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Devil May Cry d20 (Dante, Son of Sparda added)

added 8/8/07
I would like to hear some feedback for this character.

Dante (medium outsider, chaotic, good) (Rebellion / Swordmaster)
HD: 36d8 + 360 (562 hp)
Initiative: +19 (+8 superior initiative)
Speed: 120ft. (24 squares)
AC: 56( +4 deflection,+11 Dex, +2 insight, +29 natural, +0 size) touch 27, flat-footed 45
BAB/Grapple: +36/+49
Attack: + 7 keen, mighty cleaving, Large Greatsword +67 melee (3d6 + 45/17-20/x2), +1 speed Handgun* (Ebony) +47 ranged (1d8+39/20/x2), +1 speed Handgun* (Ivory) +47 ranged (1d8+39/20/x2)
Full attack: + 7 keen, mighty cleaving, Large Greatsword +67/+62/+57/+52 melee (3d6 + 45/17-20/x2), +1 speed Handgun* (Ebony) +47/+42/+37/+32/+27 ranged (1d8+39/20/x2), +1 speed Handgun* (Ivory) +47/ +42/+37/+32/+27 ranged (1d8+39/20/x2)
Space/reach: 5ft./5ft.
Special attacks: Devil Trigger Flux, Drive, Helm Breaker, High Time, Million Strike, Stinger
Special qualities: Air Hike, Darkvision 60ft., Devil Trigger, DR 20/ magic and evil, Low-light vision, Roll, Swordmaster
Saves: Fort +32, Ref +33, Will +23
Abilities: Str 36, Dex 33, Con 30, Int 15, Wis 16, Cha 18,
Skills: Balance +46, Bluff +26, Concentration +30, Escape Artist +50, Heal +38, Intimidate +26, Jump +52, Listen +38, Search +24, Sense Motive +38, Spot +38, Swim +31, Tumble +50
Feats: Cleave, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Greater Weapon Focus (Greatsword), Greater Weapon Specialization (Greatsword), Improved Initiative, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Rapid Shot, Spring Attack, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (Greatsword), Weapon Specialization (Greatsword), Whirlwind Attack
Epic Feats: Dire Charge, Epic Weapon Focus (Greatsword), Epic Weapon Specialization (Greatsword), Improved Whirlwind Attack, Infinite Deflection, Legendary Leaper, Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting, Superior Initiative
Environment: Mortal Coil
Organization: Solitary(unique)
CR: Pretty damn high
Treasure: Triple Standard
Alignment: Chaotic Good
*Handgun- cost:10gp, Dmg(M):1d8, critical x2, range: 300ft., weight:3lbs., type: piercing

You see a man with white hair and blue eyes. He wears a red trench coat over a red vest, with a tight black undershirt. His trench coat sleeves are rolled up. He also wears tight red leather pants. In his gun holsters you see a black and a white handgun. On his back is a demonic-looking sword, which is mysteriously set in place as if it were in an invisible sheath.

Dante is the half-devil son of the Legendary Dark Knight Sparda. Dante works as a mercenary, exterminating demons for little or no money. He is a master of weapons, able to master any weapon as soon as he gets a hold of it. He uses Devil Arms to slay demons. Often Devil Triggering to speed things up.

Combat: Dante fights with speed, grace, and power. He usually enters melee combat with all his enemies, using his massive greatsword, Rebellion. For those out of reach, he uses Ebony & Ivory, his two handguns. If things get tough, Dante will rely on his Devil Trigger.

Devil Trigger (Su): Dante can unleash his inner devilish heritage to increase his abilities. He changes appearance, depending on the Devil Arm he is wielding, and gains the following bonuses: +6 to Strength, +4 Dexterity, +2 to Constitution, and fast healing 20.
This form lasts for 3 rounds + 1 round for every Purple Orb Dante has consumed. These “rounds” actually represent Devil Trigger Runes. In order to fill a rune(s) Dante must either make a full attack, get damaged, or consume a Devil Star. It takes 30 points for a rune to be filled. Thus, however many points of damage inflicted on Dante are also converted to rune points. Example: If a creature deals 20 points of damage to Dante, then the rune will need 10 more points before it is full. This is a free action.
*Note- Dante can use this ability whenever he has 3 or more full runes.

