Custom divine abilities, portfolios, etc.


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For all homebrewed stuff in U_K's system that's not a whole monster or character and doesn't deserve its own thread.

Preservation Portfolio
Aspects: Protection, Changelessness, Renewal
Opposed Portfolio: Decay
Examples: King Arthur (Celtic Hero-deity)
Favored Animal: Tortoise
Favored Class: Paladin
Favored Place: City
Favored Sacrifice: None
Favored Time: Spring Equinox, anniversary of defensive victory
Favored Weapon: Shield bash
Portfolio Trial: Must defend something or someone at the cost of your life
Prerequisites: Non-chaotic alignment
Symbol: A shield
Typical Quote: "You shall not pass!"

Preservation Domain
Granted Power:
You can generate a protective ward as a supernatural ability. Grant someone you touch a resistance bonus equal to your cleric level on his or her next saving throw. Activating this power is a standard action. The protective ward is an abjuration effect with a duration of 1 hour that is usable once per day.

Preservation Domain Spells
1. Sanctuary: Opponents can’t attack you, and you can’t attack.
2. Shield Other: You take half of subject’s damage.
3. Protection from Energy: Absorb 12 points/level of damage from one kind of energy.
4. Spell Immunity: Subject is immune to one spell per four levels.
5. Spell Resistance: Subject gains SR 12 + level.
6. Antimagic Field: Negates magic within 10 ft.
7. Repulsion: Creatures can’t approach you.
8. Mind Blank: Subject is immune to mental/emotional magic and scrying.
9. Prismatic Sphere: As prismatic wall, but surrounds on all sides.

Elder One:
You create a fortress-layer of perfect safety.
Old One: Your layer dominates the plane to which it is abridged.
First One: Your planar fortress dominates an entire dimension.

Preservation template (Single)
The immortal never seems to be dirty or damaged.
Behavior: These immortals are creatures of habit, and set in their ways.

Preservation template (Double)
The immortal's manifestation is unchanging, never losing so much as a hair or fingernail.
Behavior: These immortals are almost suicidally conservative.

(Single) Preservation Portfolio
Spell-like Abilities (Disciple):
Use any preservation domain spell once per round as a standard action.
Compelled to Protect (Weakness): You cannot refuse your protection to any compatibly aligned creature that asks for it, and has a lower ECL than you.
Anarchic Vulnerability (Weakness): You suffer 50% extra damage from Chaotic attacks and spells.
Shield of Preservation (Prophet): You can choose to take half the damage dealt to any ally in your divine aura.
Scion of Preservation (Hero-deity): You gain a bonus to attack rolls, damage, and AC equal to your divine rank when acting in the immediate defense of a person, object, or cause, against a threat with a CR higher than your own.
Unyielding Brethren (Quasi-deity): Any creatures you summon gain impenetrable damage reduction equal to your divine rank.
Instrument of Preservation (Demi-deity): You have a 50% chance to ignore critical hits.
Superior Iatric [Effect] (Lesser deity): Bless your allies with healing energy. Unlike the standard version, this power also repairs objects.
Uncanny Iatric Mastery (Intermediate deity): Bless your allies with healing energy. Unlike the standard version, this power also repairs objects.
Guardian Soul (Greater Deity): Gain regeneration equal to 1/2 your HD when acting in the immediate defense of a person, object, or cause, against a threat with a CR higher than your own.
Invincibility (Elder One): Make a Fortitude save to avoid damage from any source.
Cosmic Imperfection (Decay) (Weakness): One artifact in the universe can defeat your Cosmic String ability.
Decay Pariah (Old One): Spells and items that induce disease or decay cease to function in your divine realm.

