D&D 5E Dark Sun, problematic content, and 5E…

Is problematic content acceptable if obviously, explicitly evil and meant to be fought?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 206 89.2%
  • No.

    Votes: 25 10.8%

Really? Evil?
Surely it's more annoying and or inconvenient for those that want to access the IP (which somebody else owns)?
But evil. are you sure?
Given the number of times throughout history where innovation and invention has been held back or suppressed by unwilling-to-change corporations buying the IP and-or patents and then burying the product, yes.

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Given the number of times throughout history where innovation and invention has been held back or suppressed by unwilling-to-change corporations buying the IP and-or patents and then burying the product, yes.
So just to be clear - by not publishing a revised version of a 30 year old work of fiction, and by not licensing the trademark and copyrights to other publishers, WotC is stifling innovation and invention?

That seems a far-fetched claim to me.

So just to be clear - by not publishing a revised version of a 30 year old work of fiction, and by not licensing the trademark and copyrights to other publishers, WotC is stifling innovation and invention?
Dircetly, no.

Indirectly, by sitting on it and not releasing it to the commons, yes.

Given the number of times throughout history where innovation and invention has been held back or suppressed by unwilling-to-change corporations buying the IP and-or patents and then burying the product, yes.


WotC just said Dark Sun isn't going to get an update because it has recognized that the culture has changed. They're saying it's too difficult to make it work under the guidelines they just changed to. It's literally an example of a corporation changing.

"Unwilling to change' by not making it available to people to reprint the same old thing over again.

If they were really unwilling to change, we would have had the Slaveholder's Guide to Darksun in 2016.

The work is on sale.

Why would WotC, of all the media companies in the world, be the one to release its trademarks and copyrights to the commons? When did this become the standard for judging a media corporation?
They could release their settings on the DMsGuild and make some money off them.

They could release their settings on the DMsGuild and make some money off them.
Have WotC released Transformers on DMsGuild? Not as far as I know. I assume that there is a commercial logic to what is licensed via DMsGuild, connected to cross-promotion of particular WotC products.

I don't really see how Dark Sun is in a special category in this respect.

Have WotC released Transformers on DMsGuild? Not as far as I know. I assume that there is a commercial logic to what is licensed via DMsGuild, connected to cross-promotion of particular WotC products.

I don't really see how Dark Sun is in a special category in this respect.
Dark Sun has a lot more in common with other D&D settings like Ravenloft and Spelljammer that have been released on DMsGuild as opposed to non-D&D settings like Transformers and G.I.Joe that haven't.

One could argue that the problem is with me, or with the player, but I think that would be ignoring some of the cultural complexities that we live with. D&D is not played in a platonic world of forms. It is played in the real world with real people.

If a black person asked to play in my Dark Sun game with the usual Freedom entry point and we discussed it and everyone gave the okay, then maybe, but it would still be really uncomfortable for me. I would be thinking "Are we SERIOUSLY doing this?" the whole time. This setting was not written with a diverse player base in mind.

Big Darksun fan here with most of the product line on PDF.

The Darksun adventures pretty much are utter trash. All of them.

They're tied to the events of the Prism Pentad and/or heavily railroaded, metaplot heavy or are more grand tours of Athas.

Remember the post 1985 AD&D adventures are not well regarded for a reason.

It was a thing at TSR for a while. Good 2E adventures are few and far between.

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