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DnD 3.5 - Into the Dragon's Lair. (Closed)


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You are seated within the Gem Stone Tavern with your comrades enjoying the warmth of the hearth, the divine taste of your wine, or the ramblings of an overly-tipsy halfling. The door swings wide and a large hulking man, garbed in the colors and fittings of a very noteable Lady Kestrel Vaylan, moves into the confinements of the tavern. Some of the patrons glance away fearing they've done something wrong.. even a few scatter, but the majority stare in awe at the sheer size of the behemothed man. He ignores their slack-jawed gazes, weaving through the throng to approach the lot of you. "The Lady Vaylan requests an audience with you."


Before moving into character creation, please just submit a few things to me. Character concept, post rate, and whether or not you've done this module. No need to do up a 10th level character (unless of course you wish to) if you don't need to. :)

Character creation as follows:

*Characters begin at 10th level - It is assumed you have all been adventuring with one another up until this point.
*Stats will be done by rolling 4d6 dropping the lowest on www.invisiblecastle.com. Please put in your user name, and for details put TwistedMindInc's game.
*Starting gold to buy items will be 57,000. Magicial items are allowed to be bought but no more than half may be spent on one item.
*Books allowed (subject to change): PHB, PHB2, Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, Magic of Faerun, Races of Faerun, Faiths and Pantheons, Lords of Darkness, Player's Guide to Faerun, Unapproachable East, Silver Marches, Serpent Kingdom, Lords of Darkness, Races of the Dragon, Tome of Magic, Complete Warrior - Divine - Adventurer - Arcane, Races of Stone - Destiny - Wild, Unearthed Arcana, Draconomican, DMG, Arms and Equipment, and Minature's Handbook.
*Any WotC book you wish to use, that I do not have listed - please don't hesitate to ask.
*This is not a first come first serve game.
*Special Rules: No Psionics! Bonus regional feat at 1st level, in addition to any other regional feats you may pick.

I look forward to hearing from you!
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First Post
Howdy. I'm interested in putting up an arcane trickster for this adventure. There is a feat I would like to use out of book of Aberations though. Its called Darkstalker and allows me to hide from blindsight, tremersense, scent, ect.

As for your other questions, I have never done this module before, and for post rate............................... Lets just say I don't really have a life.

this is my first time using Invisible Castle, lets hope this works.


That would put my stats at 13,10,12,15,15,16

I'm just gonna add my HP link here.


I rolled 21 HP (ouch)
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A VERY strange character concept entered my mind today as I was thinking about this game. It may not fit at all with your idea of what you want the game to be, but I'm going to put it forth anyways. Feel free to tell me to buzz off.

Anthropomorphic Rhinocerous (from Savage Species) Paladin 6 using the charging smite variant from PHB II

Lord Hubert Kestron the Fifth was a failure as a paladin. Oh, he was dedicated and possessed of a strong spirit, but his body was weak. Sickly and small his relatives gathered around the young lord like vultures, waiting for him to die so that they could claim his inheritance. And Hubert seemed only to willing to assist them, as he still attempted to serve his god through strength of arms, rushing off on perilous quests that he truly was not suited for.

Finally, one day, a misadventure with an evil wizard and a burst of wild magic changed his life. Scrawny and sickly no more, Hubert had been transformed into a monsterous creature, but a powerful one. He quickly dispatched his foe, but found the spell did not end. As he traveled to find a cure for his curse, Hubert realized that he was better off as a monster, for he could do more good than his human body could ever have done.

He abandonded his search for a cure, and his family gleefully disinherited their no longer human son. But Kestron cared not, for now he could truly serve.


First Post
so how are you doing HP?
Also, I'd like to ask if your willing to let me use spell compendium.
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First Post
Hp's will be full for first level, and rolled for the rest of the levels. Just go to invisible castle and to the roll dice section, put in the number of dice and sides.. and viola! :)

As for the books you guys asked about - I would need a full type up of what the feat/race or whatever it is.. and if you have a pdf I could download on it, that would be great. I don't normally like allowing people to use books I'm completely unfamiliar with, not because I don't trust people, but because I want to make sure everything is fair. Some books are not balanced with others, yah know?