Devil Trigger Flux (Su): Dante can charge up his Devil Trigger and make it deal damage upon transformation. This ability causes an explosion of pure energy that reaches out in a 10ft. radius. It deals 1d8 points of damage. For every charged rune it deals an extra 1d8 points of damage. This damage does not have a type. Upon transformation, every charged rune is lost. Example: If Dante has 10 full runes and he charges 6 runes, then he’ll only have 4 runes left while in Devil Trigger. As Dante grows in power, he can charge considerably faster. At 20th level Dante can charge 2 runes per round. While charging Dante cannot attack, he can only move. This ability also leaves Dante wide open, granting his enemies an Attack of Opportunity against him. If hit, Dante must make a Fortitude save DC (10 + damage received + monster’s Str modifier) to maintain this charge. If he fails the save, his charge is cancelled and any charged rune is lost. This is a standard action.

Ebony & Ivory: Dante himself crafted These twin pistols. They were made of spirits, therefore they never need reloading.

Rebellion: This is a + 7 keen, mighty cleaving, Large Greatsword, given to Dante, by Sparda, as a memento. It grants Dante various abilities.

Devil Trigger (Rebellion)(Su): Aside from the bonuses of Dante’s Devil Trigger, Rebellion provides an extra bonus. While in Devil Trigger mode, Dante deals damage as if Rebellion had an extra +5 enhancement bonus.

Rebellion abilities (Ex): While wielding Rebellion, Dante gains special abilities.

Air Hike (Ex): Dante jumps into the air and a glowing platform forms beneath him, allowing him to jump twice.

Drive (Ex): Dante charges up the Rebellion with his energy and unleashes a wave of energy that travels in a straight line towards his target. This ability deals damage equal to
highest attack + HD + Str modifier. Reflex save DC (44) no damage. This ability takes 1 round to charge and provokes an Attack of Opportunity. If hit, Dante must make a Fortitude save DC (10 + damage received + monster’s Str modifier) to maintain this charge. Also while charging, Dante can move at half his speed. This is a standard action.

Helm Breaker (Ex): Dante jumps into the air and comes crashing down, with the Rebellion, upon his target’s head. This ability deals damage equal to highest attack + jump distance + 1d6 points of damage per 3 HD (3d6 max). must make a Fortitude save DC (41) or be stunned for 1 round. This ability is Str based. This is a standard action.

High Time (Ex): Dante swings the Rebellion in an upward motion launching his target into the air. This ability deals damage equal to highest attack + 3d8 points of damage.
It can launch foes of Large or smaller size, 10ft. into the air. For targets of Huge or greater size, they must make a Fortitude save DC (41) or be stunned for 1 round. This ability is Str based. This is a standard action.

Million Strike (Ex): Dante jabs with his sword so many times that if gives off the illusion of a million strikes. Dante attacks 15 times receiving only a –3 penalty to attacks. The target must make a Fortitude save DC (39) or be stunned for 1 round. This ability is Dex based. This is a standard action.

Stinger (Ex): Dante dashes forward, in a straight line, 15ft. with his sword and “stings” his foe, dealing damage equal to highest attack damage + 1d8 points of damage per 2 HD (5d8 max). This ability can knock-back a target 10ft., if it is of Large size or below. For targets of Huge or greater size, they must make a Fortitude save DC (41) or be stunned for 1 round. This ability is Str based. This is a standard action.

Swordmaster (Rebellion)(Ex): While using this style, Dante shows his true skill with the Rebellion, thus developing new abilities.

Aerial Rave (Ex): Dante jumps into the air, near his air-borne target, slashing wildly with his sword. Dante may jump up to air-borne creatures and make a full attack. This is a standard action.

Crazy Dance (Ex): Following the Dance Macabre, Dante spins around his sword, as if it were a pole, kicking his foes, then ending with a devastating slash saying, “ Down and Out!” Dante can make a Concentration check 25 to focus himself and attack immediately after using his Dance Macabre ability. He attacks an extra 4 times. The first 3 attacks deal regular damage starting at +67 and hits all foes around Dante . The last attack deals damage as if it were a Power Attack, adding his BAB to his highest attack and damage all foes in front of Dante. This is a standard action.

