I use World of Greyhawk as my default FRPG setting. When I say that, what I mean is that I use the maps, and hence the place names and geography on them. Sometimes I also use some of the setting backstory - eg some of the gods and religions, some of the history, etc. But I also have my own views about some things, worked out decades ago in one of my long-running Rolemaster campaigns (set in GH). And I don't regard consistency across campaigns as especially important - eg I've run an AD&D campaign where the Keep on the Borderlands was in the north of the Shield Lands, and more recently a Burning Wheel campaign where the Keep was east of Hardby.
I'm currently using the Moathouse from T1, but it is located in the Troll Fens, and Nulb is on the edge of the Fens, and Hommlet is not a thing at all. And the associated Temple is a (Torchbearer) Forgotten Temple Complex, with various elemental cults only one of which is obviously evil (the Void Cult associated with earth and air).
Because I have used different systems for FRPGing over the years, there are also changes to various setting elements in my GH - eg my RM game had no Halflings (I don't like them in RM), but my current Torchbearer game includes them at least by implication, given that Halflings are a core PC build option. Another eg: in my AD&D game, magic-users worked AD&D-style; in Rolemaster they used power points and spell lists; in Burning Wheel their are individual spells rather than spell lists, but no power points (rather, magic is limited by Tax, a type of endurance mechanic); in Torchbearer they are very close to AD&D.
I see canon as a source of ideas, tropes, themes etc, but not something to actually care about or be bound by.