Isida Kep'Tukari

I am Duthayer Coalhammer, paladin of the Rock of Battle. I have been the iron spine of this motley crew, and they have stood in for my clan, strange as that may seem. Longer ago than most of my friends I was born in my clan holdings in the Spine of the World, middle of eight children. Yes, my mother had more than her hands full, but luckily her sisters and my father's brothers were willing to help with her brood.

Would it surprise you than many of my brothers and sisters went to the temples? No? Well, unlike some human families, our piety is not false. The temples welcomed us and helped ease the burden on our mother at the same time. My older sister is a skilled healer in Berronar Truesilver's temple; my youngest brother is a stonesinger in Sharindlar's service; but I was called to the ranks of Clangeddin Silverbeard's paladins.

My father was a smith and- oh don't you go groaning now! "Every dwarf is a smith, miner, or stonemason, or has family that is!" you say. Yes, that's true. And why not? We live in the richest places of stone and metal, why shouldn't we reap the bounty we have been given? If less of us were smiths, how would the rest of you get your high quality dwarven arms and armor, I ask? Bah! Leave your exasperations behind your teeth. He was a smith, that I say with pride. Tulgar Coalhammer worked two hundred years in his trade and die sacrificing himself in a hill giant attack. He lived the finest life and died the finest death a dwarf could ask for! I can only hope I bring half as much honor to my clan.

I have not the skill in me to work the forge as he did, but I wield the weapons he gave me with as much skill and determination as I have been blessed with. The Father of Battle never appeared to me in a vision or any of that nonsense, but I felt His presence often when I practiced the classic forms of battle. It was the Lesser Lord, the high priest of the temple that sent me to the human lands. "Your skill is great and your words are eloquent. We believe you are the best suited to seek out honor for our clan amongst those outside our borders. Your duty will be arduous, but you will show the great honor of the Father of Battles as well as the honor of the Coalhammer clan. Send us back the tales of your exploits, and go with the blessings of the Rock of Battle."

So I went, starting out perhaps small, but by the Stones I have not failed! I fought tribes of orcs and their hill giant masters, I tangled with Zhent slavers in the east, and lycanthropes in the south woods. I earned a great deal of scars and the friendship of these rascals here behind me. None of them can hold their ale, it's true, but the lot of them have stood beside me through hellfire and high water.


Duthayer Coalhammer will be a shield dwarf paladin of Clangeddin Silverbeard.

Stats are here: http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?a=show&id=552908
Hit points: http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=552916 Urk, HP is particularly icky, three 1s and two 2s! But it's workable.

Posting rate would probably be, on average, once every other day. I'm going to have an odd work schedule, three on, two off, two on, two off, three on, three off or something like that, so you see where I'm coming from.

And no, I've never even heard of this module before.
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First Post
I can see if I can find a pdf on it. Might take me a day or two though. As for the type up of the feat, here it is.

Lords of Madness (Book of Aberations) page 179

you have learned how to stalk and surprise creatures who senses are very different from those of humanoid

Benifit: When you hide, creatures with blind-sense, blindsight, scent, or tremorsense must make a listen check or spot check (whichever DC is higher) to notice you, just as sighted creatures would make spot checks to detect you. You cannot hide in plain sight unless you have that ability as a class feature. In addition, you can flank creatures that have the all-around vision quality.

Normal: Creatures with these senses do not need to make spot or listen checks to notice other creatures within range. Creatures with all-around vision can't be flanked."


First Post
Hey there! If this indeed involves a dragon's lair, it might be perfect for a bricky character idea of mine named Kuma. A barbarian/sorceror/Dragon Disciple warrior from a savage, primitive land!

He seeks to slay a dragon, to prove himself, and to help free his people (long story :)).

Kuma's the basic tank. Lots of HP, two handed roar-and-brawl sort. Simple and satisfying, with a little extra oomph from spells and dragon disciplery. Personalitywise, he's gruff and not terribly loquacious, but both has and respects courage, honor and prowess in battle. Being a sorceror himself, he hasn't got any aversion to magic, and in fact finds it fascinating. His main criticism of "warmlanders," (he comes from the icy northlands) is that they talk too much and think too little, which taints their actions. Though by now, he's realized this is not true of everyone, he's still fond of poking fun at trusted companions now and then. His sense of humor is quiet and often surprisingly subtle.