Dance Macabre (Ex): Dante slashes his foe numerous times, in a stylish combo.Dante attacks 6 times with a –3 penalty to the damage. This is a standard action.

Prop Shredder (Ex):Dante spins his sword and makes a full attack using his 2 x his Dex bonus, instead of his Str bonus. This is a standard action.

Sword Pierce (Ex): Dante throws his sword at his foe, impaling them with it. Dante throws his sword up to 30 ft. at a chosen target . Reflex save DC (39) negates. If the target fails their save then, they are impaled by the sword. The sword is impaled in the target for 5 rounds, dealing 3d6 points of damage per round. Dante can call the sword back at anytime. This ability is Dex based. This is a standard action.

Roll (Ex): Dante can roll left or right 10ft., in order to dodge attacks. He gains a +6 bonus on any Reflex saves. This is a move action.

Swordmaster Style (Ex): Dante further expands on his weapons’ abilities by creating some of his own. This style has 3 levels.

Level 1 is reached during (1-10HD) and Dante gains the following bonuses:
He gains Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization, with any weapon he is wielding, as bonus feats. He also gains the Improved Two-Weapon Fighting feat as a bonus feat.

Level 2 is reached during (11-20HD) and Dante gains the following bonuses:
He gains Greater Weapon Focus and Greater Weapon Specialization, with any weapon he is wielding, as bonus feats. He also gains the Greater Two-Weapon Fighting feat as a bonus feat.

Level 3 is reached during (21-30HD) and Dante gains the following bonuses:
He gains Epic Weapon Focus and Epic Weapon Specialization, with any weapon he is wielding, as bonus feats. He also gains the Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting feat as a bonus feat.

Weapon Expert (Ex): Dante is proficient with exotic, martial, and simple weapons. He also gains the Two-Weapon Fighting feat as a bonus feat.

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The Msira

Msira (small outsider, chaotic, evil, extraplanar)
HD: 3d8 + 3 (16hp)
Initiative: +7
Speed: 30ft.
AC: 16 ( +3 Dex, + 2natural, +1 size) touch14 , flat-footed13
BAB/ Grapple: +3/+0
Attack: claw +5 melee (1d3+1), or bite +4(1d3 + 1)
Full attack: 2 claws +5 melee (1d3+1), and 1 bite +4(1d3)
Space/reach: 5ft./5ft.
Special attacks:Acidic Spit, Spiderwalk, Spinning Claw
Special qualities: Darkvision 60ft.
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +0
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 3, Wis 4, Cha 5
Skills: Balance +6, Climb +7, Hide +13, Jump +7, Tumble +6
Feats: Lightning Reflexes, Improved Initiative
Environment: Hell
Organization: Group (10-30 Msira) or (15 Msira & 15 other “Msira”)
CR: 3
Treasure: Nothing
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Advancement: 4-6HD (medium)
Level adjustment:

A demonic dark-blue creature approaches you. It looks like a demonic, emaciated monkey. Its eyes are big and glow red. Harmless black flames occasionally erupt from the cracks of its skin.

Msira look timid, but they are far from that. They are savage and greedy creatures.

They stand 3ft. tall and weigh 20 pounds.

Combat: Like all “Msira”, these swarm their foes, in great numbers, biting and clawing away at their victim until there’s nothing left. They sometimes, not often, spit acid. They also love use their Spiderwalk ability to hide from their victims and then lash out with a Spinning Claw, as their victim gets close.

Acidic Spit (Ex): Msira can spit purple acid at their foes. This ability has a range of 10ft. It deals 4d4 points of acid damage. Reflex save DC(12) half damage. If hit, the target must then make a Fortitude save DC(12) or be poisoned for 1 round. The initial damage is 1d4 Con damage, while the secondary damage is 1d4 Con damage. This ability is Con based.

Spiderwalk(Ex): The Msira can climb walls as the Spider Climb spell cast by a 3th level caster.

