Let's remember we may disagree about the criteria to be followed. For example I don't like the tropes showed about the Vatican church in the rpg "7th Sea". I can say those tropes are a true frivolity against the real victims
of anti-Christian hate, not only in Spain for the age of convents burning, but also suffering intolerance and persecution in different places from the world, even in the last years, reaching levels of genocide.
We could need some limits (to stop the hate-speech and those things), and more when the company wishes it to be a family-friendly brand, but if we allow an imposition of certain criteria without a previous debate as civilized people, then others could arrive and reclaim their own criteria to be obeyed.
* Could any people be evacuated into other zones of the Athaspace for the cleasing war, or the Brown Tide? Or to the Astral Domains of deities or primal spirits.
* What if the giths discovered the biotech/lifeshape craft, and by means of reverse ingeneering they found the way to cause a "digievolution" of the spinewyrms toward "true dragons"?
* Not only Athasian people have got darker skin because it is a sunny weather, but also there are people with blue or green skin because they are mutants. We shouldn't worry if now the character of the Pentad Prism were "race-swapped".
Please, I don't want that type of nonense like "if you aren't from French-speaker country then you can watch movies about French-speaker characters". Please, the good stories have to be universal. Fiction set in other cultures should help to build bridges and understand other people, and this would be useful against the bigotry and those things. Japan has got more prestige thanks manganime industry in the Western market has helped to know them better.
This picture is a scene of slavery in a 80's children cartoon, the pilot episode (Ep1 S1), "Cobra Strikes" of G.I.Joe.