Dr. Si's Curse of the Crimson Throne - Escape From Old Korvosa


Ignatius, seeing several openings through which the Shinglesnipe with the pig may get through, nevertheless proceeds to the cage at his end of the field to try and punch the waiting opponent there in the face.

OOC: Circle around to square left of #5 then Attack: 1d20+6=19, 1d3+1=3 .

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Mhairi growled like a dog, she was so frustrated at this stupid game. As the Shinglesnipe brought his arm back - presumably to hurl the pig - she saw her chance. Chopping down on his elbow as he rolled his arm through the throwing motion, the pig all but fell into Mhairi's hands. "Thanks," she said sarcastically. "Could've saved a lot of effort if you just gave it to me..."

AoO to grab the pig! Bloody awful dice... 1d20+5=22 Finally!!!

Dr Simon

Mhairi grabs the pig and is rewarded with a bite from the ungrateful creature or her troubles. Meanwhile the Shinglesnipe midfield rearrange themselves, Manachan's opponent moves directly away down to the far end, next to his team-mate who takes a blow to the shoulder from Ignatius. Devargo continues to mark his man, this time both he and the Shinglesnipe manage to hit the other; the Shinglesnipe now bleeding from a cut.

Blood Pig 13.jpg

Mhairi - wins disarm, takes 2 damage from a pig bite but she now has possession of the pig.

#3 - withdraw
#4 - attack Devargo, hits for 2 damage, 5 ft. step.
#9 - move slighty
Devargo - attacks #4., hits for 5 damage and follows with step.

Next up:



First Post

Mhairi squeals as the pig latches onto her arm. Stepping toward the pit she flings it in without so much as a second thought. "Ugly, disgusting creature! I hope it eats you, craps you out and eats you again!"[\COLOR]

Dr Simon

Mhairi drops the pig into the pit, where it is swiftly dispatched by the giant wolverine. From the far end of the court there is a mechanical clacking sound, and a new pig rises into the cage at the far end. The Shinglesnipe next to Mhairi appraises the situation, glancing between the woman and the pit, but with no easy way to push her in, he contents himself with a backwards elbow to the face as he sizes up the play on the rest of the court.

At the far end, two Shinglesnipes are adjacent to the pigpen, but then so are Ignatius and Manachan, the latter chasing down his man and beating him as he goes. That Shinglesnipe turns and tries to grab hold of Manachan, but the aasimar's unarmed skills are too great and he is neatly slapped aside.

Blood Pig 14.jpg
2-0 to the challengers. Originally the game is supposed to be first to 5, but I think to save it going on forever we'll make it best of 5, so if you can score the next pig you've won.

#5 - unarmed strike to Mhairi for 3 damage (real damage)
#8 - grapple attempt on Manachan, fails (no AoO, he's got the feat).

Next up:


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Edmond moves to G8 then F9 and tackles (trip) #4 from F9. Both he and Devargo get OAs against him if trip succeeds. No second attack due to movement.

OOC: Sorry swamped at work until probably middle of the next week. Please roll as needed.

Dr Simon

Ignatius punches his opponent to the floor, where the man remains, but the other Shingesnipe by the pig cage grabs the pig and runs over to the goal hole, earning a parting blow from Manachan as he does so (which he is man enough to take). Score 2-1 to the challengers as another pig meets a bloody demise.

Meanwhile, midfield, Edmond tries to tackle Devargo's opponent, but the Shinglesnipe evades and moves away from the two men facing him. Devargo follows, cautiously. The other Shinglesnipe moves upfield towards the other pig cage, where a new pig is emerging.

Blood Pig 15.jpg

Ignatius' attack on #5 hits, enough to put the man down.

#3 grabs pig and moves away, either one of those actions enough to warrant an AoO from Manachan. I took the liberty of rolling, it's a hit for 5 damage but he's still in action. Standard action to grab pig, move action to goal, free action to drop pig.

Edmond's trip attempt on #4 fails.

#4 Withdraw action
#9 Move towards pigpen.

Next up:



First Post
Mhairi watched, appalled, as the Shinglesnipes dunked a pig. That only took a few seconds! I need to end this, now!!

With that thought uppermost in her mind, she dashed back across to the newly arrived pig. Sorry... she muttered, grabbing ahold of it.

Grapple attempt vs pig 1d20+5=16

Sincerely hope that's enough...

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