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Deadpool (Spoilers)


First Post
What a breath of fresh ass this movie was.

Without exaggerating, I loved every minute of it. There were scenes where I and the rest of the audience couldn't stop laughing.

I've grown increasingly indifferent to the various Marvel movies from the MCU. Each iteration putting me to sleep faster than the one before it. With all the violence on screen somehow casualty-free and long scenes of supers slamming each other through things and not getting hurt. Deadpool does it differently. People get broken, skewered and splattered. Brutal without being ridiculous.

It was just a fun fun movie. True to the comics, it didn't take itself too seriously. "Big house. Funny I only see you two here at Xavier's place. It's like the studio couldn't afford anymore X-men".

Would watch again.

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First Post
Just came back from seeing it. Quite good. Not quite a top tier Marvel movie but it was a solid entry in Fox's Cinematic X-verse. If I had to list down what I liked about it.


Ryan Reynolds - This is the role he was born to play. You already knew from the previews that he got Wade Wilson's trademark snark down pat, but it was quite surprising how well he handled the more vulnerable and emotional moments. Great performance, and am looking forward to more movies with him in the role.

Humour - Of course, this being a Deadpool movie, one expects the one liners and general absurdities to be front and center. The jokes are a bit hit and miss to be honest. But man, when the gags really hit they hit hard. I'm not really a fan of Deadpool's occasional pop cultural references, but at time the way they're used really bring out some laughs. And the 4th wall breaking bits are truly hilarious, especially in regards to this being a Fox X-men spinoff and all that it implies.

Love Story - But for a movie that doesn't take itself seriously half the time, it's got a surprisingly affecting love story that holds it together. Both Reynolds and Morena Baccarin make for a believable couple of two screwed up souls who find each other and fight to stay together. Seriously, this is one of those times when a romance in a superhero film doesn't derail the proceedings.

Violence - Whoa. They really didn't hold back on the blood and guts once they got that R rating. It's a good thing that the film's tone is more comedic than the usual movie that showcases this amount of gore, otherwise people would have been disturbed by all of it.

Horror Movie Origin - Holy S**t. I didn't expect Wade Wilson's transformation into the Man in Red to be such a grimdark affair. That was some seriously disturbing s**t they put him through. And it lends credence to the analysis that Wade is using his humor to hide his trauma and pain.

X-Men cameos - Well, we finally got a Colossus who looks like the character in the comics, and they even gave him a personality too! The movie still pokes fun at him for being a kindhearted simpleton, and at Negasonic Teenage Warhead being a stereotypical angsty goth teen. But the moments when they use their powers and act like X-Men are great to see.


Weak Villains - Ajax and Angel Dust were quite simply, boring and forgettable. They're really just there to give Deadpool an antagonist to hate on and act against.

So yeah. Good movie. I give it a 8.5/10.


41st lv DM
I'll be watching it Saturday night. I keep trying to convince my girlfriend it's a romantic movie. Any scenes in there that will help support my claim?

Yes, the entire final act.
DP, backed up by Colossus, & Nega-sonic, successfully rescues his girlfriend.
Sure, a fair # of of people (including them) get crushed/spindled/folded/mutilated, shot & stabbed in that process. And add in some destruction. But....

Good movie. Go see it.


That was the best opening sequence I think that I've ever seen in a movie. Just chocked full of references and asides to the point that I know I could find more, if I went back to see it again. For example I think it was a People Magazine with "Ryan Reynolds; Sexiest Man on Earth" as the cover piece? I literally laughed so hard that I cried, something I simply don't do, and my face still hurts from it.

Oh, Wade Wilson, I should have worn my yellow pants.


You mean Ryan Reynolds in tight spandex doesn't automatically make it a chick flick? lol :D

Looking at the audience in this Google interview, you'd certainly think so:



I really, really loved Colossus in this movie. We finally get a Colossus that looks and, more importantly, acts like in the comics.

What's more, Deadpool had some of the best super-strength fights I've seen. Colossus and Angel Dust pounding on one another was awesome, and really felt like two super-strong and nigh-invulnerable people duking it out than, say, Superman versus Zod.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
One of the big laughs involved thinking of you, while Deadpool was enumerating the "formula" of the film (villain with an English accent ;) ).

It's very flattering that I occupy so much of your attention, but I'm afraid I'm married. :)

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