(Double) Preservation Portfolio
Spell-like Abilities (Disciple):
Use two preservation domain spells per round (one standard, one swift).
Compelled to Protect (Weakness): You must offer your protection to any compatibly aligned creature that might possibly need it.
Slow to Act (Weakness): Competence penalty to Dexterity equal to your divine rank.
Greater Shield of Preservation (Prophet): You are immune to Constitution damage/drain.
Scion of Preservation (Hero-deity): You gain a bonus to attack rolls, damage, and AC equal to twice your divine rank when acting in the immediate defense of a person, object, or cause, against a threat with a CR higher than your own.
Greater Unyielding Brethren (Quasi-deity): Any creatures you summon gain impenetrable damage reduction equal to double your divine rank.
Greater Instrument of Preservation (Demi-deity): Allies within your divine aura may use your Fortitude save bonus in place of their own.
Superior Iatric [Effect] (x2 HD) (Lesser deity): Bless your allies with healing energy. Unlike the standard version, this power also repairs objects.
Uncanny Iatric Mastery (x2 HD) (Intermediate deity): Bless your allies with healing energy. Unlike the standard version, this power also repairs objects.
Guardian Soul (Greater Deity): Gain regeneration equal to your HD when acting in the immediate defense of a person, object, or cause, against a threat with a CR higher than your own.
Pugnacious (Elder One): Your damage reduction is doubled.
Cosmic Imperfection (Decay) (Weakness): Two artifacts in the universe can defeat your Cosmic String ability.
Legendary Constitution (Old One): Your Constitution is doubled.
Transilient Toughness (First One): You cannot fail Fortitude saving throws.
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Nice one Wardragon!

As many of you know, a character in one of my games some time ago made a Deal With the Devil as it were and gained two Divine Ranks out of the bargain. One of the Portfolios the character got is based on a new Domain I made for my game setting, called Concealment; even though the character is only a Prophet, and didn't undergo any quests to get the power, I went ahead and filled in most of the blanks in the Portfolio anyway when I made it. For simplicity of reference, I'll use the same format for this that Wardragon used above.

Concealment Portfolio
Aspects: Hiding, Illusions, Invisibility, Cover
Opposed Portfolio: Sight (or another sense)
Examples: none mythological that I can think of- but that's okay
Favored Animal: Bat, Cat, Chameleon, Rat, Displacer Beast
Favored Class: Rogue
Favored Place: Hidden places
Favored Sacrifice: Spyglass, Earhorn, other sense-enhancing object
Favored Time: None (or, secret known only to initiates)
Favored Weapon: Anything small and concealable
Portfolio Trial: Remove a significant piece of information from the knowledge of anybody but yourself.
Prerequisites: -
Symbol: A dark cloak
Typical Quote: "The enemy you do not know is the most dangerous one."

Concealment Domain
Granted Power:
You are immune to all abilities which detect whether you are lying or force you to tell the truth, unless they come directly from a deity.

Concealment Domain Spells
1. Pass Without Trace: One subject/level leaves no tracks.
2. Undetectable Alignment: Conceals alignment for 24 hours.
3. Invisibility Sphere: Makes everyone within 10 feet invisible.
4. Illusory Wall: Wall, floor, or ceiling looks real, but anything can pass through.
5. Mirage Arcana: As Hallucinatory Terrain, plus structures.
6. Mislead: Turns you invisible and creates illusory double.
7. Veil: Changes appearance of group of creatures.
8. Mind Blank: Subject is immune to mental/emotional magic and scrying.
9. Screen: Illusion hides area from vision, scrying.

Elder One:
You create a new planar layer within an existing one, unknown to all.
Old One: You create hidden layers within all layers of the same plane, linked to each other to form a plane-within-a-plane.
First One: You create hidden demesnes within all planes of one dimension, all linked to each other and part of you.

Concealment template (Single)
The immortal is beneath notice- no creature will realize the immortal is there until a notable action is taken, such as directly addressing a person in conversation, or casting a spell with a visible target.
Behavior: These immortals are furtive and subtle, always moving quietly and saying as little as possible to get the point across. They always seem to be hiding something, either keeping secrets or suddenly producing useful objects that nobody else had any idea they had.

