Custom divine abilities, portfolios, etc.


Here's an idea that I've had floating around in my head for the past few days!


Touched by something darker, darker, yet darker, you begin to see past the flimsy walls holding your foes together.

Prerequsites: This ability cannot be taken by leveling up, and can only be granted by a chance encounter with a certain man...

Benefits: You gain immunity to psychic damage and mind-affecting spells that are cast by creatures with less HD than you, and you know the amount of Hit Points that any creatures that you can see.

What do you guys think?
Interesting idea but some questions:
  • What its psychic damage? In 5e it exist but in 3.0/3.5/PF1 it does not. Initially I thought it was a 5e ability but then I saw mind-affecting descriptor and realized it wasn't.
  • I will say that see the hit points its a divination effect block by mind blank.
For the rest I have no particular problems with having it divine.

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This was more of a concept for theoretically statting out Jevil from Deltarune. By psychic damage, I intended that anyone that was granted this feat would have immunity to direct damage from Psionic/mind-affecting abilities from creatures or effects weaker than you, due to being driven insane by the truths of the universe, given by the man in question. For the hit point vision, as I see it, it wouldn't be divination, but instead it would be undispellable, but only by creatures that are on par or weaker than you. This feat is more intended to represent the insanity of a Shadow Crystal holder from their run-ins with a unimaginably powerful aberration-type entity, rather than being a player character ability. I might do one for Spamton tonight!



The End of the Story (Su) [Transcendental]

Your transcendental power of destruction can change history itself.
Benefit: When you kill a creature or destroy an object, it is completely erased from reality, including the past. The creature (object will no longer be written for simplicity) must be definitively killed for this ability to activate (cosmic string overcome, killed on the plane in which its divine realm is present, rejuvenation or Transmortality denied, etc.)
Creatures with a status (First One, Demiurge Stage I, etc) equal or higher than yours are immune to this ability.
You and all creatures with the Slipstream Cosmic Ability or time subtype remember the creature and the "story" as it was.
A creature deleted counts as never born (resulting in the story changing: descendants never born, battles not fought, objects not created, enemies not defeated, allies not helped, and any other iteration for that matter; creatures with a status equal or higher than yours or with the Transmortality ability cannot be canceled with this cascade effect but Slipstream offer no protection), his body is erased and he's forgotten.
The Slipstream Cosmic Ability offers no protection against deletion with this ability.
A creature that remember the deleted creature and uses a wish spell that succeeds in making a caster level check against a DC of 10 + your HD + your DR + any modifier that increases the DC (such as [X] Spirit) restores the soul of the creature (but it does not automatically bring him back to life, which then requires recreating the body and bringing he back to life) and all the "history" that had been altered with his cancellation is brought back to the "right tracks" with however creatures with Slipstream or the time subtype that remember how it changed (a creature without Slipstream or the time subtype doesn't notice the creature disappearing or reappearing, not being sensitive enough to changes in the time stream).
You can choose to not activate this ability when you slay a creature or destroy an object.

This replace for my campaign Astro and Rectify.
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The End of the Story (Su) [Transcendental]

Your transcendental power of destruction can change history itself.
Benefit: When you kill a creature or destroy an object, it is completely erased from reality, including the past. The creature (object will no longer be written for simplicity) must be definitively killed for this ability to activate (cosmic string overcome, killed on the plane in which its divine realm is present, rejuvenation or Transmortality denied, etc.)
Creatures with a status (First One, Demiurge Stage I, etc) equal or higher than yours are immune to this ability.
You and all creatures with the Slipstream Cosmic Ability or time subtype remember the creature and the "story" as it was.
A creature deleted counts as never born (resulting in the story changing: descendants never born, battles not fought, objects not created, enemies not defeated, allies not helped, and any other iteration for that matter; creatures with a status equal or higher than yours or with the Transmortality ability cannot be canceled with this cascade effect but Slipstream offer no protection), his body is erased and he's forgotten.
The Slipstream Cosmic Ability offers no protection against deletion with this ability.
A creature that remember the deleted creature and uses a wish spell that succeeds in making a caster level check against a DC of 10 + your HD + your DR + any modifier that increases the DC (such as [X] Spirit) restores the soul of the creature (but it does not automatically bring him back to life, which then requires recreating the body and bringing he back to life) and all the "history" that had been altered with his cancellation is brought back to the "right tracks" with however creatures with Slipstream or the time subtype that remember how it changed (a creature without Slipstream or the time subtype doesn't notice the creature disappearing or reappearing, not being sensitive enough to changes in the time stream).
You can choose to not activate this ability when you slay a creature or destroy an object.

This replace for my campaign Astro and Rectify.
I like the concept but this seems like too much of a pain in the ass to implement tbh. If someone uses this it utterly rewrites the whole campaign? Idk. Seems needlessly labor intensive for the DM

The End of the Story (Su) [Transcendental]

Your transcendental power of destruction can change history itself.
Benefit: When you kill a creature or destroy an object, it is completely erased from reality, including the past. The creature (object will no longer be written for simplicity) must be definitively killed for this ability to activate (cosmic string overcome, killed on the plane in which its divine realm is present, rejuvenation or Transmortality denied, etc.)
Creatures with a status (First One, Demiurge Stage I, etc) equal or higher than yours are immune to this ability.
You and all creatures with the Slipstream Cosmic Ability or time subtype remember the creature and the "story" as it was.
A creature deleted counts as never born (resulting in the story changing: descendants never born, battles not fought, objects not created, enemies not defeated, allies not helped, and any other iteration for that matter; creatures with a status equal or higher than yours or with the Transmortality ability cannot be canceled with this cascade effect but Slipstream offer no protection), his body is erased and he's forgotten.
The Slipstream Cosmic Ability offers no protection against deletion with this ability.
A creature that remember the deleted creature and uses a wish spell that succeeds in making a caster level check against a DC of 10 + your HD + your DR + any modifier that increases the DC (such as [X] Spirit) restores the soul of the creature (but it does not automatically bring him back to life, which then requires recreating the body and bringing he back to life) and all the "history" that had been altered with his cancellation is brought back to the "right tracks" with however creatures with Slipstream or the time subtype that remember how it changed (a creature without Slipstream or the time subtype doesn't notice the creature disappearing or reappearing, not being sensitive enough to changes in the time stream).
You can choose to not activate this ability when you slay a creature or destroy an object.