Spinning Claw(Ex): The Msira can launch itself at its foe, in the form of a ball. This ability has a range of 30ft. and deals normal damage. Reflex save DC(14) no damage. This ability is Dex based.

Homromsira (small outsider, chaotic, evil, extraplanar, fire)
HD: 6d8 + 12 (39hp)
Initiative: +8
Speed: 30ft.
AC: 19(+ 4 Dex, + 4 natural, + 1 size) touch 15, flat-footed15
BAB/ Grapple: +6/+4
Attack: claw +9 + 1d6 fire damage melee (1d3 + 2 + 2d6 fire damage), or bite+4 + 1d6 fire damage melee (1d3 + 1 + 2d6 fire damage)
Full attack: 2 claws +9 + 1d6 fire damage melee (1d3 + 2 + 2d6 fire damage), and 1bite+4 + 1d6 fire damage melee (1d3 + 1 + 2d6 fire damage)
Special attacks: Flaming Acid, Spiderwalk, Spinning Claw
Special qualities: Darkvision 60ft., fire immunity
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +11, Will +2
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 18, Con 15, Int 3, Wis 4, Cha 5
Skills: Balance +13, Climb +11, Hide +13, Jump +11, Tumble +8
Feats: Lightning Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Dodge
Environment: Hell
Organization: Group (10-30 Homromsira) or (10 Homromsira & 20 other “Msira”)
CR: 5
Treasure: Nothing
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Advancement: 7-12HD(small)
Level adjustment:

A demonic monkey-like creature, with magma-like skin, stands before you. Harmless
flames cover its body.

The Flaming “Msira”, as some call it, represents the burning desire its victims once had.

They stand 3ft. tall and weigh 30 pounds.

Combat: Like all “Msira”, these swarm their foes, in great numbers, biting and clawing away at their victim until there’s nothing left. They sometimes, not often, spit acid. They also love use their Spiderwalk ability to hide from their victims and then lash out with a Spinning Claw, as their victim gets close.

Flaming Acid(Ex): Homromsira can spit flaming orange acid at their foes. This ability has a range of 10ft. It deals 4d4 points of acid damage + 2d6 points of fire damage. Reflex save DC(15) half damage. This ability is Con based.

Spiderwalk(Ex): The Homromsira can climb walls as the Spider Climb spell cast by a 6th level caster.

Spinning Claw(Ex): The Homromsira can launch itself at its foe, in the form of a ball. This ability has a range of 30ft. and deals normal damage. Reflex save DC(17) no damage. This ability is Dex based.

Gbusmsira (small outsider, chaotic, evil, extraplanar )
HD: 8d8 + 16 (52 hp)
Initiative: +8
Speed: 30ft.
AC: 21(+ 4 Dex, + 6 natural, + 1 size) touch 15, flat-footed17
BAB/ Grapple: +8/+7
Attack: claw +12 + poison melee (1d3 + 3 + poison), or bite +7 + poison melee (1d3 + 1 + poison)
Full attack: 2 claws +12 + poison melee (1d3 + 3 + poison), and 1 bite +7 + poison melee (1d3 + 1 + poison)
Space/reach: 5ft./5ft.
Special attacks: Spiderwalk, Spinning Claw , Venom
Special qualities: Darkvision 60ft., immune to poison
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +3
Abilities: Str 16, Dex 19, Con 15, Int 3, Wis 4, Cha 5
Skills: Balance +12, Climb +12, Hide +19, Jump +14, Tumble +8
Feats: Lightning Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Dodge
Environment: Hell
Organization: Group (15-20 Gbusmsira) or (15 Gbusmsira & 15 other “Msira”)
CR: 6
Treasure: Nothing
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Advancement: 9-16HD(small)
Level adjustment:

A demonic monkey-like creature, with dark-blue skin, stands before you. It glares at you with its saucer-like white eyes..

The “Msira” of Venom. Gbusmsira look similar to Msira, except they aren’t covered in flames, and have white eyes. These “Msira” spit a potent venom and their claws are poisonous. They are the personification of poison.

They stand 3 ½ ft. tall and weigh 35 pounds.