Anyway! Hope it sounds interesting. I can usually post at least once a day, in the evenings. Sometimes I can manage a post during the day too, if I can get on from work. :)

I've never played the module before. Didn't even know it was one. :)


I'll see about a pdf, or scanning the relevant pages or something.

Bare bones is that an anthropomorphic animal takes most of the same traits as the animal is question and changes it into a monsterous humanoid.

Anthropomorphic Rhinocerous
Medium Monsterous Humanoid
[sblock=monsterous humanoid]Features
A monstrous humanoid has the following features.

8-sided Hit Dice.
Base attack bonus equal to total Hit Dice (as fighter).
Good Reflex and Will saves.
Skill points equal to (2 + Int modifier, minimum 1) per Hit Die, with quadruple skill points for the first Hit Die.

A monstrous humanoid possesses the following traits (unless otherwise noted in a creature’s entry).

Darkvision out to 60 feet.
Proficient with all simple weapons and any weapons mentioned in its entry.
Proficient with whatever type of armor (light, medium, or heavy) it is described as wearing, as well as all lighter types. Monstrous humanoids not indicated as wearing armor are not proficient with armor. Monstrous humanoids are proficient with shields if they are proficient with any form of armor.
Monstrous humanoids eat, sleep, and breathe. [/sblock]

2 HD of Monsterous Humanoid, +2 LA

Str +8
Dex -2
Con +6
Int +0
Wis +4
Cha -4

Natural Armor +7

In addition, from Rhinocerous he would keep a gore attack (1d6) and powerful charge (double damage on a charging gore attack)


First Post
Alrighty, I was really bored today so here is my character.

Name: Arthur of the Shadow

Physical Description:
Race: Human Alignment: CG Deity: None Size: M Age: 24 Gender: M Height: 5'6" Weight: 152 lbs Eyes: Blue Hair: White Skin: Pale White

Levels: 6 Sorcerer, 1 Rogue, 1 Assassin, 2 Arcane Trickster,

Str: 10 (10 Base)
Dex: 17 (15 Base +2 Enhancement)
Con: 14 (12 Base +2 Enhancement)
Int: 15 (15 Base)
Wis: 15 (13 Base +2 Enhancement)
Cha: 20 (16 Base +2 Level + 2 Enhancement)

HP: 41
BAB: +4
Grapple: +4
Fort: +4 = +2 Base +2 Con
Ref: +12 = +9 Base +3 Dex
Will: +10 = +8 Base + 2 Wis
AC: 20 = 10 Base + 3 Dex + 4 Armor + 1 Monk + 2 Wis
Touch AC: 16 = 10 Base + 2 Dex + 1 Monk + 2 Wis
Flat Footed AC: 17 = 10 Base + 4 Armor + 1 Monk + 2 Wis
Initiative: +5
Speed: 40 ft
Languages: Common, Draconic, Undercommon

Feats: Improved Diversion, Twin Spell, Quicken Spell, Chain Spell, Arcane Thesis (Scorching Ray), Blooded

Special Abilities: Metamagic Specialist, Improved Legerdmain 1/day, Sneak Attack +3d6, Death Attack, Poison Use, Trap Finding

Bluff: +18 = 13 Ranks + 5 Cha
Tumble: +7 = 4 Ranks + 3 Dex
Search: +6 = 9 Ranks + 2 Int
Spot: +8 = 4 Ranks + 2 Wis + 2 Unnamed
Knowledge Arcana: +6 = 4 Ranks + 2 Int
Hide: +16 = 13 Ranks + 3 Dex
Move Silently: +11 = 8 Ranks + 3 Dex
Decipher Script: +9 = 7 Ranks + 2 Int
Disable Device: +9 = 7 Ranks + 2 Int
Escape Artist: +10 = 7 Ranks + 3 Dex
Disguise: +9 = 4 Ranks + 5 Cha

