Custom divine abilities, portfolios, etc.


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I based it on Soul Stealer (or whatever that Cosmic is called that gets you 100% Power from things you kill).

Pssthpok, that is true, if you're using the soul object method of resonance. However, it's perfectly possible to just transfer quintessence directly from one creature to another, without an item acting as middleman, and that's what I designed the ability for.

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Hey dante dude! :)

dante58701 said:
Abomination Traits...cosmic or divine???

What would they fall under???

Individually they are probably comprised of divine (or sometimes weaker) abilities.

Collectively, probably Cosmic.

Might be a good idea for a power, although many of the traits would already be possessed by deities from within the divinity templates.


Perhaps a multi-tier divine ability with prerequisities???

On a bit of a sidenote...Kratos...what did he become by the end of GOWII.
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Hiya mate! :)

dante58701 said:
Perhaps a multi-tier divine ability with prerequisities???


dante58701 said:
On a bit of a sidenote...Kratos...what did he become by the end of GOWII.

I have only played the first level of that game and the start of the second level, so I don't know how it ends (and I don't want to know either, I still harbour the idea of playing through that game ina year or so when I have some free time.)

However, at the start of the second game Kratos loses his divinity and purportedly also goes back to level twenty one...?


It would seem then that losing divinity in that world tends to strip one of everything, including epic.


Desert Portfolio...Heavy on the sand...the partial one I posted earlier is a good start.

Dream Portfolio...Mercucio's is a good start but it needs some clean up.

I think Dream and Nightmare should be separate portfolios though.

I could do these myself, but some brainstorming might be insightful.
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I'm trying to come up with a Boundaries/Dualities/Opposites/Concordance (Life and Death, Day and Night, Existence and Nonexistence, Reality and Fiction/Fantasy, Good and Evil, Law and Chaos, Male and Female, Light and Dark, etc.) portfolio, based on characters such as In-Betweener from the Marvel universe and Yukari Yakumo from Touhou. Basically, an extremely versatile (but master of none) portfolio that revolves around the concept of blending the borders between cosmic dual opposites or even flipping them around outright. Still working on getting it together and balancing it though.

Additionally, it's hard to think of an opposite to this portfolio, seeing as how having an opposite to a portfolio of dualities itself is quite paradoxical and ironic. Any suggestions?
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I still vote for ridding Ascension of the "NO OPPOSED PORTFOLIOS!!!" rule. It really puts a damper on picking portfolios. So do those required appearance and demeanor attributes. I hate it when characters are forced to look and act a certain way. Plus, not all gods of certain portfolios in history fit the stereotypes imposed by marvel comics.

Really my only other complaint though is the Science portfolio. It needs some serious revisions if it is going to be connected to psionics at all. As it stands the Science portfolio actually prevents the majority of your powers from working when you become a First One.

YAY!!! Ive just become a First One and now my own magic doesn't work!!! Not to mention it uses spells that aren't in any of the books. The whole Science portfolio is a shambles.
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