Concealment template (Double)
As Single, above, plus the immortal gains a bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks equal to its HD and is able to Hide In Plain Sight.
Behavior: These immortals are freakishly quiet, often communicating nonverbally when they deign to communicate at all. Many are kleptomaniacs, stealing away little things and putting them away in hidden pockets when nobody's looking.

(Single) Concealment Portfolio
Spell-like Abilities (Disciple):
Use any concealment domain spell once per round as a standard action.
Uncertainty Principle (Weakness): Competence penalty equal to your divine rank on die rolls made against opponents who know your precise location.
Lemming's Wisdom (Weakness): Competence penalty to Wisdom equal to your Divine Rank.
Apocrypha (Prophet): You cannot be scryed or detected.
Scion of Concealment (Hero-deity): You gain a bonus to attack rolls, damage, and AC equal to your divine rank when your target does not know you are there.
Hidden Brethren (Quasi-deity): Creatures you summon are automatically affected by Greater Invisibility as the spell, with no additional action required on your part.
Instrument of Concealment (Demi-deity): Those who penetrate or dispel Invisibility effects used by you must still treat the targets of those effects as Blurred, even if using True Seeing.
Superior Withering (WIS) [Effect] (Lesser deity): Assault your enemies with Wisdom draining attacks.
Uncanny Withering (WIS) Mastery (Intermediate deity): Assault your enemies with Wisdom draining attacks.
Hidden Soul (Greater Deity): Regeneration equal to 1/2 your HD when nobody knows your precise location.
Nebulous (Elder One): 50% chance to avoid attack or spell (stacks with Incorporeality).
Cosmic Imperfection (Sight) (Weakness): One artifact in the universe can defeat your Cosmic String ability.
Sensory Pariah (Old One): Divination effects cease to function in your divine realm.

(Double) Concealment Portfolio
Spell-like Abilities (Disciple):
Use two Concealment domain spells per round (one standard, one swift).
Uncertainty Principle (Weakness): Competence penalty equal to your divine rank on die rolls made against opponents who know your precise location or your true name.
Lemming's Wisdom (Weakness): Competence penalty to Wisdom equal to double your Divine Rank.
Greater Shield of Concealment (Prophet): As Apocrypha, plus you can Detect Scrying as the spell at will, as an immediate action.
Scion of Concealment (Hero-deity): You gain a bonus to attack rolls, damage, and AC equal to double your divine rank when your target does not know you are there.
Greater Hidden Brethren (Quasi-deity): Creatures you summon are automatically affected by Superior Invisibility (Spell Compendium) with no additional action required on your part.
Greater Instrument of Concealment (Demi-deity): Illusion effects created by you cannot be seen through with True Seeing or similar effects, unless those effects are used by beings of greater divine rank than you.
Superior Withering (WIS) [Effect] (x2 HD) (Lesser deity): Assault your enemies with Wisdom draining attacks.
Uncanny Withering (WIS) Mastery (x2 HD) (Intermediate deity): Assault your enemies with Wisdom draining attacks.
Greater Hidden Soul (Greater Deity): Regeneration equal to your HD when nobody knows your precise location.
Elusion (Elder One): You can avoid attacks with successful Reflex saves.
Cosmic Imperfection (Sight) (Weakness): Two artifacts in the universe can defeat your Cosmic String ability.
Innocence (Old One): You cannot be harmed until you yourself attack. Unlike the normal ability, this does not require a Good alignment.
Transilient Reflexes (First One): You cannot fail Reflex saving throws.

The one thing I'm missing in the above is the Portfolio Trial, but it's a low-priority item since I don't expect anybody else to be going for this anytime soon.
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First Post
I've been trying to work out a Divine Ability that let you purchase more SLAs, and I think I may have hit on an possible solution.