Spells Known:
0 (8): Light, Read Magic, Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Acid Splash, Ray of Frost, Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound
1st (5): Lesser Orb of Cold, Ray of Enfeeblement, Lesser Deflection, Magic Missile, Mage Armor
2nd (3): Scorching Ray, Invisibility, See Invisibility
3rd (2): Haste, Fly
4th (1): Orb of Acid

Spells Per Day:
0: (6), 1st: (8), 2nd: (7), 3rd: (6), 4th: (4)
1st (2): Sniper's Shot, Critical Strike

Shortbow: +7, 1d6 damage, x3 Crit
Daggers: +4, 1d4 damage, 19-20 x2 Crit [/sblock]

Boots of Striding and Springing: 5,500gp
Rod of Empower x2: 18,000gp
Gloves of Dex +2: 4,000gp
Periapt of Wis +2: 4,000gp
Amulet of Health +2: 4,000gp
Cloak of Cha +2: 4,000gp
Hewards Handy Haversack: 2,000gp
Monks Belt: 13,000gp
Composite Shortbow: 75 gp
5 Quivers of Arrows: 5gp
1 Quiver Adamantine Arrows: 61 gp
1 Quiver Cold Iron Arrows: 2 gp
1 Quiver Silver Arrows: 3 gp
Cold Iron Dagger: 4 gp
Silver Dagger: 22 gp
50 ft Silk Rope (5 lbs) = 10 gp
Shovel (8 lbs) = 2 gp
Heavy Wooden Shield (10 lbs) = 7 gp
Waterskin (4 lbs) = 1 gp
4 Days Trail Rations (4 lbs) = 2 gp
4 Bells (0 lbs) = 4 gp
100 Candles (0 lbs) = 1 gp
Flint + Steel (0 lbs) = 1 gp
Grappling Hook (4 lbs) = 1 gp
10 Sunrods (10lbs) = 20 gp
275gp [/sblock]

Arthur was once a happy farmboy, living off the land and enjoying the simple existence of a peasant. That all changed when a raiding party of Drow emerged from the Underdark and attacked his home. He was away when it happened, taking a midday stroll like he always did, but came home to find his slaughtered family. Arthur's mind snapped, and he ran off into the wilderness to live as a hermit for some many moths. After much training, fueled by his hatred and lust for vengeance, he entered the Underdark to take revenge on the race that cost him his happiness. He quickly became acclimated to the never-ending darkness, and made the shadows his home as he crept through the winding passages to ambush drow patrols. Mastering self-taught magics designed to puch through drow SR, he soon became a thorn in the side of all the evils of the underdark. After a few years of his antics, the drow sent a massive hunting party after him. He struggled valiantly, but the numbers were too great, and he was forced to flee the Underdark.

He soon plotted a retaliation strike, but before he could put his plan into action, he came across a group of bandits attacking a caravan. He sprang into action, unleashing his hate fueled magics at the evil men and protecting the helpless victims of the raid. Standing in the aftermath of his ferocious assault, Arthur felt invincible, as if no evil in the world could halt his warpath. But then he noticed the peasants he had saved, their gratitude creeping into his heart. He realized that the drow were not the only ones that had ruined his life for his lust for vengeance was as much to blame for robbing him of his happiness. He decided that would instead enjoy the rest of his life, and spend it helping people, rather than mindlessly slaughtering those he felt even remotely responsible for his pain. From that day forth, he replaced his goals of killing with an urge to see all the land, and became a wanderer, hoping to experience as much of the world as he can, and help all he can.
Arthur's many years in the Underdark have left his skin deathly pale, matching his white hair. He contrasts this by wearing exclusively black clothing, making the only color on his person his bright blue eyes. He is a very reserved person, and has a hard time hiding his roguish choice of lifestyle, though few would suspect his arcane skills at first glance. While being very calm and patient most of the time, he is quick to anger when it comes to other people being abused or in danger. Arthur lives by his own set of rules, and while he doesn't deliberately break laws, he doesn't make any effort to follow them either. All in all, he gives the ideal impression of a warrior, and his cold hard eyes prove to those around him that he has seen and overcome many forms of hell.
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