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D&D weekenders | Kore | dead thread

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assassination said:
domains are what a cleric is most stong in. like Strength domain, war domain, sun domain, law domain, plant domain, healing domain. each domain gives the cleric extra spell other than her spells know. so the healing domain would alow her to have (Cure light, modereatr, serious, critical, healing circle). these spell she has plus the other spells that she pick.

so a level 3 cleric with 18 wis will get 4/3/2 spells per day plus she would have 4 extra per level because of the 18 wisdom. the domain (i think) give her the extra spells that are listed below the certian domain.

OK. Thanks assassination.

Sam. Select your alignment and domain. Post a brief abstract of the domain as well as a description of the beliefs/ideas/commandments you wish to uphold. You can base it upon a PHB deity if you wish. Let me know the name of the deity if you do so.

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Heh, let me clarify. When you pick a cleric, you pick a deity you worship. Each deity has a list of domains (about 3-5 for PHB deities) of which you must pick 2. Each domain grants a special ability and has a list of 9 spells (1 per level from level 1 to 9). You reiceve the special abilities from both domains.

In the spell progression table for the cleric all spell entries except the level 0 ones have a +1 behind them. This +1 represents the domain spell. When you memorize spells, you fill the regular spell slots with spells from the cleric spell list and the domain spell slots with spells from the spell lists that come with the domains you picked. You cannot memorize domain spells in your regular spells slots or vice versa, unless the spell appears both on your domain list and your spell list.

A high wisdom grants a cleric extra spells. For each spell level except 0th, you receive a bonus spell if your wisdom modifier equals or is higher than that spell level, and another bonus spell for each 4 points beyond that. So if you have a wisdom of 20, you have a modifier of +5. So you receive a bonus spell for levels 1-5 and a 2nd bonus spell for level 1 (+5 is at least 4 higher than +1). You do not get bonus spells for levels that you cannot cast yet.

A normal 3rd level cleric has these spells per day: 4/2+1/1+1
A 3rd level cleric with a wisdom of 20 has these: 4/4+1/2+1

So he gets to pick 4 0th, 4 1st and 2 2nd level spells from the cleric spell list. In addition he picks either the 1st level war or the 1st level protection as well as the 2nd level war or the 2nd level protection spell.

You never get 0th level domain or bonus spells. Domain spells cannot be cast spontaneous.


Wow. Thanks Thels.

Sam. You can select two domains. The rest stands as is. We can organise the particulars of your deity once I have seen what you are looking for. I am not sure how the pantheon is going work yet. Your choices will help direct my thinking.

BTW: if you have a complete list of the basic domains, could you add it to your post at the end.


Bulletin 2

| geography |

Karatsu is located some 50 miles as the crow flies northeast of Castle Oe. Although located on the north western tip of the island, it is of limited strategic value. High hills and mountains effectively circle the town to the south and east. The major trade routes run to the southeast of these. During winter, there are only a couple of ways into the district that are always open. The many small islands that lie off the coast around the town make the approach to the harbour quite difficult for larger vessels in anything other than clear conditions. The harbour at Oe is a far safer and more popular destination.

The plains surrounding the town are quite small, raising into low hills just miles from the town. The villages of the district are scattered in and amoung the maze of hills and valleys that make up most of the district. Forests cover a lot of the land.

| industry |

The principle activities of the area are farming, fishing, timber and ceramics.

| others |

One of the original 17 tribes of Orks settled in the mountains in the southeast of Karatsu. Ogres and a few giants are known to have lived in the district, however, little is known of their activities over the last few decades. There has never been a great deal of communication between the lands of Karatsu and Oe. There has been even less since House Sase took control of the district.


Character Generation

| level |

Level 3.

| stats |

Best three results of 4d6. If you have nothing over 15, reroll the lowest stat till it is over 15.

| a question |

The man-at-arms concept has both advantages and disadvantages. It would also be possible to run the party as a fairly standard "party of adventurers". So, when posting initial character concepts and details, please indicate your preference for party type: man-at-arms or adventurers or either. I'll go with the majority.

| race and class |

Assuming the "man-at-arms" party, then see Bulletin one above.

