D&D General Don't Believe EVERYTHING concerning WOTC and D&D


#1 Enworld Jerk™
who the baddie is?
It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me.

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It's not an unrelated controversy, it's a separate controversy related to the general ire caused by an inciting incident that only happened a few days ago and was squarely the fault of management. Yes, I personally would remain angry with management in that sort of scenario, especially since they just seem to be unimpressive management in general.
This is like people justifying shoplifting because "it's just a corporation". It's still stealing. Knowingly telling others false information is still lying. Justify it all you want, it doesn't change anything.

Don't lead people to go down the road of "both sides do it" because that just hurts the people who have legitimate concerns. When you throw mud, you lose ground.

We're just noting that the misinformation which is out there now already from other actors, isn't exactly hurting our cause.
Yes it is. I don't support #OpenDnD as much as I believe in it because of the lies being spread and the hate mongering occuring on OpenDnD's behalf. It's hurting your cause, factually.
Turnaround being fair play is also a very old adage that's considered a truism, right?
Nope. Not considered a truism by people I know that actually understand actions and consequences. It sounds good, but it too is simple wrong.

I have a hard time believing many of these claims.

But a month ago I would have said there was no way WotC was going to try to revoke the OGL after spending two decades telling us they couldn't do it. Unfortunately, when you damage your credibility they way they have and prove the worst speculation about you was right all along, it just opens the door for this type of stuff.


#1 Enworld Jerk™
Yes it is. I don't support #OpenDnD as much as I believe in it because of the lies being spread and the hate mongering occuring on OpenDnD's behalf. It's hurting your cause, factually.

Nope. Not considered a truism by people I know that actually understand actions and consequences. It sounds good, but it too is simple wrong.
I get that you disagree and all that, but you know, citation needed.

I get that you disagree and all that, but you know, citation needed.
Citation for both of those are me.

As I said, I do not support OpenDnD as much as it deserves because there are many people who do support it that are spreading misinformation and lies. I do not associate with hate mongers and liars, therefore I will not associate with OpenDnD. Even though I believe in the core of the statement. Now, I admit that the behavior that prevents me from associating and openly supporting OpenDnD might attract other to it's cause because of the hatemongering and lies. Maybe that more than offsets my support, but in doing so it just provides more justification for me not supporting a group that tends more towards hate and lies.

So, continue to support the growth of hate mongering and lies at the risk of becoming a group of all hate mongers and liars. And which will then be easily dismissed by any objective observer.

As for your truism, you said it is, I said it is not. If you want a citation for my view on it, then you need to provide a citation of your own saying it is true. It's a statement of opinion, what use is there in citing individual views on an opinion?


Okay...so why even post about it if "LET THEM BURN" is your conclusion? Where does the situation go from there? If you're done, then be done, and bless.

But actual 3PP don't have that luxury. They need to figure out what the path is going forward, and a torrent of spin from WotC and misinformation and vitriol from all over the internet is not going to help that process forward for them, or for those of us who aren't going to walk away from decades invested in this game because of this situation. We want to fix things.
This. As a 3PP, I am very much vested. But I don't have the time bandwidth to keep up on all the conversations, especially when it's misinformation and knee-jerk emotional reactions. I really want to get an accurate picture of what's going on, and what my future looks like. That's hard when all of the conversations are filled with vitriol and hyperbole.

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