D&D and the rising pandemic

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From 4 years ago. Too bad the conspiracy nuts dismissed him as someone who was trying to start a pandemic, and too bad many others dismissed him as just some computer nerd who didn't know what he was talking about.



From 4 years ago. Too bad the conspiracy nuts dismissed him as someone who was trying to start a pandemic, and too bad many others dismissed him as just some computer nerd who didn't know what he was talking about.

The really scary thing is that this is relatively mild pandemic. Imagine if SARS had been as easily transmitted or if we had just buried our heads in the sand back then as well.

Which is not to minimize the current risk particularly with the apparent spread before symptoms become evident.


The really scary thing is that this is relatively mild pandemic. Imagine if SARS had been as easily transmitted or if we had just buried our heads in the sand back then as well.

Which is not to minimize the current risk particularly with the apparent spread before symptoms become evident.
Yeah I really think it's worth considering, without minimizing how much of a threat this pandemic is, that our collective lack of preparation for events of this kind could be far, far deadlier. We aren't getting away easy, but as with most things, it could also be much worse, and may be some day.

This feels like the sort of event that catalyzes a real shift in outlook and preparation for an entire generation, but then we are also famously bad at giving a single topic our collective attention for longer than a few news cycles after the crap is actively hitting the fan, so we'll have to see.


Yeah I really think it's worth considering, without minimizing how much of a threat this pandemic is, that our collective lack of preparation for events of this kind could be far, far deadlier. We aren't getting away easy, but as with most things, it could also be much worse, and may be some day.

This feels like the sort of event that catalyzes a real shift in outlook and preparation for an entire generation, but then we are also famously bad at giving a single topic our collective attention for longer than a few news cycles after the crap is actively hitting the fan, so we'll have to see.

Hope springs eternal that people will listen this time. But people have short term memories and if the precautions we're taking now actually help they'll be "See! It wasn't that bad!"

For better or worse people are generally very bad at risk analysis.

Hopefully I'm wrong and we take this kind of risk seriously. This time.


Hope springs eternal that people will listen this time. But people have short term memories and if the precautions we're taking now actually help they'll be "See! It wasn't that bad!"

For better or worse people are generally very bad at risk analysis.

Hopefully I'm wrong and we take this kind of risk seriously. This time.

People will just want to go back to business as usual.

Same reason people live near active volcanoes.


Staff member
From 4 years ago. Too bad the conspiracy nuts dismissed him as someone who was trying to start a pandemic, and too bad many others dismissed him as just some computer nerd who didn't know what he was talking about.

Yeah, can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard “Nobody could have predicted this!”

Except...MOST medical professionals knowledgeable in this area been predicting it for years. My Dad & I discuss this annually, almost. And Dr. Fauci was testifying in DC in 2018 about how a flu or flu-like contagion was the thing he feared most in terms of possible pandemics.

While other diseases have higher mortality rates or are more infectious, their outbreaks tend to burn out more quickly as victims start dying before passing it along and the community around them tends to keep a distance, further limiting possibility of spreading the disease. Most also don’t seem to last long outside of living hosts.

Flus and similar ailments, OTOH, typically don’t kill quickly enough or in percentages high enough to really scare people, so the odds of being exposed to an ill person go way up.


Staff member
Hope springs eternal that people will listen this time. But people have short term memories and if the precautions we're taking now actually help they'll be "See! It wasn't that bad!"

For better or worse people are generally very bad at risk analysis.

Hopefully I'm wrong and we take this kind of risk seriously. This time.
I share your hope, but after reading about Coronavirus Truthers...

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