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Do your Enworld name and avatar reflect who you are?


My screen name is my real first name and part of my last name. I use it everywhere I can, because I like the consistency and don't want to have to remember different screen names for various boards. Not that I post much elsewhere anyway.

I used to think it was pretty clever when I first started using it years ago, with Blank not seeming like a real last name but more like a placeholder. I also considered Joe _______, which would actually be a little clever. But then Arthur Blank comes along, becoming well known as a co-founder of Home Depot and then raising his profile further buy purchasing the Atlanta Falcons, in my home town. No relation, of course.

I remained proudly avatar-less, sig-less, and anti-smiley for years. The EN World Book Club convinced my to give in on the sig, and it was down hill from there. My family, including my parents and my wife's extended family, are all big Disney fans. I see Mickey as a symbol and reminder of youth and fun. My wife has a Mickey tatoo. Sorcerer Mickey seemed perfect for EN World, especially when I started playing a gnome sorcerer.

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Greylock, 'cause, erhh, well you'd have to see me. It is a prominent feature. Someday I may have to change my screen name to Greyhair. I took the name a coupla years ago at another game forum, back when I still tended to post under my real name at most boards. It stuck. I've spent so much time posting as Greylock now, if someone came up behind me and uttered the name I'd certainly answer to it. :\

Av? I'm an av monkey. At one site I switch with some regularity. Heck, this is already my third here. I tend to go noir or goofy though.


First Post
Because Phoenix was taken...and Phoenix has been my callsign/avatar type thingy since I was about 8...though it had more to do with the F-14 Tomcat than any mythical creature.

The avatar was done by a friend of mine and I still get a kick out of the two Phoenixes :p

Am I like a Phoenix? Perhaps in the sense that I tend to push myself hard until I burnout, explode, recover and start all over again.

On the other hand, I really don't have a 100 mile effective range, radar guidance or a 135 pound warhead. :lol:


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There are three of us. We are Haligonians.

Okay, we know that's not helpful to most the world. Haligonian is the name of a person from Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. We don't know where the "g" came from, either. Anyway, there are three of us, like I said. We always sign the posts according to who wrote it (J, T, or R from three haligonians), but I'm not so sure anyone notices the *subtle* difference :) . You might ask why we didn't just get three different handles. Well, we're usually all together, so it's annoying to switch between handles when we want to respond.

As to our pic, it's just the lable of Keith's beer. It's brewed in Halifax. Okay, so now you know we're the heighth of creativity :cool:

R from Three Haligonians


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On most RPG related forums I have used *Kriegspiel as my screen name, when EN World switched over to the current board I was unable to log in using Kriegspiel, so I just shortened it to Krieg.

My avatar is a relatively famous piece done by my favorite fantasy artist Franz Frazetta titled "Death Dealer". It was used by the band Molly Hatchet as the album cover on their debut album many years ago. When I was growing up there was a van with a mural of the piece in my town that always intrigued me (hey I grew up in the 70's what can I say! lol). It was also the inspiration for the "Death Dealer" books that Franz was associated with.

While I am a veteran of the United States Marine Corps & served in Saudi/Kuwait & Somalia I don't feel that "war" is in any way an accurate description of myself.

...although this bright red horse with a large sword hanging from it's saddle has been following me around of late...



*Kriegspiel essential means "war game" and is the name of what is generally accepted as the ancestor of all modern war games. Like many I was mainly a war gamer before I became an RPGer many years ago...
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well, the name is just what happens when I have a D&D character and no creativity. almost all my characters, with minor exceptions, have been Tallok, and so when I came here, it just sort of followed naturally.

the avatar: yes, it does. donnie darko is a movie. my avatar is the picture used in posters, dvds, etc. frank is a guy in a demonic rabbit suit. it's philosophical and dark, but also has more lighthearted parts (like the bit with smurfs).


First Post
Virgil Caine is my name, I served on the Danville train...til Stoneman's caaavalry came and tore up the tracks again...

Errr....no. No it doesn't. I am Southern, and live near TN, but I wasn't born in 1843, but 1983.


First Post
My screen name and avatar are both very good reflections of me.

"Haiiro" is a somewhat archaic way of saying "grey" in Japanese; "color of ash" is another translation. It sounds a bit cheesy, but I strongly identify with the idea that people (myself included) come in shades of grey, morality-wise. The movie Unforgiven is what really got me thinking about that one, oddly enough.

I'm not Japanese, but my degree involved a lot of Asian Studies courses, and I've been fascinated ever since. It's deliberately uncapitalized for two reasons: one, I'm a big fan of e e cummings, and two, I'm not that important. ;)

My avatar is the cover of the 20th anniversary limited edition of Chaosium's Call of Cthulhu RPG. I love the game, Lovecraft is one of my favorite authors, my license plate says HASTUR...you get the idea. I also read a lot, and my apartment is full of books; having a book as an avatar seemed very appropriate.

Can you tell I put too much thought into these things? :p

[size=-2]It's all worth it in the end, though, because every few months one of these threads comes along and I get to subject people to my long-winded explanation. ;)[/size]

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