In v5 of the CR Calculator the ECL adjustment for SLAs is based on the following formula
at will - caster level * spell level * 0.005
4/day - caster level * spell level * 0.004
3/day - caster level * spell level * 0.003
2/day - caster level * spell level * 0.002
1/day - caster level * spell level * 0.001

My is to use a minimum CL, in this case 20, and divine into the ECL adjustment of single divine ability (+1), for a result of 0.5, or the equivalent of 10 levels of at will SLAs (or a mixture of less frequent uses). Just convert it into a pool of 50 pts and give the cost as spell level * times uses per day with 5 making the SLA at will


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I support the above product and/or service. Needs a catchy name, though.

Here's a few more I came up with while bored at work the other day. Empower was left out deliberately, because Effect damage goes up fast enough as it is.

Enlarge Effect
Benefit: Three times per day, you may double the range of any any beam, blast, breath, storm, or wrath type Effect for a single use.
Special: This ability can be taken in either a divine, cosmic, transcendent, or omnific slot. It can only be applied to effects of the same or lower tier as the slot in which it was taken.
Special: This ability can be taken more than once. Each time grants three additional daily uses.

Maximize Effect
Benefit: Three times per day, you can cause the numeric variables of any Effect ability to have their maximum result (normally damage).
Special: This ability can be taken in either a divine, cosmic, transcendent, or omnific slot. It can only be applied to effects of the same or lower tier as the slot in which it was taken.
Special: This ability can be taken more than once. Each time grants three additional daily uses.

Quicken Effect
Benefit: Three times per day, you may use any beam, blast, breath, hand, or wrath type Effect as a swift action, rather than a standard action.
Special: This ability can be taken in either a divine, cosmic, transcendent, or omnific slot. It can only be applied to effects of the same or lower tier as the slot in which it was taken.
Special: This ability can be taken more than once. Each time grants three additional daily uses.

Widen Effect
Benefit: Three times per day, you may double the radius of any blast, breath, storm, or wrath type Effect for a single use.
Special: This ability can be taken in either a divine, cosmic, transcendent, or omnific slot. It can only be applied to effects of the same or lower tier as the slot in which it was taken.
Special: This ability can be taken more than once. Each time grants three additional daily uses.

Epic Metamagic Capacity [Divine]
Prerequisites: Automatic Metamagic Capacity, Epic Spellcasting, Spellcraft 40 ranks, casting ability score 40.
Benefit: You may apply your free levels of metamagic to Epic spells, affecting them just as if they were normal spells.

Epic Spell Mastery [Divine or Cosmic?]
Prerequisites: Epic Spellcasting, five metamagic feats, Spellcraft 40 (70?) ranks, Knowledge (arcana) 40 (70?) ranks, casting ability score 40 (70?)
Benefit: You can prepare or cast additional Epic spells by sacrificing normal spell slots. Each Epic spell prepared in this fashion takes up slots whose total levels are equal to its effective level (Spellcraft DC/10 + 7, round up).

For example, Bob the Cosmic Sorcerer is battling a ridiculously powerful lich, and knows he could defeat his enemy with an Ultimate Ruin spell (DC 130), but all of his Epic spell slots are already exhausted. This ability allows him to cast the spell by spending a total of 20 levels of non-Epic spell slots. These could be twenty 1st level slots, two 9th and one 2nd level slot, or any other combination that adds up to at least 20 levels.


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Destiny Portfolio
Aspects: Fate
Opposed Portfolio: Luck/Chance(?)
Examples: Ananke (Greek)
Favored Animal: Any animal considered by the native culture to be auspicious
Favored Class: Any
Favored Place: Anywhere an a single event has occured that affected hundreds if not thousands of people
Favored Sacrifice: Variable
Favored Time: Anniversary of legendary deeds
Favored Weapon: Any
Portfolio Trial: ???
Prerequisites: Cannot possess the Luck portfolio
Responsibilities: The immortal must promote the fufilment of destiny.
Symbol: ???
Typical Quote: "You do not have just one destiny, but many. It is up to you choose who you will become."

Destiny Domain
Granted Power: You gain the ability allows you to reroll one roll that you have just made before the game master declares whether the roll results in success or failure. You must take the result of the reroll, even if it’s worse than the original roll. This is an extraordinary ability.

