Custom divine abilities, portfolios, etc.


First Post
So, as promised in my last post, I'm sharing some of what my group's come up with in the way of custom Divine stuff. Both games are now all-divine; one of them just did a large fast-forward in terms of story and we assumed several years of relative peace and religious growth. That one now has all PCs at DR 6, while the other has them on the cusp of reaching DR 4. Among other things, this has forced us to come up with several new portfolios (since the first game is in an essentially closed cosmos and most of the Ascension-included ones are taken) and portfolio trials to go with some existing Domains that didn't have full Portfolios yet (because my games feature a house-rule that deities can grant more than four Domains). A deity acquires the ability to grant a Domain to Clerics by undergoing the portfolio trial associated with that Domain, even if the actual Portfolio can't yet be taken due to lack of enough Divine slots to take Extra Portfolio (or because somebody else beat you to it and has thus closed it off).

Below, I describe one of these new Portfolios; I'll be posting more in the days to come. As part of the portfolio trials thing mentioned above, though, I will note that we did in fact come up with a trial for Concealment (the Portfolio I posted way back on page 1 of this thread), and edited that trial in to that post tonight just before I posted this.

That said, here's the first new Portfolio. This trial made for a very interesting game session, I can tell you. :) But more on that later.

Versatility Portfolio
Aspects: Flexibility, Resourcefulness, Ingenuity
Opposed Portfolio: Focus (or Specialization)
Examples: none mythological (again)
Favored Animal: Fox, Snake
Favored Class: Factotum
Favored Place: Schools
Favored Sacrifice: Any device with more than one use
Favored Time: Twilight
Favored Weapon: Dagger
Portfolio Trial: In a single day, you must finish/research an epic spell/power, finish/create a powerful, epic item, defeat a powerful opponent without using spells or psionic powers, destroy an artifact, and create a work of art to commemorate it all.
Prerequisites: -
Symbol: Three (juggling) balls being juggled in a circle.
Typical Quote: "You are only limited by your belief."

Versatility Domain
Granted Power:
You do not receive an experience penalty when taking levels in multiple classes. This does not apply to classes which are higher level than your cleric level.

Versatility Domain Spells
1. Wieldskill: Target gains +10 to one skill, or can use it untrained, or gains weapon or armor proficiency. [from Magic of Faerun]
2. Silence: Negates sound in 15-foot radius.
3. Dispel Magic: Cancels spells and magical effects.
4. Divination: Provides useful advice for specific proposed actions.
5. Psychic Reformation: Subject can choose skills, feats, and powers anew for previous levels.
6. Dispel Magic, Greater: As Dispel Magic, but up to +20 on check.
7. Holy Star: Mote of energy protects you, attacks foes. [from Spell Compendium]
8. Phase Door: Creates an invisible passage through wood or stone.
9. Miracle: Requests a deity's intercession.

You create a realm that is a little bit of everything; maybe parts of a library here, bits of a blacksmith shop there, and some of a kitchen elsewhere, with bits of a battlefield scattered all over. With some concentration, it may be possible for allies to direct the realm to provide them a locale that they want...
Elder One: Your planar realm extends to a planar layer.
Old One: Your planar realm becomes a separate plane of its own.
First One: - (player didn't fill this one out and I haven't seen a need yet to do so- the pattern's pretty obvious anyway)