Combat: Like all “Msira”, these swarm their foes, in great numbers, biting and clawing away at their victim until there’s nothing left. They sometimes, not often, spit acid. They also love use their Spiderwalk ability to hide from their victims and then lash out with a Spinning Claw, as their victim gets close.

Spiderwalk(Ex): The Homromsira can climb walls as the Spider Climb spell cast by a 8th level caster.

Spinning Claw(Ex): The Gbusmsira can launch itself at its foe, in the form of a ball. This ability has a range of 30ft. and deals normal damage. Reflex save DC(18) no damage. This ability is Dex based.

Venom(Ex): Gbusmsira can spit purple acid at their foes. This acid is more potent than a Msira’s.This ability has a range of 10ft. It deals 4d8 points of acid damage. Reflex save DC(16) half damage. If hit, the target must then make a Fortitude save DC(16) or be poisoned for 1 round. The initial damage is 1d4 Con damage, while the secondary damage is 1d4 Con damage. This ability is Con based.

Jomothumsira (small outsider, chaotic, evil, extraplanar)
HD:10d8 + 30 (75hp)
Initiative: +10
Speed: 30ft.
AC: 22( +6 Dex, + 5 natural, + 1 size) touch 17, flat-footed 16
BAB/ Grapple: +10/+10
Attack: claw +15 + 2d6 unholy damage melee (1d3 + 4 + 2d6 unholy damage), or bite +10 + 2d6 unholy damage melee (1d3 + 2 + 2d6 unholy damage)
Full attack: 2 claws +15 + 2d6 unholy damage melee (1d3 + 4 + 2d6 unholy damage), or 1 bite +10 + 2d6 unholy damage melee (1d3 + 2 + 2d6 unholy damage)
Space/reach: 5ft./5ft.
Special attacks: Dark Acid, Spiderwalk, Spinning Claw
Special qualities: Darkvision 60ft.
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +14, Will +3
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 22, Con 16, Int 4, Wis 5, Cha 5,
Skills: Balance +18, Climb +16, Hide +22, Jump +16, Tumble +18
Feats: Lightning Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Dodge, Mobility
Environment: Hell
Organization: Group(5-15 Jomothumsira) or (10 Jomothumsira & 20 other “Msira”)
CR: 8
Treasure: Nothing
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Advancement: 10-18HD(small)
Level adjustment: -

A demonic monkey-like creature, with black skin, stands before you. Harmless black and blue flames cover its body.

Jomothusmsira are the strongest of the “Msira”. They are also the most evil. Its claws and teeth exude dark energy. They are the personification of darkness and evil.

They stand 4ft. tall and weigh 40 pounds.

Combat: Like all “Msira”, these swarm their foes, in great numbers, biting and clawing away at their victim until there’s nothing left. They sometimes, not often, spit acid. They also love use their Spiderwalk ability to hide from their victims and then lash out with a Spinning Claw, as their victim gets close.

Dark Acid(Ex): Jomothumsira can spit black acid at their foes. This ability has a range of 10ft. It deals 4d4 points of acid damage + 2d6 unholy damage. Reflex save DC( 18 ) half damage. If hit, the target must then make a Fortitude save DC( 18 ) or be poisoned for 1 round. The initial damage is 1d4 Con damage, while the secondary damage is 1d4 Con damage. This ability is Con based.

Spiderwalk(Ex): The Jomothumsira can climb walls as the Spider Climb spell cast by a 10th level caster.

Spinning Claw(Ex): The Jomothusmsira can launch itself at its foe, in the form of a ball. This ability has a range of 30ft. and deals normal damage. Reflex save DC(21) no damage. This ability is Dex based.

Gray Blackhelm

First Post
For the Abilities of the Devil Arms, I think you should treat them as Cantrips, used by the weapon in concert with the player rather than activated by the player. Maybe something to think about.


