D&D General DND survey! (gathering data Statistics) Please help, 30 second survey!


Hello there I am creating a DND Census for statistics on what are the most popular races, classes and settings. So I have created a short questionnaire that should only take 30 seconds of your time. This is for a Data Analyst portfolio and so I would love as much input as possible.

1) What is your favorite DND class? _________________

2) What is your favorite race? ____________________

3) What is your favorite setting (if own setting such as a homebrewed one, just write homebrew)? ________________

4) What is your favorite alignment? ______________

5) How many hours per session do you typically play? _______________

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Follower of the Way
Hello there I am creating a DND Census for statistics on what are the most popular races, classes and settings. So I have created a short questionnaire that should only take 30 seconds of your time. This is for a Data Analyst portfolio and so I would love as much input as possible.
1) What is your favorite DND class? Paladin
2) What is your favorite race? Dragonborn
3) What is your favorite setting (if own setting such as a homebrewed one, just write homebrew)? Points of Light
4) What is your favorite alignment? Lawful Good
5) How many hours per session do you typically play? 3-5 hours


5e Freelancer
1) What is your favorite DND class? Artificer
2) What is your favorite race? Warforged
3) What is your favorite setting (if own setting such as a homebrewed one, just write homebrew)? Eberron (as the first two answers probably made clear already)
4) What is your favorite alignment? None. I don't like the alignment system. Does that count as True Neutral?
5) How many hours per session do you typically play? Six to eight.

Hello there I am creating a DND Census for statistics on what are the most popular races, classes and settings. So I have created a short questionnaire that should only take 30 seconds of your time. This is for a Data Analyst portfolio and so I would love as much input as possible.

1) What is your favorite DND class? : Cleric
2) What is your favorite race? : Genasi
3) What is your favorite setting (if own setting such as a homebrewed one, just write homebrew)? : Planescape
4) What is your favorite alignment? : CG
5) How many hours per session do you typically play? 2-3hrs (online), or 5-6 (in person)

*My favourite race/class probably changes day to day.


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
1) What is your favorite DND class? Warlock
2) What is your favorite race? Custom, per the rules in Tasha's Cauldron of Everything
3) What is your favorite setting (if own setting such as a homebrewed one, just write homebrew)? Homebrew
4) What is your favorite alignment? Neutral Good
5) How many hours per session do you typically play? 5-6 hours


1) What is your favorite DND class? Paladin
2) What is your favorite race? Half Elf
3) What is your favorite setting (if own setting such as a homebrewed one, just write homebrew)? Points of Light/homebrew
4) What is your favorite alignment? None. I have not used the alignment system in 30 years.
5) How many hours per session do you typically play? 3-4 hours.


Hello there I am creating a DND Census for statistics on what are the most popular races, classes and settings. So I have created a short questionnaire that should only take 30 seconds of your time. This is for a Data Analyst portfolio and so I would love as much input as possible.

1) What is your favorite DND class? Fighter_____________

2) What is your favorite race? ____________Human

3) What is your favorite setting (if own setting such as a homebrewed one, just write homebrew)? Homebrew__________

4) What is your favorite alignment? __________Unaligned (aka no real alignment)

5) How many hours per session do you typically play? __4 hours_


1) What is your favorite DND class? Warlock

2) What is your favorite race? Tiefling

3) What is your favorite setting (if own setting such as a homebrewed one, just write homebrew)? Homebrew

4) What is your favorite alignment? Lawful Neutral

5) How many hours per session do you typically play? 3 hours

1) What is your favourite DND class? Artificer

2) What is your favourite race? dwarf

3) What is your favourite setting (if own setting such as a homebrewed one, just write homebrew)? don't have one

4) What is your favourite alignment? don't use alignment

5) How many hours per session do you typically play? 3

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