Destiny Domain Spells
1. Destiny Dissonance: Your dissonant touch sickens a foe.
2. Augury: Learns whether an action will be good or bad.
3. Fate Link: You link the fates of two targets.
4. Bestow Curse: -6 to an ability score; -4 on attack rolls, saves, and checks; or 50% chance of losing each action.
5. Second Chance: Reroll one attack roll, saving throw, skill check, or ability check.
6. Geas/Quest: As lesser geas, plus it affects any creature.
7. Moment of Prescience: You gain insight bonus on single attack roll, check, or save.
8. Bestow Greater Curse: Reduce an ability score to 1; -8 on attack rolls, saves, and checks; or 75% chance of losing each action.
9. Master Destiny: As second chance except you can reroll one roll per round and keep the better of the two results

Elder One: ???
Old One: ???
First One: ???

Destiny Template (Single Portfolio)
Appearance: ??.

Demeanor: ???.

Spell-like Abilities (Disciple): As a standard action, you can use any chaos domain spell as a spell-like ability, provided the spell level is no greater than 1/2 the deity’s hit die (round fractions up).

The deity’s effective caster level is equal to the deity’s hit die + the deity’s divine rank. The saving throw DC for such abilities is 10 + the spell level + the deity’s Charisma bonus (if any) + the deity’s divine rank.

Destiny's Lament (Disciple) (Ex): You suffers a divine penalty on all die rolls equal to your divine rank when on a chaotic plane or an area consecrated to chaos.

Predestination (Disciple) (Ex): You cannot benefit from luck bonuses.

Serendipty (Prophet) (Su): You do not treat the roll of a “1” on a d20 as an automatic failure.

Destiny's Hand (Hero-deity) (Ex): Once per round you can add your divine rank as bonus to any die roll you make.

Lord of the Chosen (Quasi-deity) (Ex): Creatures you summon add your divine rank as a luck bonus to attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks.

Hand of Fate (Demi-deity) (Su): Creatures you summon add your divine rank as an insight bonus to attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks.

Gift of Fortune (Lesser Deity) (Su): You gain the Superior Divine [Effect] ability.

Greater Gift of Fortune (Intermediate Deity) (Su): You gain the Uncanny Divine Mastery divine ability.

Heart of Destiny (Greater Deity) (Su): ???.

Messiah of Fortune (Elder One) (Su): ???.

Rune of Destiny (Old One) (Su): You gain the Inner Eye Cosmic ability.

Destiny Portfolio (Double)
Mirror of Fate (Prophet) (Su): Foes within your divine do not treat the roll of a “20” as an automatic success.

Destiny’s Champion (Hero-deity) (Ex): Once per round you can add twice your divine rank as bonus to any die roll.

Prince of the Chosen (Quasi-deity) (Ex): Creatures you summon add twice your divine rank as an insight bonus to attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks.

Avatar of Fortune (Demi-deity) (Su): ???.

Aria of Fate (Lesser Deity) (Su): You gain the Superior Divine [Effect] ability. You are treated as if having twice as many hit die, when determining the power of this ability .

Crescendo of Destiny (Intermediate Deity) (Su): You gain the Uncanny Divine Mastery ability. You are treated as if having twice as many hit die, when determining the power of this ability.

Favored Soul (Greater Deity) (Ex): ???

Master of Destiny (Elder One) (Su): ???.

Weaver of Fate (Old One) (Su): ???.

Destiny Incarnate (First One) (Su): ???.
Designer Notes

1. About 80% finished. Need to fill mainly the demi-deity, greater deity, and sidereal abilities.
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First Post
Aspects: ???
Opposed Portfolio: Science?
Examples: Hypnos (Greek)
Favored Animal: Any animal associated by the native culture with dreams
Favored Class: Any
Favored Place: ???
Favored Sacrifice: Variable
Favored Time: Night
Favored Weapon: Any
Portfolio Trial: ???
Prerequisites: Must be able to dream
Responsibilities: The immortal must promote the fufilment of dreams and/or protect/nuture dreams.
Symbol: ???
Typical Quote: "Your dreams are a reality waiting to happen."

