

ooc: I have absoultely no idea what would be needed for this so lets just say Thomas uses his military training to get what he needs.

"That should about do it. Lets get this show on the road the sooner I start the sooner I will be done."


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Lawrence finally found a pay phone, though he had to hike an adjacent neighborhood. Rollingwood was upscale enough to forbid anything resembling a retail establishment.

After a couple calls, he was able to get ahold of his old friend Jimmy - who was at work at the moment. Presently, his friend was a shift manager for the electronics department of a large retail chain. He was also known to do some custom electrical wiring work on the side.

"Lawrence?" Jimmy said. "Hey man, what's going on? Never would have expected you to call me at work."


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Keia said:
Silently thanking Maggie with his eyes, Steven turned to the women and said, "Ladies, this is Maggie, a very close friend of mine. Maggie, this is Nicole and Denise. They are here because they think I am the Sorcerer reborn."

"Who was your cousin and why would anyone want to harm her?" Steven asked gently. "Why do you think Dracos is involved?"

Maggie greeted the two girls and gave Steve a curious shrug.

"My cousin is Emily Ross," Nicole said. "Like us, she's part of the Sisterhood. Dracos must have identified her and kidnapped or...killed her. There's no other explanation for why we can't find her magically."


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Agent Wedlake walks Thomas over to another of the rundown shacks on the property. A wide mine shaft is set in the floor, behind a chain fence. It appears that it had been borded over, but most of the planks have recently been removed and are stacked against a wall.

"This used to be the main elevator down to the mine," Wedlake explains. "Unfortunately, it's several decades out of commission. There are ladder rungs set in the wall, but we found out the hard way that they've been trapped. Quite a few rungs are rusted out as well. Looks like the guys we're after have been using these zip lines. We left them in place just in case we had to use them ourselves."

There are two climbing ropes secured to the fence that disappear into the darkness below.

Wedlake hands over a stack of reduced size maps of the mine complex. "According to these, the shaft goes down about a thousand feet. I expect they'll probably have a welcoming committee."


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"Me neither! You've been working? I mean, a straight job?" Lawrence says with a mixed surprise and laugh. "Electronic department, that make some senses." Lawrence come back serious " I suppose you've seen the news as everyone. You surely know my new hobby. Well, would you like to give me some help for my last assignment. Can't tell much now, but if you're interested, we can meet after your job, or maybe at your job. The sooner the better, as time is part of the contract."
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I aim to misbehave
Fate HPs: 4/4, Wearing: Bath Robe of Might.

Steven gave Maggie the 'I have no idea what in the world they are talking about' look . . . subtly.

Nicole said:
My cousin is Emily Ross," Nicole said. "Like us, she's part of the Sisterhood. Dracos must have identified her and kidnapped or...killed her. There's no other explanation for why we can't find her magically."
"How long has she been missing?" Steven asked seriously. If someone was in danger, then he needed to do something. But first, he needed to establish the veracity of their claims.

"Also, not that I don't believe you . . . but I would appreciate a minor display of your abilities . . . from each of you if it is possible," Steven requested.


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Thomas nods as he looks down the shaft, he shifts into his alternate form.

"Wouldn't want to keep them waiting." With a smirk he leaps out and grabs ahold of the opposite wall and starts to lower himself into the darkness.

ooc: climb +13.


First Post

Rybaer said:
XxaxX, Downtown, Coast City
June 16

Jorgi was moving to the hum and pulse of the lights and sound system more than the eclectic grunge music that the band was thrashing out. Marie loved to dance to this group, however, so it was good enough for him.

For most of the last couple months, Marie had barely been able to spare any time to see Jorgi. She was busy finishing classes and working. Class had finished two weeks ago, though, and they were trying to make up lost time.

Marie leaned in close, letting her lips graze Jorgi’s neck. She loved the way his electric field tingled her skin and she wasn’t afraid to keep on touching and touching and touching. “I’m ready to go,” she whispered in his ear. “Can you take me flying?”

Jorgi could take a hint just as easily as he could take her flying. He wrapped his arm around her and led her through the front door. The summer air outside was pleasantly mild, perfect for a spin above the skyline. There were only a few others on the street at this time – most were still in the clubs.

He can't help but smile. Jorgi doesn't realy like those more evil and depresed than satan goth friends of Marie but she's worth it. He doesn't like flying either, it allways looks like such LONG way down but again she's worth it. At least he started to like dancing. With his senses it is practically impossible to miss a beat. It still doesn't make him a pro dancer but he manages it without making a fool of himself.
And you've got to admit, flying your girl home just has style. Even those oh so dark guys envy you for that show.
It's a good evening, almost too good to be true.

Out of nowhere, Jorgi was flung bodily through the plate glass window of a closed bakery next to Xxaxx. He hadn’t seen anything or anyone coming. It felt as if a three hundred pound lineman had laid him out from his blindside. Luckily, he wasn’t too injured and he quickly got to his feet, shrugging off a few minor cuts.

Marie shrieked as she was plucked off the sidewalk and lifted a hundred feet above the street by an unseen force.

A young man, dressed in black jeans and a black leather jacket lifts slowly off the ground on the other side of the street. He casually floats toward Marie, looking intently at Jorgi the entire time.

“From Russia, with love,” the man says in perfect Russian. “The Syndicate sends their regards."

Well then, not just almost.
He draws his black leather coat straight (he thinks he looks like a cheap matrix rip of but then all the guys wear such stuff in Marie's clubs) and tries his best not to shudder.
He can feel cold sweat on his back and his hairs stand up without him drawing any power yet.
Under normal circumstances he would have run as fast as he can. These are not the kind of people you mess with. But then he sees Marie in the air.
Time to think again. Running still seems a very sweet option but despite himself he takes a step forward. Folding his hands together he generates electricty, allowing it to form a minature storm between his hands, blue lightning running from finger to finger.
"L..L . let jer go... ."
It sounds pathetic but he gathers courage with each word and the power starts to flow all through his body, the sheer force lifing him a foot into the air. Sparks fly all around him as it grows in strength.

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