Versatility template (Single)
Behavior: -

Versatility template (Double)
Behavior: -

(Single) Versatility Portfolio
Spell-like Abilities (Disciple):
Use any Versatility domain spell once per round as a standard action.
Dizzying Array (Weakness): The sheer amount of options available to you make it difficult to focus on one thing for more than a round during battle or any other activity which requires a lot of the immortal's attention. Make a Will Save versus DC 15, +5 DC per divine rank. Failing the saving throw prevents the immortal from taking more than a move action in the following round.
Repetition is the Key to Learning (Weakness): Against consecutive repeated actions, the Immortal suffers a penalty equal to his or her divine rank applied to the saving throw or his/her AC against the action, as appropriate. The action must be exactly the same as an action taken by the same opponent in the previous round.
Spell Ward (Prophet): You ignore the effects of the first spell cast against you each round.
Scion of Versatility (Hero-deity): Competence bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls and armor class equal to your divine rank when not performing the same actions as the previous round.
Durable Talent (Quasi-deity): All summoned, constructed or called creatures may use all of their abilities twice as often.
Versatile Options (Demi-deity): You may choose the exact damage type dealt (if an effect can deal more than one type of damage) and who a damaging magical or psionic effect affects.
Superior Divine [Effect] (Lesser deity): Assault your enemies with divine attacks.
Uncanny Divine Mastery (Intermediate deity): Assault your enemies with divine attacks.
Multifaceted (Greater Deity): Gain six feats.
Time Dilation (Elder One): Take twice as many actions per round.
Cosmic Imperfection (Focus) (Weakness): One artifact in the universe can defeat your Cosmic String ability.
Divine Inspiration (Old One): Immortal gains one divine ability that can be changed at will.

(Double) Versatility Portfolio
Spell-like Abilities (Disciple):
Use two Versatility domain spells per round (one standard, one swift).
Dizzying Array (Weakness): The sheer amount of options available to you make it difficult to focus on one thing for more than a round during battle or any other activity which requires a lot of the immortal's attention. Make a Will Save versus DC 25, +5 DC per divine rank. Failing the saving throw prevents the immortal from taking more than a move action in the following round.
Repetition is the Key to Learning (Weakness): Against consecutive repeated actions, the Immortal suffers a penalty equal to twice his or her divine rank applied to the saving throw or his/her AC against the action, as appropriate. The action must be exactly the same as an action taken by the same opponent in the previous round.
Spell Store (Prophet): You absorb one spell of your choice each round and may discharge the spell at any point in the future. The spell must either be a ray or targeting you in some fashion. You can store a number of spell levels at a time equal to your hit dice.
Greater Scion of Versatility (Hero-deity): Competence bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls and armor class equal to double your divine rank when not performing the same actions as the previous round.
Persistent Talent (Quasi-deity): All summoned, constructed or called creatures may use all of their abilities three times as often.
Unlimited Options (Demi-deity): You may choose the exact damage type dealt and who a damaging effect affects.
Superior Divine [Effect] (x2 HD) (Lesser deity): Assault your enemies with divine attacks.
Uncanny Divine Mastery (x2 HD) (Intermediate deity): Assault your enemies with divine attacks.
Anyfeat (Greater Deity): Gain a feat that can be changed at will.
Time Dilation (Elder One): Take twice as many actions per round.
Cosmic Imperfection (Focus) (Weakness): Two artifacts in the universe can defeat your Cosmic String ability.
Replicate (Old One): Immortal can replicate any ability it has encountered before.
Transmortality (First One): You cannot be killed.

An amusing twist to the above is that the character who took this Portfolio had no Factotum levels when he did it- he gained levels in the class later on. He fulfilled the trial by finishing work on a dagger with several Epic powers in it at the Obsidian Tower (mentioned in my post on Divine Researcher, above), immediately afterwards going to the Dark Lens (also mentioned in that same post) and spending several hours researching a new Epic psionic power based on Fabricate (designed to create a sculpture or other piece of art based on events lived by the subject creature), using said power on himself, then going to an Atropal and tricking it through careful talking (and long, thoughtful research beforehand as to the creature's background and motives) into eating an artifact of negative energy- thus conveniently destroying both artifact and Atropal in the resulting explosion. It was suggested before he did all this that the trial might also be completed by judicious use of time travel, but he figured out a way to get it all done in only 24 hours by getting some of the tasks to meet more than one part of the trial apiece. Anyway, it was quite a session, as I said!
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I came up with this for an Epic Weapon Special Quality.

I need to know if it's Price is correct. I'm not sure how to figure that out. It's basically an enhancement that turns your weapon permanently into pure force that cuts through both force effects (including deflection bonuses) and matter.

It's for a dragon/undead slayer.

