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Do your Enworld name and avatar reflect who you are?


PJ-Mason said:
Well i am my name...er, or my name is me? Don't have an avatar, guess i'm not that motivated. :)

Speaking as someone who knows you personally, I can confirm your self-assessment. ;)

I find it interesting that the bit of anonymity having a "handle" online has people saying things they would never would in person. (Not targeted at anyone in particular just musing.)

Me I'm actually more polite online then in-person. Which is somewhat odd.

In real life I'm a jerk! :)

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First Post
my avatar is a portrait of me done in cel style art =)

hell, at gencon this year, i made sure to wear orange and shave so as to be even more recognizable =)

Megamania was the name I used for a comicbook character in High school.

mega= 1000x
mania= sudden and often violent outbursts of physical and mental energy

Cool character.

As for avatars- I use a lot of comicbook stuff and an occational DnD themed one. I have been meaning to do a drawing of myself to use but always find something else to do.


First Post
My name is that of the renegade psion god of balance from my campaign world. He's different from me, but he's the closest thing I have to a voice as a DM, and thus he's the closest thing I have to a voice online. My avatar I picked because it looks like a brain.


Penguin Herder
"Nifft" is a character from a world that I like, and the flavor of which I sought to emulate.

The penguin is the logo of my favorite OS.

So, yeah, kinda me.

-- N


You can blame G-Force for my username. If you're not old enough to know what G-Force is, I will just say that it's a Japanese cartoon featuring a group of five people protecting the earth and stuff (kind of like the Power Rangers, but less campy). Among the vehicles they piloted was this massive airplane/spaceship that could turn into a fiery phoenix-like blast of energy. Many episodes ended with them using this ability to blast through and destroy the threat of the day.

That image kind of stuck in my mind, and when I needed to name a phoenix NPC for a 1e D&D game, I used "Firelance". Since then, every time I needed to use a phoenix in the game, I would call it "Firelance". During 2e, I started creating a homebrew inspired by elements of the Death Gate Cycle, the Dark Sun setting and the Birthright setting. The basic idea behind the setting was that the world had been split into eight pieces because of a massive struggle between good and evil. Firelance became a hero of the old world who had best embodied the philosophy of Fire. Formerly human, he had evolved into a phoenix. His weapon, also called the Fire Lance, was what would be a holy, flaming lance in 3e terms.

I have long abandoned that setting, but I'm still fond of the name and the (NPC) character and weapon who bore it. So, I've been using it as my user name on ENWorld and a few other forums I frequent.

I have no avatar, but that's becasue I haven't been able to find a phoenix (apart from the Rokugan phoenix clan symbol), a flaming lance (more a longspear than a jousting lance), or a phoenix wielding a flaming lance. Maybe I ought to drop by Sialia's thread.

Well, I do work in a library, and I swear there are a few Old Ones walking around in administration...

Seriously, I chose the name because I needed a login for IM and everything I picked was taken. So just to see if it would accept it, I tried cthulhulibrarian, since I'm a big HPL fan and one of the goals I'm working on is to get my MLS and be a librarian. AOl accepted the name, and about 5 minutes later it hit me that it sounded much cooler to be Cthulhu's Librarian, since he does seem to have a lot of books associated with him. I immediatly registered that name here, promptly forgetting the previous name I had made a whopping 1 post under after years of lurking.

As for the avatar, no, it's not me. I'm not bald, and I'm quite a bit younger. I asked a friend of mine (Oliver here on the boards, he sometimes posts in the art forum) to make an avatar for me, and this is a small section of the picture that he made. I gave him free reign to do what he wanted, thinking that I'd get a picture of Cthulhu reading a book or something, and what I got back was so much better. The whole image is a monk cradling a huge tome, and there is a long purple tenticle reaching in and draping over his shoulder.
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First Post
Hmm.... Well, the SN is the name of a character I've been working on for a few years, who has undergone lots and lots of changes. At first, he was my protagonist in Baldur's Gate, who was an elf unrivaled with the bow *painful chiche*. Angcuru is elvish for Iron Skill, and so, it kind of fit at the time. At the moment, he has changed a heck of a lot, is no longer an elf, doesn't use a bow, and isn't even in frikkin' Faerun. But the name still stuck. I like the sound of it, so the name is staying, and I needed a SN for ENWorld, so it seemed natural. Now I use it for at least half of my online SNs. :p

The avatar, well, I need a char pic for Angcuru. So I did a google-search on elves, hoping to get some ideas, hand a few pics to my buddy the artist, who would draw up a portrait for me. But as it turned out, the 3rd pic I saw was almost dead-on for what I pictured Angcuru to look like. Save for the facial tattoos, that is. At this point, it would be sans-elf ears as well. I'll see if Sialia can produce an up-to-date version. ;)

ANYWAY, they don't reflect me at all....much. Although the Angcuru character has a lot of my personality and I sort of resemble my avatar, but it's nothing remarkable. ;)

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