Assuming the "adventurer" party, then potentially all basic combinations are possible, subject to approval. However, elves, dwarves and halflings will be something of a rarity in this setting so may suffer from a little local prejudice.

| money |

900 GP starting buy. No single item worth more than 400GP. This is a little on the low side, but Kore is not as rich kingdom, and moderation is seen as a virtue.
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First Post
If we're going with the men-at-arms idea, and we're the mounted brigade, would we pay for the horse, or would that be supplied?


First Post
doghead said:
Sam. You can select two domains. The rest stands as is. We can organise the particulars of your deity once I have seen what you are looking for. I am not sure how the pantheon is going work yet. Your choices will help direct my thinking.

BTW: if you have a complete list of the basic domains, could you add it to your post at the end.

I was basing my character as a cleric of Hieroneous. His domains are War (provides martial weapon proficiency in deity's favored weapon [in this case, longsword] and gives weapon focus for same weapon), Good (Cast "Good" spells at +1 caster level), and Law (Cast "Law" spells at +1 caster level). I was going to select War & Good, but if you are creating your own pantheon (with player input) and could choose two domains, I would choose War & Strength (you can perform a feat of strenght as a supernatural ability. You gain an enhancement bonus to strenght equal to your cleric level. Activating the power is a free action, the power lasts 1 round and is usable once per day). I will post the spell lists for the domains if this is acceptable.

I should also have my character posted by tomorrow.

Here's a link to the Spells portion of the SRD that Reveal has PDFd. He's done a real great job on this! The domains start on page 21 of the PDF. SRD Spells PDF

Check out this thread for all the PDFs


Thanks for the heads up on the SDR.pdfs.

War&Strength are fine. War&Law would fit Kore society very well. Perhaps War&Strength will represent a more aggressive off shoot of the main theology.

You're good to go.


First Post
Character Posting

Here's the basics of my character. I'll post some background within a day or two. I didn't select a deity; you can tell me more about what deity I would revere. Selected Strength & War as domains.

Tharl Gornd

CR 3; Medium Humanoid; 5'x5'/5'; HD 3d8+3; hp 18; Init -1; Spd 20 ft/x3; AC 17(+6 armor, +2 shield, -1 dex); Atk +5 (1d8+1,19-20/×2, Masterwork longsword), +1 (1d8/19-20/×2, Light Crossbow), +3 One-handed (1d4+1/19-20/×2, Dagger);
SV Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +6; AL NG;
Str 12(+1), Dex 9(-1), Con 13(+1), Int 10(+0), Wis 17(+3), Cha 13(+1);
Skills & Feats: Concentration¹ +2, Heal¹ +8, Knowledge (arcana) +1, Knowledge (history) +2, Knowledge (religion) +6, Spellcraft +3.
Lightning Reflexes, Martial Weapon Proficiency(Longsword), Weapon Focus(Longsword), Brew Potion, Scribe Scroll;
Domains: War, Strength;
Spells/Day: 4 0-level, 3+1 1st-level, 2+1 2nd-level; DC 0/13, 1/14, 2/15

Masterwork Longsword, Dagger, Light Crossbow, 20 bolts, Banded Mail, Heavy Steel Shield, Cleric's Vestments, Traveller's Outfit, Trail Rations x3, Backpack, Silver Holy Symbol, Ink, Parchment (x5), Chalk (x2), Bedroll, Light Warhorse, Military Saddle, 66gp, 3sp, 8cp

Edit: Added warhorse/saddle, reduced gold by 170gp.
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Sam, the character looks fine.

DarkElf109 (sorry about the delay on your question, I missed it), yeah, buy the horse from your starting gold - light warhorse and military saddle 170GP. If this is a problem, we can discuss it.

It has been a bit quiet around here. I'll let things sit until the end of the weekend then see where we stand.

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