Dream Domain
Granted Power: Choose either Spell Focus (enchantment) or Spell Focus (illusion) as a bonus feat.

Dream Domain Spells
1. Slumber: You can put 1HD/caster level to sleep (max 5HD).
2. Phantasmal Construct: You can bring your dreams to life to fight for you.
3. Major Image: As silent image, plus sound, smell and thermal effects.
4. Phantasmal Killer: Fearsome illusion kills subject or deals 3d6 damage.
5. Dream: Sends message to anyone sleeping.
Nightmare: Sends vision dealing 1d10 damage, fatigue.
6. Modify Memory: Changes 5 minutes of subject’s memories.
7. Dream Travel: Travel to other places through dreams.
8. Bend Reality: Alters reality within power limits.
9. Microcosm: Creature or creature lives forevermore in world of his own imagination.

Elder One: ???
Old One: ???
First One: ???

Dream Template (Single Portfolio)
Appearance: ???.

Demeanor: These immortals often seem distracted, as if their attention was elsewhere.

Dream Spell-like Abilities (Disciple) (Sp): As a standard action, you can use any Dream domain spell as a spell-like ability, provided the spell level is no greater than 1/2 the deity’s hit die (round fractions up).

The deity’s effective caster level is equal to the deity’s hit die + the deity’s divine rank. The saving throw DC for such abilities is 10 + the spell level + the deity’s Charisma bonus (if any) + the deity’s divine rank.

Dream-bound (Disciple) (Ex): You suffer a penalty equal to your divine rank on all attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks if your have not slept for at least 1 hour per divine tier in the past 24 hours.

Fear the Dreamless (Disciple) (Ex): You suffer 50% extra damage from attacks by creatures that possess the mindless quality

Reverie (Prophet) (Su): Illusions and mind-altering effects are only 50% effective against you.

Scion of Dreams (Hero-deity) (Ex): You gain a competence bonus equal to your divine rank on attack rolls, saves, and armor class against any foe that has dreamed in the last 24 hours.

Children of Dream (Quasi-deity) (Ex): Creatures you summon ???.

Instrument of Dreams (Demi-deity) (Su): Immunities against your illusions and mind-affecting attacks are only 25% effective.

Gift of Nightmare (Lesser Deity) (Su): You gain the Superior Withering (Wisdom) [Effect] ability.

Greater Gift of Fortune (Intermediate Deity) (Su): You gain the Uncanny Withering (Wisdom) Mastery divine ability.

Heart of Dream (Greater Deity) (Ex): You gain a fast healing score equal half your hit dice/levels if there is a there is a sleeping creature with an Intelligence score within your divine aura.

Messiah of Dream (Elder One) (Su): You cannot be harmed, either willingly or unwillingly, by creatures of a lower divine status who have dreamed in the last 24 hours.

Cosmic Imperfection (Elder One) (Ex): One artifact in the universe can overcome your Cosmic String ability.

Rune of Dream (Old One) (Var): You gain the Divine Inspiration cosmic ability.

Dream Template (Double Portfolio)
Appearance: ???.

Demeanor: These immortals often seem distracted, as if their attention was elsewhere.

Dream Spell-like Abilities (Disciple) (Sp): You can use two Dream domain spells as spell-like abilities per round, one as standard action and one as a swift action.

Dream-bound (Disciple) (Ex): You suffer a penalty equal to twice your divine rank on all attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks if your have not slept for at least 1 hour per divine tier in the past 24 hours.

Fear the Dreamless (Disciple) (Ex): You suffer double damage from attacks by creatures that possess the mindless quality

??? (Prophet) (Su): You are immune to illusions and mind-altering effects.

