Custom divine abilities, portfolios, etc.


Forge Khaos Coin
Khaos can create Khaos Coins.
Prerequisite: You must be Khaos (only Khaos can forge Khaos Coins), 1 Mithril Piece worth of spent Mithril [projectile]s from Khaos's [magazine]s per Khaos Coin
Benefit: Khaos can forge Khaos Coins [Minor Artifact] (no experience, gold piece, or quintessence cost, nor other requirements - except, 1 Mithril Piece worth of spent Mithril [projectile]s from Khaos's [magazine]s per Khaos Coin and a Craft (blacksmithing) skill check vs. DC 10). Khaos can forge any number of Khaos Coins. Caster Level 36th. The save DC's are Charisma-based.
Special: Khaos Coins cannot be used against Khaos, even unintentionally.

Khaos Coin [Minor Artifact]
Description: At first glance, this pure mithril coin bears Khaos's bemused face and “Khaos smiles upon you!!!” on one side and a highly detailed artistic relief, involving arsenals, battlefields, Khaos, surreality, and women, and “All is fair in love and war!!!” on the other. Upon closer inspection it is revealed that all the figures in the artistic relief are in the midst of various activities, involving acts of aggression, lovemaking, or both. Even further inspection reveals the figures to be beckoning to you, and for a moment you can almost hear their voices amidst the sounds of battle and amorous passion.
Powers: A Khaos Coin is activated by tossing, whichever side it lands on determines the effect, either [Khaos's bemused face and “Khaos smiles upon you!!!”] - wish, as per the effects of the wish spell (limit 1/year, supernatural effect - save DC 50, no spell resistance) or [artistic relief - “All is fair in love and war!!!”] - serve Khaos for one year, as per the effects of a maximized geas/quest spell (limit 1/per year, supernatural effect - no spell resistance).
Special: Khaos Coins cannot be used against Khaos, even unintentionally.

Save DC's are included for the sake of the wish. Geas/Quest allows no saves.
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Hey guys! :)

Some cool stuff.

Like those portfolios mercucio. The destiny symbol could be a snake biting its own tail (ouroboros). Aspects of the Dream portfolio could be sleep.

I like Alpha effect although I would probably chose a different name for such an effect. Alpha implies creation not merely power. I don't think it has anything to do with the Big Bang either - but nomenclature aside - nice work. ;)

I don't know if I would bother with a feat/ability to Forge Khaos Coin dante. I fail to see why its different from other miscellaneous items?


Just an idea for customizing abilities.

Side non-divine beings get a natural armor bonus equal to 1/4 their Hit Dice/Levels?

Hey guys! :)

WarDragon said:
No. If it were standard, why would it be in the template? Or did you mean as a monster rule of thumb?

Actually, if it were me, I would say yes.

This accounts for the thick skin of a giant for instance.

So +1/4 Natural Armour per Hit Dice (for normal skin) is something I would go along with.

However, I probably wouldn't want it to stack with the AC bonus from size (+2 Large, +5 Huge, +9 Gargantuan etc.)

...and of course this is for natural hit dice - not levels.


First Post
New Cosmic Ability? Or Transcendent? I'm thinking Cosmic...

Benefit: The deity becomes harmonized to another deity of equal or lesser rank, even if without logical unification and despite any critical examination of the effect. The syncretizing deity thereafter gains 10% of any quintessence (gained through Glory or Power) that normally goes to the 'target' deity. This doesn't affect the quintessence of the target deity, but it does open a new channel of quintessence for the syncretizing deity, allowing them to benefit from the Glory and Power of the target deity, for no other reason than the fact that the syncretizing deity's worshippers attribute the target deity's actions as misappropriated actions of their own god.
e.g. Ogoun, a god of war from the Voodoun Pantheon, has been syncretized with Saint Peter; he thus gains 10% of any Glory or Power that Saint Peter gains.


First Post
Author of Divinity [Cosmic ability]
You can imbue lesser creatures with godhood at a whim.
Prerequisite: Cha 70
Benefit: Your granting of Resonance is 100% efficient. In other words, when you transfer quintessence to another creature, the subject gains the full amount of quintessence you sacrifice, rather than 10%.


First Post
WarDragon said:
Author of Divinity [Cosmic ability]
You can imbue lesser creatures with godhood at a whim.
Prerequisite: Cha 70
Benefit: Your granting of Resonance is 100% efficient. In other words, when you transfer quintessence to another creature, the subject gains the full amount of quintessence you sacrifice, rather than 10%.
Interesting implications here. How'd you figure it's a Cosmic ability?

My first thought here is that this implies the existence of a Divine ability that helps Resonance without making it perfect- say,

Divine Progenitor (Divine ability)
You can imbue lesser creatures with divinity more easily than most immortals.
Prerequisites: CHA 40
Benefit: Your granting of Resonance is 10% more efficient than normal. For example, a deity that has taken this ability twice allows the subject of a Quintessence transfer to gain 30% of the amount sacrificed, rather than 10%.
Special: This ability may be gained multiple times, and stacks with itself.

Might this be something that the "parents" of a pantheon often have? That is to say, those who purportedly give birth to the other deities in the group in the "beginning times" of the mythology? A pantheon which has it written into the myths that mortals can ascend might also have a deity whose specific purpose is to watch candidates for immortality and make sure that only the worthy ascend, and such a deity would very likely have this ability or something like it.


First Post
Also, consider that the resonance transfer is only 1% efficient: 10% of what you have can be imbued in an object, and only 10% of that is granted to the user.
I'd suggest the following options:

A higher transfer maximum; i.e. you can imbue more than 10% of your QP into an object.
A higher return rate for the user.

If you wanted to make 100% return a Cosmic, I'd suggest a +15%/divine ability bonus. (.15 x 6 = .9)

So if a deity who made soul objects took the transfer SDA three times, their sould objects could hold up to 55% of their total QP.

If someone took the return SDA three times (+45%) any soul objects they used would confer 45% of the QP imbued.

I think the maker of a soul object could only put more QP into one, but the user of the soul object would have to have the SDAs to make more use of these objects. Keep in mind, that if Deity A has Transfer x3 (for 55%) and thus imbues, say... 55,000 QP into an object, Deity B (with no Return SDAs) still gets 5,500 of that. If Deity C has Return x2 (for 40% return), he'd get 22,000 QP rather than the regular 10%.
Likewise, a deity with Transfer x6 who puts 100% of his QP into an object (for whatever reason) and gives that object to someone with Return x6, they'd effectively replace the former deity by virtue of gaining all their QP.

Voidrunner's Codex

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