Disruptive Force: A disruptive force weapon is comprised of disruptive force and naturally invisible. A disruptive force weapon can bypass damage reduction, deflection bonuses to AC, force effects (destroying them in the process), and hardness; resolve all attacks as touch attacks (bypassing armor, natural armor, etc.); and strike ethereal and incorporeal targets normally. A disruptive force weapon's attacks are automatically considered sunder attempts in addition to dealing damage. A disruptive force weapon is immune to disintegration and can safely deflect/parry a disruptive force weapon.

Creatures and objects immune to disintegration and force effects are immune to disruptive force weapons. Creatures and objects immune to disintegration are affected as if by a ghost touch weapon. Creatures and objects immune to force effects take minimum damage.

Very strong evocation and transmutation; CL 45th; Craft Magic Arms & Armor; disintegrate, Mordenkainen's sword, wish; Price +15 bonus.

In comparison to a brilliant energy (+4), ghost touch (+1) weapon. It lets you do only a couple additional things. Attack ethereal, objects, and undead, bypass deflection bonuses and force effects (except other force weapons), destroy force effects, and automatic sundering (equivalent to a divine +6).
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Hey guys! :)

Interesting portfolio paradox, looking forward to reading more. Thanks for sharing.

Dante, would you not be better creating weapon special abilities that do all the individual things you want this weapon ability to do and then lumping them all together in one weapon rather than trying to make such a multi-faceted weapon ability from the get-go?

Negating deflection bonuses seems very powerful.
Automatic Sundering is only going to work on non-artifacts.
Destroying Force Effects probably isn't that big a deal.


Hey guys! :)

Alo again. =^.^=

Dante, would you not be better creating weapon special abilities that do all the individual things you want this weapon ability to do and then lumping them all together in one weapon rather than trying to make such a multi-faceted weapon ability from the get-go? I wanted one weapon quality that does it all so I don't have to waste time and space on naming it. :)

Negating deflection bonuses seems very powerful.

1. Not much more so than negating any other armor modifier. But that's how I want it to function.

Automatic Sundering is only going to work on non-artifacts.

Automatic Sundering is precisely equal to Perfect Sunder (divine ability = +6)

Destroying Force Effects probably isn't that big a deal.

It is when you can't do it.

I just want a precise value for it since it's going to get a lot of use by an organization that prides itself on having developed it.

I'm none too interested in hacking it into pieces.

dante58701 said:
Alo again. =^.^=

Howdy! :) I wanted one weapon quality that does it all so I don't have to waste time and space on naming it. :)

Are you saying the 3.5 Rules can be both time wasting and space intensive? :p

1. Not much more so than negating any other armor modifier. But that's how I want it to function.

Cosmic then.

Automatic Sundering is precisely equal to Perfect Sunder (divine ability = +6)


It is when you can't do it.

I just want a precise value for it since it's going to get a lot of use by an organization that prides itself on having developed it.

I'm none too interested in hacking it into pieces.

The complicated one, easiest way would be to overcome wall of force (The spell)...Divine...rather than forcefields in general...otherwise Cosmic.


As a Cosmic special quality it would have a +22 value.

Disruptive Force: A disruptive force weapon is comprised of disruptive force and naturally invisible. A disruptive force weapon can bypass damage reduction, deflection bonuses to AC, force effects (destroying them in the process), and hardness; resolve all attacks as touch attacks (bypassing armor, natural armor, etc.); and strike ethereal and incorporeal targets normally. A disruptive force weapon's attacks are automatically considered sunder attempts in addition to dealing damage. A disruptive force weapon is immune to disintegration and can safely deflect/parry a disruptive force weapon.

Creatures and objects immune to disintegration and force effects are immune to disruptive force weapons. Creatures and objects immune to disintegration are affected as if by a ghost touch weapon. Creatures and objects immune to force effects take minimum damage.

Very strong evocation and transmutation; CL 66th; Craft Magic Arms & Armor; disintegrate, Mordenkainen's sword, wish; Price +22 bonus.

The only problem I see with this is that Divine [Strike] is divine and it already bypasses Force Fields, Walls of Force, etc.

So it would make more sense as a multi-layered divine equivalent special quality.

But, it might be fair since the combination is rather nasty.


