D&D General D&D Making Of Book Coming June 2024

Coming next summer! Update--WotC has taken down the promo image and replaced it with one without a release date. See more here.


Coming next summer!

Update--WotC has taken down the promo image and replaced it with one without a release date. See more here.

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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
That would be a really cool idea, even if I doubt they'd do it.

I'd love a big 'Director's Cut' edition of 3e; bring back Johnathan Tweet, Skip Williams, and Monte Cooke to discuss the behind-the-scenes stories and the rationale behind some of the rules. Even the much maligned 4th edition--I'm not interested in playing it, but I'd devour a good post-mortem with all the people involved. Alas, staring at all the names just reminds me how hard this would be to pull off.
A lot of the 3E rationale was in the last (I think) 3E book, the Rules Compendium, which explained not only all of the rules in 3E/3.5 in alphabetical (!) order, but also had sidebars about why the rules were the way they were, what happens if you change them, etc. Unfortunately, I think most people were exhausted by 3E by the time that came I out -- I certainly was -- so I don't know how many copies of it are floating around.

Ah, it's available digitally: https://www.dmsguild.com/product/54392/Rules-Compendium-35

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A lot of the 3E rationale was in the last (I think) 3E book, the Rules Compendium, which explained not only all of the rules in 3E/3.5 in alphabetical (!) order, but also had sidebars about why the rules were the way they were, what happens if you change them, etc. Unfortunately, I think most people were exhausted by 3E by the time that came I out -- I certainly was -- so I don't know how many copies of it are floating around.

Ah, it's available digitally: https://www.dmsguild.com/product/54392/Rules-Compendium-35

About the Product Historian
History and commentary of this product was written by Kevin Kulp, game designer and admin of the independent D&D fansite ENWorld.
Oh @Piratecat ...


Book-Friend, he/him
So, this book is 500+ pages long: which seems a little long for just the little white box, even with all that extra commentsry: lookkng into it, the full page count of every single published OD&D supplement plus Chainmail would still leave room for several hundred pages of other documents and commentary: could this book be a complete set or the entirety of OD&D?


Shirokinukatsukami fan
So, this book is 500+ pages long: which seems a little long for just the little white box, even with all that extra commentsry: lookkng into it, the full page count of every single published OD&D supplement plus Chainmail would still leave room for several hundred pages of other documents and commentary: could this book be a complete set or the entirety of OD&D?
If you include both Chainmail and Swords & Spells that's a total of 498 pages:
  • Chainmail: Rules for Medieval Miniatures, 62 pages
  • Dungeons & Dragons 3-Volume Set, 132 pages
  • Supplement I: Greyhawk, 68 pages
  • Supplement II: Blackmoor, 60 pages
  • Supplement III: Eldritch Wizardry, 60 pages
  • Supplement IV: Gods, Demigods, Heroes, 68 pages
  • Swords & Spells, 48 pages
However, judging from the wooden box reprint, WotC doesn't view either Swords & Spells or Chainmail as part of the core OD&D set, so I don't think those will be included even if the rest are.

bedir than

Full Moon Storyteller
The photo on the first page shows two pages of Chainmail, so at least some of that will be included.

Myself, I'd love if it was all commentary/addenda/ephemera/letters instead of reprinting the originals.
You're getting your wish. That's the product that was revealed.

There's some wish casting by others going in here that's separated from the statements made.


The EN World kitten
That would be a really cool idea, even if I doubt they'd do it.

I'd love a big 'Director's Cut' edition of 3e; bring back Johnathan Tweet, Skip Williams, and Monte Cooke to discuss the behind-the-scenes stories and the rationale behind some of the rules. Even the much maligned 4th edition--I'm not interested in playing it, but I'd devour a good post-mortem with all the people involved. Alas, staring at all the names just reminds me how hard this would be to pull off.
Basically those "behind the curtain" sidebars writ large, on other words? Because that'd be very cool!

Voidrunner's Codex

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Voidrunner's Codex

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