D&D General D&D Making Of Book Coming June 2024

Coming next summer! Update--WotC has taken down the promo image and replaced it with one without a release date. See more here.


Coming next summer!

Update--WotC has taken down the promo image and replaced it with one without a release date. See more here.

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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
I wonder if this is how they will reprint past editions of rules. Each book a making of that particular edition. That would be cool.
It doesn't seem like a realistic format once one moves on from OD&D and BD&D. Even just the core three books for 3E, for instance, would be enormous as a single volume, even before any commentary is added.

I suspect this is a one and done thing for the 50th anniversary.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
None of the adventure material announced so far excites me -- it just doesn't fit into what I'm into right now, although it certainly seems like it'll be great for those who are into planar shenanigans -- so this and the core books may be my only WotC purchases in 2024. That'll provide plenty to pore over next year, though.

It doesn't seem like a realistic format once one moves on from OD&D and BD&D. Even just the core three books for 3E, for instance, would be enormous as a single volume, even before any commentary is added.

I suspect this is a one and done thing for the 50th anniversary.
That's a good point. I didn't even consider later editions size of content. You are very correct it wouldn't be realistic.


I crit!
WotC pulls release dated images shared during PAX Unplugged.

Wizards of the coast has pulled all social media they are in charge of that shared images with release dates. Weather that means the release dates were wrong or just not supposed to be shared is unclear.


I wonder if this is how they will reprint past editions of rules. Each book a making of that particular edition. That would be cool.
That would be a really cool idea, even if I doubt they'd do it.

I'd love a big 'Director's Cut' edition of 3e; bring back Johnathan Tweet, Skip Williams, and Monte Cooke to discuss the behind-the-scenes stories and the rationale behind some of the rules. Even the much maligned 4th edition--I'm not interested in playing it, but I'd devour a good post-mortem with all the people involved. Alas, staring at all the names just reminds me how hard this would be to pull off.

Voidrunner's Codex

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