D&D General Dark Places & Demogorgons for OSE: An Interview with Eric Bloat

Dark Places & Demogorgons is a great RPG of 80s kids fighting horrors in their hometown. Currently it uses Survive This!!, an old school game engine, but the next version is for Old-School Essentials (D&D Basic/D&D Expert). Eric Bloat, the creator of DP&D, was kind enough to talk to me about his new project coming to Kickstarter in October.

Dark Places & Demogorgons is a great RPG of 80s kids fighting horrors in their hometown. Currently it uses Survive This!!, an old school game engine, but the next version is for Old-School Essentials (D&D Basic/D&D Expert). Eric Bloat, the creator of DP&D, was kind enough to talk to me about his new project coming to Kickstarter in October.

A few updates from Eric: The Cryptid Manual IS going to be offered AND the Old-School Essentials Classic Fantasy Rules Tome will be available, too.


Charles Dunwoody (CD): What prompted you to bring Dark Places & Demogorgons to a new game engine?
Eric Bloat (EB):
It’s funny, SURVIVE THIS!! is definitely an OSR game system. However, we’ve had a ton of people who play OSR games, say they’d love to play DP&D but don’t want to have to learn a new system. So, really it was that coupled with the fact that I am a HUGE fan of what Necrotic Gnome did with the B/X rules set for Old-School Essentials. To me it was, the perfect coupling.

CD: Old-School Essentials Core Rulebook is hard to find in print. Will this kickstarter offer copies of the core rules to go with Dark Places & Demogorgons?
Yes, we hope to. We’ve reached out to the US distributer and are just awaiting confirmation.

CD: For current DP&D fans, will there be any new surprises in the latest version? And will other DP&D supplements get ported to OSE?
Surprises? No. I don’t think so. With the OSE version, we’re really trying to do a greatest hits of the DP&D line, all into one book. As far as supplements, I never say never, but aside from the possibility of The Cryptid Manual getting a straight up conversion, that’s it. We do have plans for several DP&D adventures, kind of like what Necrotic Gnome did for OSE, but no expansions like the SURVIVE THIS!! DP&D series.

CD: The classes in Survive This!! are rich in mechanical options and grounded in the setting Any details you’d like to share on new classes or other rules for the OSE version of Dark Places & Demogorgons?
I don’t want to give away too many spoilers before the Kickstarter, but trust me when I tell you, that DP&D OSE, when used with OSE core rules, will give you everything you need to create characters and run adventures in a 1980s setting. We’re talking new classes, spells, equipment, monsters, and more, all while staying 100% mechanically compatible with the whole B/X based game systems.

CD: What goodies will be available in the upcoming October kickstarter for OSE Dark Places & Demogorgons?
There will be Dark Places & Demogorgons available in a Standard and Kickstarter Exclusive cover featuring art by Runehammer, and of course this will be available in print and digital options. Also, available as add-ons, there will be T-shirts of each cover available in sizes S-3XL. Then for stretch goals, of which there will be plenty, we will be unlocking adventures by some of the biggest names in the RPG industry!

CD: If DP&D is successful on kickstarter, are you planning to bring any other RPGs to OSE? I know I’d enjoy an OSE version of SURVIVE THIS!! Vigilante City.
It’s possible for sure! We really hope this is a big hit, and would like to do future conversions. But of course, it all depends on the reception from the OSE community, which so far, has been warm and welcoming.

CD: Where can fans go to find your work?
www.bloatgames.com is the best place to find us, but really, we’re everywhere you’d expect us to be: Facebook, Twitter, DriveThruRPG, Amazon, Discord, etc.

CD: Any final comments you’d like to share with the readers of EN World?
Thanks for reading, and we hope to see you as part of this campaign in October!

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Charles Dunwoody

Charles Dunwoody

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I'm getting the PDF of this, soonish. I agree with everyone else; it feels like a perfect match. Shame reviews seem to be thin on the ground.
Anyone whose read "DP&D for OSE": does it account for the optional Ascending Armor Class rules or does it assume you're using THAC0?

I'm getting the PDF of this, soonish. I agree with everyone else; it feels like a perfect match. Shame reviews seem to be thin on the ground.
Anyone whose read "DP&D for OSE": does it account for the optional Ascending Armor Class rules or does it assume you're using THAC0?

It provides both with descending and THAC0 listed first and ascending and plus to hit in parenthesis right next to those stats.

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