[Delta Green] Operas and Avatars: Burn

Tailspinner said:
CSI being one of Katrina's favorite shows, she tries to determine more information without touching anything. She tries to visualize what the cast of CSI would do in such a case. She looks at the music CD to see if she can spot any finger prints. She looks at the CD case for finger prints. She pretends that she is at a crime scene. What fun.

Picking up the music CD by the edge, Katrina sees some fingerprints on the bottom shiny surface. But those might be her own. And even if they were the person's who took the CD out of the drive how could she identify them?

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Katrina Sue Yoppeigh : Female Computer Programmer

As she comes to the realization that she is only a programmer and not a tech on CSI, she decides that the best course of action at the moment is to get back to work. She replaces the musci CD in her drive and gets back to work on her code. As the time passes, she thinks that perhaps some sort of surveilence of her desk would help catch the culpret should this be a recurring incident. She decides to check into a webcam on the way home tonight. Maybe she can set it up in her cube and set it for computer access when she is gone to lunch. At any rate, there isn't much she can do about it today. Perhaps she can lockup her CDs next time as well.

Tailspinner said:
As she comes to the realization that she is only a programmer and not a tech on CSI, she decides that the best course of action at the moment is to get back to work. She replaces the musci CD in her drive and gets back to work on her code. As the time passes, she thinks that perhaps some sort of surveilence of her desk would help catch the culpret should this be a recurring incident. She decides to check into a webcam on the way home tonight. Maybe she can set it up in her cube and set it for computer access when she is gone to lunch. At any rate, there isn't much she can do about it today. Perhaps she can lockup her CDs next time as well.

Katrina can easily lock the drawers to her desk.

She stops by an electronics store and picks up a compact webcam. The next day, she sets it up to her computer.

(OOC: It has sound recording capabilities as well. Do you want to have it set up to record a picture and sound?)

Katrina Sue Yoppeigh : Female Computer Programmer

The next day, with her web cam setup, she sets it for both sound and video record. She places the camera in a spot so that the casual observer would not see it as best as she can. When lunch time roles around she peeks over the cubicle wall. "So! Marty! Where to for lunch today?"

Marty jumps with a start. He has a worried look on his face but after he sees it is you he gives you a half smile. "Sure Katrina, there are several people from the office going to that chinese buffet place on the corner. It's pretty good."

Katrina Sue Yoppeigh : Female Computer Programmer

"I'll be ready in a jiffy." Katrina quickly checks to make sure the cam is setup properly, then she arranges her desk and makes a mental note of where everything is. Then she pokes her head back up. "I'm ready." She heads out of her cube ready for lunch...

Lunch is uneventful. Marty seems distracted but luckly you get to talk to some of the other people at the office.

When you get back, you check your webcam and your desk. You see no one in the video recording from the webcam and your desk appears to be the same as when you left it. Settling in you work the rest of the day. As you get ready to leave for home, you notice Marty is still working and does not look like he is leaving anytime soon.

Katrina Sue Yoppeigh : Female Computer Programmer

Katrina pokes her head into Marty's cube and smiles. "Hey Marty! You plannin' on burnin' the ol' midnight oil? It's time to go home. That code will be there tomorrow." She has noticed that he has been distracted lately and looks at him with a touch of concern.

Marty about jumps out of his seat. "Oh, Katrina! You scared me." He looks back at his computer screen and then back to you. "I have to finish this project by tomorrow or Mr. Bickford is going to skin me alive. I am already late with it as it is." His expression softens abit and he gives you a small smile. "Don't worry about me. I am the king of the midnight oil! I only have a couple of more hours and I will be done. Promise." He opens his desk drawer and pulls out a CD case. "Here I burned some of my favorite tunes last night. I want you you listen to it tonight and tell me what you think! We can talk about it over lunch tomorrow. Ok?"

Katrina Sue Yoppeigh : Female Computer Programmer

Katrina takes the handed CD case and nods withj a smile. She has a somewhat puzzled look on her face. "Uh OK, Marty. Thanx. I'll see you in the morning." She tucks the CD into her coat pocket and heads out. She makes a mental note to play it tonight at home.

Later that night while she is warming her dinner in the microwave of her apartment, she opens the CD case and places the CD into one of her computers to play it. She turns up the speakers so that she can hear it while she starts working on one of her many pet projects on another of her computers.

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