D&D General D&D Worth "23 Billion"?!?!


As long as i get to be the frog
In this thread. Hasbros not worth 23 billion.

One can do basic math but you woukd need to see the books but somewhere between 500-1.5 billion would be the ballpark figure.

After that it's just annual returns on investments to work out if buying D&D would make financial sense. And how much of a premium one would pay if you think it's future returns will go up.
Yep! Investment isn't magic! Anyone can do it.

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I see now the new edition of Hero Quest with new expansions should be making more money than the original edition. This should be a clue.

I guess they mean D&D as multimedia franchise, not only the TTRPGs.


IMO 20-30 times profit is too high for anything that doesn't have a clear path for potential exponential growth.
if you rather use 15 or so, I am not going to argue with that. 30 definitely requires a rather rosy outlook, I said that in an earlier post


Morkus from Orkus
not really, that means 3B is in the ballpark while 5 is too high (20 to 30 times profit, with profit being around 50% for D&D)
What do you mean by "not really?" 3B is a reasonable multiplier of the 100m to 150m that Forbes estimated for D&D sales. It seems like you're saying "not really" and then agreeing with me. :p


What do you mean by "not really?" 3B is a reasonable multiplier of the 100m to 150m that Forbes estimated for D&D sales. It seems like you're saying "not really" and then agreeing with me. :p

Why are you using a multiplier that high?

That's revenue not profit either.


You can use higher multiplier for proven brands, which D&D is. Still, 3B is probably high. 1B to 1.5B is probably close to true.

Well on 3 billion I would want returns in the range of 150-300 million PA.

D&D revenue is lower end if that.

Hence why I think 600-800 is probably more realistic. Without knowing the exact numbers though hard to say. 1 billion is plausible.

Hypothetically of course assuming I had the money, WotC wanted to sell it.

I don't see it going for 20-30 years of peak revenue.


What do you mean by "not really?" 3B is a reasonable multiplier of the 100m to 150m that Forbes estimated for D&D sales. It seems like you're saying "not really" and then agreeing with me. :p
I understood your post to be a reply to the one above it, in which case your “several times that” referred to the 3-5B estimate of that post, not the 100-150M number from yours.

If this was not a reply and all you meant is ‘it is worth more than its annual revenue’ then, sure, it obviously is….


Morkus from Orkus
I understood your post to be a reply to the one above it, in which case your “several times that” referred to the 3-5B estimate of that post, not the 100-150M number from yours.

If this was not a reply and all you meant is ‘it is worth more than its annual revenue’ then, sure, it obviously is….
When I reply to a post I quote it. :)

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