D&D (2024) Dexterity too good?


Anyone else feel like Dexterity is too good in 5E.

It affects
  • initiative
  • armor class
  • missile attacks and damage
  • melee attacks and damage (with agile weapons)
  • roughly 1/3 of spell saves

Doubt WotC will do anything about it, but I wouldn't mind seeing the love spread to neglected abilities like Strength and Intelligence.

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From the pit of the 9th
I am torn about it.

Frankly, a fighter needs dexterity and strength in combat. It’s one thing to poke a sword quickly at the right place and another to do so with sufficient force.

In tightly packed mass combat, getting shoved around is a fact. Grappling and pushing are things as well. I have toyed with the idea of a physical attack index which averages strength and dex. (For fairness I suppose you could do something similar to spellcaster with primary and secondary mental abilities).

This too applies to bow use. Not many feeble longbowmen existed I would presume.

All of that said, I am going to backtrack and explain why I am torn.

Great weapon master and polearm master tend to be the way to bigger melee damage. These so far have required strength. And you cannot output this much with finesse weapons…

If you want MOAR damage, STR has a mechanical place. The shoving and such are impacted as well.

I don’t think D&D is any sort of simulation but I would like to see dex be a
Less viable combat option on its own while still conferring the great initiative and AC options.

I would not mind if it did the that while being part of an combat bonus index.


We need to take a page from 4e and make saves and Ac best of 2 stats then let everyone pick any stat for attacks and damage.

Then dex being 1/2 AC and 1/2 most common save and initative won’t be so bad


From the pit of the 9th
It could always be split up into Manual Dexterity and Agility. ;) Then we could have Manual Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) and Agility (Stealth).
I personally don’t have great balance but I dare say above average hand eye coordination.

I struggle on a balance beam but if something falls out of the cupboard I catch it before it hits the ground ;) even at my knee with my off hand.

I do think there is a difference but know simplicity is a draw for D&D.

It would be enough for me if they addressed the combat issue!

Anyone else feel like Dexterity is too good in 5E.

It affects
  • initiative
  • armor class
  • missile attacks and damage
  • melee attacks and damage (with agile weapons)
  • roughly 1/3 of spell saves

Doubt WotC will do anything about it, but I wouldn't mind seeing the love spread to neglected abilities like Strength and Intelligence.
No, if you don't ignore what strength brings to the table (and if you have access to heavy or at least medium armor).
WotC used int as defense vs social action in the recent UA. That might be enough to help in combination with its use in the revised (as of Xanathar's) downtime activities.
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We need to take a page from 4e and make saves and Ac best of 2 stats then let everyone pick any stat for attacks and damage.

Then dex being 1/2 AC and 1/2 most common save and initative won’t be so bad
No. Please not. At that point, you could as well have saving throws and attacks independant from stats... which I would favour...


I always thought that taking a leaf from 1e and making attack bonuses half your stat bonus rounded up could have worked fine in 5e and left space for magic items and situational bonuses.

It's also possible to give strength a boost by allowing strength bonus damage on things like push, disarm, and overrun.

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