Ok, here's my start on the Desert Portfolio. I used some elements of Standstorm to come up with this.

Unfortunately I've hit a mental block and can't finish it. So, if anyone is interested in adding on to it, feel free. I'd like to see what it turns into.


Granted Power: Once per day, you can shape a small amount of sand into any solid object you can imagine, up to 8 cubic feet in volume. You can shape one object or several, up to a number equal to your Wisdom bonus, as long as the total volume does not exceed 8 cubic feet. You must make a special Wisdom check (d20 + your Wis modifier + 1/2 your cleric level) against a DC determined by the size and complexity of the item. The item to be created has a base DC of 5, plus the modifiers on the table below.

Item Complexity Modifier
Fine details +2
Functioning tool +2
Functioning armor/weapon +5
Multiple parts +5
Masterwork version +10
Moving parts +10

Each attempt to create an item requires a number of minutes equal to its DC. You can take 10 or take 20 on this check. Created items persist for 1 minute per cleric level, and can only be solid objects. The objects created have no magical properties, though they radiate faint transmutation magic.
All items created in this fashion have hardness 5 and hit points as follows: Fine 1, Diminutive 2, Tiny 3, Small 5, Medium 8, Large 10.

1 Waste Strider†: Move through waste without penalties.
2 Black Sand†: Creates a 20-ft.-radius area of black sand.
3 Haboob†: Swirling grit obscures vision, blows smaller creatures over, and deals nonlethal damage.
4 Blast of Sand†: Cone deals 1d6 damage/level.
5 Flaywind Burst†: Blows away and knocks down smaller creatures and deals 1d6 damage/level.
6 Awaken Sand†,X: A region of sand forms into a Huge, sentient creature.
7 Vitrify†: Melts sand into glass.
8 Desert Binding†,M: Imprisons creature as sand in an hourglass or wind in the waste.
9 Summon Desert Ally IX†: Calls dustform creature to fight.

Divine Status Ability/Weakness Gained Benefit/Penalty Action
Disciple Secrets of the Desert You can use any desert domain spell as a spell-like ability. Standard
Hostile Environment (Sea) Competence penalty (equal to your divine rank) on all die rolls Always Active
while underwater.
Water Vulnerability Suffer 50% extra damage from water based attacks and spells Always Active
Prophet Desert Ward You gain cold and fire resistance equal to 1/4 your HD. Always Active
Hero-deity Desert Born Competence bonus (equal to your divine rank) on attack rolls, Always Active
damage rolls, and armor class.
Quasi-deity Desert Brethren Desert creatures summoned have 50% more HD Always Active
Demi-deity Instrument of the Desert Damage dealt by your sand-based attacks is 50% divine. Always Active
Lesser Deity Superior Flaywind [Effect] Assault your enemies with flaywind attacks. Variable
(3d6/2HD + 1/2 strength Superior Wind [Effect])
Intermediate Deity Uncanny Flaywind Mastery Assault your enemies with flaywind attacks. Variable
(2d6/HD + 1/2 strength Uncanny Wind Mastery)
Greater Deity Heart of the Desert Gain regeneration equal to 1/2 your HD in a desert. Always Active
Elder One Desert Messiah Desert creatures of lower (or nonexistent) divine rank cannot harm Always Active
you (no save).
Cosmic Imperfection (Sea) One artifact in the universe can defeat your cosmic string ability. Always Active
Old One Symbol of the Desert Water based spells/effects cease to function in your divine realm. Always Active

I also made a feat for FFVIII fans.

Time Distortion [Epic] [Metamagic]
Your spell seems to take 10 full rounds to take effect.
Prerequisites: Cha 25, Extend Spell, Persistent Spell, Quicken Spell
Benefits: Your spell seems to take 10 full rounds to take effect. This gives you gain a +10 bonus to Intimidation checks. It also stuns your opponents and onlookers for 1 round if they fail a Will save (DC 10 + spell level + miscellaneous modifiers (relevant ability modifier, etc.)).