Greater Scion of Dreams (Hero-deity) (Ex): You gain a competence bonus equal to your twice divine rank on attack rolls, saves, and armor class against any foe that has dreamed in the last 24 hours.

Children of Dream (Quasi-deity) (Ex): Creatures you summon ???.

Greater Instrument of Dreams (Demi-deity) (Su): Immunities against your illusions and mind-affecting attacks are only 50% effective.

Gift of Nightmare (Lesser Deity) (Su): You gain the Superior Withering (Wisdom) [Effect] ability. You are treated as if having twice as many hit die, when determining the power of this ability.

Greater Gift of Fortune (Intermediate Deity) (Su): You gain the Uncanny Withering (Wisdom) Mastery divine ability. You are treated as if having twice as many hit die, when determining the power of this ability.

Heart of Dream (Greater Deity) (Ex): You gain a fast healing score equal your hit dice/levels if there is a there is a sleeping creature with an Intelligence score within your divine aura.

Messiah of Dream (Elder One) (Su): ???.

Cosmic Imperfection (Elder One) (Ex): Two artifacts in the universe can overcome your Cosmic String ability.

Rune of Dream (Old One) (Var): ???.

Dreamer of All (First One): You gain the Cosmic Inspiration Transcedental ability.

Designer Notes

1. About 90% done.


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While thinking about some of the super-dragons I had a back-and-forth with UK about on the Bestiary thread, I came up with this new Transcendental effect. I based it off of the fact that the Atomic [Effect], which is Cosmic, essentially just combines 5 Divine [Effect]s into a single ability that uses all of them simultaneously. So, figuring the same principle should apply for higher tiers in the divine food chain, I present the:

Alpha [Effect] (originally named Big Bang [Effect] - thanks to Phantom Llama for the better name!)
Your effect causes brief periods of spacetime/quantum inflation.
Benefit: The effect causes a portion of the target to spontaneously undergo a process of extremely rapid growth and energy release at the sub-quantum level, which normally cannot occur anywhere except during a minuscule fraction of a nanosecond after the birth of a new universe. This rapid expansion uses some of the energy from the target- both its life energy and the energy held within the matter of its makeup- to fuel the expansion for the vanishingly brief time it takes to occur.

This has several effects: partial destruction of the target's body via annihilation of matter and gravitational distortion of mass, aging of the target due to exposure to rapidly expanding time within the zone of inflation, and loss of life energy represented by the removal of experience points and quintessence points.

e.g. An Old One (180 hit die) taking Alpha Beam would gain a ray attack dealing:
  • Gravity: The target loses 1d6% of its hit points.
  • Annihilation: The damage dealt by the Gravity effect is permanent. Permanent damage can only be healed by using a Limited Wish, Miracle, or Wish spell- a Limited Wish heals one point per casting, whereas a Miracle or Wish heals 1 point per caster level.
  • Aging: The target ages 11 years and 3 months.
  • Karmic: The target loses 45d1000 experience points.
  • Siphoning: The target loses 45d100 quintessence.

Special: This effect can be taken multiple times and its effects stack. Each time it is taken it either applies to a different effect (see pages 116-117 of Ascension), or it applies to the same effect as follows:

Taken twice = Greater Alpha [Effect], original effect doubled.
Taken three times = Superior Alpha [Effect], original effect tripled.
Taken four times = Perfect Alpha [Effect], original effect quadrupled.
Taken five times = Alpha Mastery, use any type of Alpha effect at the Perfect level.
Taken six times = Uncanny Alpha Mastery, use any type of Alpha effect at the Perfect level, and shape area effects to only affect those you wish to target.

I came up with this as I was brainstorming what sorts of breath weapons a new Nehaschimic Dragon should have, and recognized that the Nexus Dragon (the only available example of this "tier" of dragonkind) has a breath weapon clearly based on Astro [Effect], a Transcendental ability. None of the existing effects seemed appropriate to the dragons I was considering, so I decided to come up with my own. :) And the above is the result.
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