First Post
Newly added. 7/24/07

The Fallen (large outsider, neutral, evil)
19d8 + 133 (285)
Initiative: +13
Speed: fly speed 90 ft(perfect)
AC: 22 (-1 size + 9 dex + 4natural) touch 18 flat-footed 13
BAB/ Grapple: +19/+26
Attack: +5 brilliant energy, keen, returning, seeking, speed, great sword +30 melee (2d10+10/17-20/x3)
Full attack: +5 brilliant energy, keen, returning, seeking, speed, great sword +30/+25/+20/+15/+10 melee (2d10+10/17-20/x3)
Space/reach: 10ft/10ft
Special attacks: piercing sword, blink
Special qualities: DR 25/+4, fire, acid, cold resistance 20, darkvision 60ft, regeneration15, diamond wings
Saves: fort+22, ref+27, will+20
Abilities: str27 dex28 con24 int14 wis16 cha15
Skills: bluff+19, concentration+22, escape artist+18, heal+23, hide+24, intimidate+17, search+20, spot+24,
Feats: combat expertise, improved feint, combat reflexes, improved initiative, martial weapon proficiency(greatsword), power attack, weapon focus(greatsword), weapon specialization(greatsword)
Environment: Netherworld
Organization: solitary or group( 3-5 fallen)
CR: 15
Treasure: + 5 keen, speed greatsword
Alignment: neutral evil
Advancement: 20 – 45(large)
Level adjustment:

You approach the Gateway to Hell when suddenly, white, radiant feathers fall from the sky. You look up to see a bright light. The light fades and you see an angelic being with six wings wrapped around its body. It floats closer to you and unfurls its wings, revealing something truly horrific. In the middle of its torso is a hideous demonic face with great fangs. The creature’s eye shine white light, but bleed eternally. It then proceeds to extend out its right arm. Just then, a glowing blue blade forms in its hands. It points the sword at you, ready to battle. This is the unholy Fallen.

The Fallen are a race of fallen angels. They fell from grace eons ago. Now they work for Infernal Lords of the Realms Below. Their purpose is to protect the Gates, which lead into the Realms Below. They do this without question. The Fallen, however, have their own agenda, which remains a mystery to all.

They are 10ft tall and weigh 500 pounds. In their right hands, they carry their prized greatswords, which where once used to slay evil.

combat: Fallen love to fly around the battlefield, never setting foot on the ground. They’ll charge in with their swords to attack. Afterwards, they’ll teleport to a safe location. They use this tactic a lot. However, if their foes are hot on their trails, they’ll stop running and get defensive. They’ll use their wings to protect them from harm, while occasionally lashing out at their foes with a power attack. On the other hand, foes who are elusive or out of range, will meet quick death as the Fallen launch their swords at them, stunning them long enough for the Fallen to get close and finish the job.

Blink (su): A Fallen can blink as the spell( CL 23rd), and can evoke or end the effect as a free action.

Diamond wings (ex):If a Fallen feels it’s in danger, it will wrap itself up with its wings creating an impenetrable shield. The wings can be broken for a short time, after they receive a certain amount of damage. The wings have 200 hp and a hardness of 25. For every 3 HD they possess their wings grow tougher, gaining 10 hp and a +1 bonus to hardness. The maximum is 300hp and 35 hardness. Once the wings have been broken, the Fallen is stunned for one round (no save). Also they can’t grow their wings back until 2d8 rounds have passed. After their wings grow back, they have to wait another 1d4 rounds before using this ability again.
*note- while employing this ability, the Fallen take no damage, except when they make an attack. This attack is always a power attack.

Piercing sword (ex): A fallen may throw its sword at a foe stunning them. Reflex save DC (10 + ½ HD + dex bonus) negates. It deals damage equal to its highest attack damage + HD. If you are hit, you are stunned for 1d6 rounds.

Possessions: all Fallen carry a +5 brilliant energy, keen, returning, seeking, speed, great sword. if they die, their sword is sometimes left alone but it loses power, becoming a +5 keen, returning, seeking, speed, great sword
The Fallen from DMC 3 aren't actual angels, they just pose as angels, it should also be noted that there are no true angels in DMC as there is no heaven, as stated by Director Hideaki Itsuno in an interview when he was asked is it was possible to see a Bayonetta/DMC crossover game, he stated it wasn't possible the prime reason being there is no heaven or Angels in DMC but there is in Bayonetta. I hope this information helps.

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