Imagine combining this with Spell Thematics.
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Hey dante mate! :)

Quite like the Desert Portfolio. Though didn't you already post a Desert Portfolio a few months ago?

dante58701 said:
Complete immunity to one school of magic. Is this worth a single divine ability?


It allows you to cherry pick which school. Whereas complete immunity is a cosmic power.


Hey dante mate! :)

Hey there =^.^=

Quite like the Desert Portfolio. Though didn't you already post a Desert Portfolio a few months ago?

Thanks =^.^= and not really. I posted a Desert Domain, but it was a bit different and didn't include the single portfolio.


It allows you to cherry pick which school. Whereas complete immunity is a cosmic power.

Thanx =^.^= I was looking for a way to make my rogue immune to divinations.

I'll probably calll it "SCHOOL IMMUNITY (EX)".

Not on topic, but using your v5 CR document I created this critter for use as a nasty race in epic level campaigns. I was inspired by the included artwork link.

Imagine all those tentacles ripping adventurers apart.

Medium Monstrous Humanoid (Aquatic)
Hit Dice: 3d8 (18 hp)
Initiative: +3 (+3 Dexterity)
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), swim 30 ft.
Armor Class: 3 (+3 Dexterity), touch 13, flat-footed 10
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+3
Attack: Adamantine harpoon +3 melee (1d10) or Tentacle +3 melee (1d4)
Full Attack: Adamantine harpoon +3 melee (1d10) and 8 tentacles -2 melee (1d4)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. (10 ft. with tentacle)
Special Attacks: Constrict (1d6), improved grab
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., freshwater sensitivity, ink cloud, jet, low-light vision, water dependent
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +2
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10
Skills: Escape Artist +15, Hide +11, Listen +4, Spot +4, Swim +10
Feats: Alertness, Skill Focus (Hide)
Environment: Warm aquatic
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 8
Treasure: Standard + adamantine harpoon
Alignment: Always neutral evil
Advancement: By character class
Level Adjustment: +9

Krusty ole' salt - “It's like a man, but not a man.”
Young lad - “What do you mean?”
Krusty ole' salt - “It's has tentacles where it's legs should be.”

Cecaelia are aggressive, cannibalistic, and territorial octofolk. Their superficial similarity to merfolk suggests a distant connection that both species vehemently deny.

Cecaelia are about 4-6 ft. tall and weigh 60-260 lbs. A cecaelian's barbed tentacles reach 8-12 ft in length.

Cecaelia speak cecaelian.


An opponent can attack a cecaelia's tentacles with a sunder attempt as if they were weapons. A cecaelia's tentacles have 3 hit points (1/Hit Dice/Level) each. If a cecaelia is currently grappling a target with the tentacle that is being attacked, it usually uses another limb to make its attack of opportunity against the opponent making the sunder attempt. Severing one of a cecaelia's tentacles deals 1 point (1/10 Hit Dice/Levels) of damage to the creature. A cecaelia usually withdraws from combat if it loses four tentacles. The creature regrows severed limbs in 1d10+10 days.

Constrict (Ex): A cecaelia deals 1d6 points of damage with a successful grapple check.

Freshwater Sensitivity (Ex): A cecaelia fully immersed in fresh water must succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save or become fatigued. Even on a success, it must repeat the save attempt every 10 minutes it remains immersed.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a cecaelia must hit an opponent of any size with a tentacle attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can constrict.

Ink Cloud (Ex): A cecaelia can emit a cloud of jet-black ink 10 feet high by 10 feet wide by 10 feet long once per minute as a free action. The cloud provides total concealment, which the cecaelia normally uses to escape a losing fight. All vision within the cloud is obscured.

Jet (Ex): A cecaelia can jet upward once per round as a full-round action, at a speed of 200 feet. It must move in a straight line, but does not provoke attacks of opportunity while jetting.

Water Dependent (Ex): A cecalia can survive out of the water for 1 hour per 2 points of Constitution (after that, refer to the suffocation rules on page 304 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide).

Skills: A cecaelia can change colors, giving it a +4 racial bonus on Hide checks. A cecaelia also can squeeze and contort its body, giving it a +10 racial bonus on Escape Artist checks. A cecaelia has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.
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