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D&D Dungeon Master’s Guide (2024)

D&D (2024) D&D Dungeon Master’s Guide (2024)

I was specifically referring to people playing by the same rules. The person I responded to seemed to suggest you could use different variant rules for different PCs to mollify players with different preferences. That would be a nightmare.
If a DM can handle the differences between high level wizards and Fighters, then variant rules shouldn't pose an unsolvable issue??

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Or two characters using different Rest rules? Um, no. I can't believe people think this is a viable idea. It's one of the sillier things I have read here, to be honest.
5E already has classes operating on different rest parameters. Fighters are short rest and Wizards are long rest.


I really hope the DMG offers alternative alignment systems.
  1. MTG Alignment
    1. White
    2. Blue
    3. Black
    4. Red
    5. Green
  2. Tradition Alignment
    1. Paragon
    2. Traditionalist
    3. Neutral
    4. Rebel
    5. Iconoclast
  3. Masquerade Alignment
    1. Secret
    2. Neutral
    3. Open
  4. Wrestling Alignment
    1. Face
    2. Tweener
    3. Heal
And how to use alignment and their alternatives in meaningful ways during campaign


There have always been rules that are player facing, and those not player facing. It was the same in the 2014 book, but...not well organized in one place. This is a huge improvement as a reference resource, just conceptually.
Why do you suspect the DMs Guide will lack variant rules, and the rules necessary to play the game will be split into two separate books?

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