This replace for my campaign Astro and Rectify.
I like this. It's basically a campaign reset button.


I like the concept but this seems like too much of a pain in the ass to implement tbh. If someone uses this it utterly rewrites the whole campaign? Idk. Seems needlessly labor intensive for the DM
it is like this because it was born from some needs:
- the first is the replacement of Astro and Rectify: totally broken because they don't give ST and too few explanations in the effect for something so powerful (like how do you recover one that has been deleted?).
-the second is that I'm building Surtr from Fate GO as Anomaly. It is a "deviated" version of the standard Surtr in which instead of simply burning the Nine Worlds and Yggdrasil to then make room for a new world, it consumed Fenrir, Loki and the other malevolent gods of Ragnarok to increase its power and sought to burn the entire creation permanently, leaving nothing for the future, but was sealed before completely succeeding at the cost of the lives of all the gods besides Skadi (hence my question about the hp of the universe
-from there I then went on to build End of Time Portfolio to which I gave The End of The Story as a capstone for the Double Portfolio of the First One. The portfolio has extremely stringent prerequisites that a creature that is not unique or a Demiurge or greater is unlikely to meet.
Portfolio Trial: You must destroy something vital to society
Prerequisites: You must have destroyed a Dimension or higher (equivalent to the Prime Material Plane, Outer Planes, etc.) or be destined to doing so (like Surtur is destined to destroy the world in the Ragnarök, and Apophis is destined to one day to devour Ra and return the world to the Primeval Chaos). A Demiurge or other creatures capable of changing their Portfolio (like with the Intrinsic Transcendental Ability) must respect this prerequisite or they cannot select it.
-The End of The Story should have an insanely stringent prerequisite for the others but I couldn't think of any that satisfied me.


Here's one I'm not sure about:

Size Adaptation: Divine (ex):
Prerequisites: Gargantuan size or bigger
Benefit: You no longer take a size penalty to armor class and attack rolls.

Here's one I'm not sure about:

Size Adaptation: Divine (ex):
Prerequisites: Gargantuan size or bigger
Benefit: You no longer take a size penalty to armor class and attack rolls.
That's unfortunately very overpowered. Not at smaller size categories like gargantuan but at higher levels it becomes entirely unstable. You, essentially, would get pure positives and no negatives. The wheels fall off very quickly.

it is like this because it was born from some needs:
- the first is the replacement of Astro and Rectify: totally broken because they don't give ST and too few explanations in the effect for something so powerful (like how do you recover one that has been deleted?).
I simply just allow a saving throw for those abilities, otherwise they're entirely OP even for Omnific/Transcendent. Any will acting upon another will should allow a save of some sort, otherwise it's just straight bullshiit.
-the second is that I'm building Surtr from Fate GO as Anomaly. It is a "deviated" version of the standard Surtr in which instead of simply burning the Nine Worlds and Yggdrasil to then make room for a new world, it consumed Fenrir, Loki and the other malevolent gods of Ragnarok to increase its power and sought to burn the entire creation permanently, leaving nothing for the future, but was sealed before completely succeeding at the cost of the lives of all the gods besides Skadi (hence my question about the hp of the universe
Alright, I'm unfamiliar with FateGO sadly.
-from there I then went on to build End of Time Portfolio to which I gave The End of The Story as a capstone for the Double Portfolio of the First One. The portfolio has extremely stringent prerequisites that a creature that is not unique or a Demiurge or greater is unlikely to meet.
I see
Portfolio Trial: You must destroy something vital to society
Prerequisites: You must have destroyed a Dimension or higher (equivalent to the Prime Material Plane, Outer Planes, etc.) or be destined to doing so (like Surtur is destined to destroy the world in the Ragnarök, and Apophis is destined to one day to devour Ra and return the world to the Primeval Chaos). A Demiurge or other creatures capable of changing their Portfolio (like with the Intrinsic Transcendental Ability) must respect this prerequisite or they cannot select it.
honestly that prerequisite doesn't seem that hard tbh given that all Sidereals and Demiurges are planar layers and dimensions incarnate crucial to the continued existence of reality if you go by IH rules or at least like as written, but I get where you're coming from.
-The End of The Story should have an insanely stringent prerequisite for the others but I couldn't think of any that satisfied me.
Yeah I could see that. Hmmm. I like the idea, but I think that one could get just as out of hand as Akashic Effect, Astro Effect and Rectify. My personal option would be to simply use the powers as written in the books but alter them as needed to maintain campaign integrity if that makes sense. Add a saving throw, allow things like Transilient Will or Fortitude to work against the saves, limit Recitfy, Astro, etc to make them still work as written but more limited so they're not just cheese.


What if I made if I made it higher tier? I guess part of why I made it is it never made sense to me that you got a penalty to attack rolls for being big. If anything, you'd think it would be the other way around, since if the body part they are attacking with is bigger it would be harder to dodge.

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