Dr Strange 2: In the Multiverse of Madness (Spoilers)

But...is 2 weeks not long enough to make the point?

For the fictional setting, it would really depend on where in that time her control of things starts to break down and people start to suffer physically. We saw it in the Halloween episode, with the residents on the outskirts basically not moving at all and not able to communicate with Vision. But we don't know if that lasted just a few minutes or hours or worse because they do not show us that. Other than that short time at Halloween, we never actually see the people suffering physically. As for the mental stress, or worse, the people are suffering, Wanda has no clue her control is doing that, as shown in the show, until near the end. And let's not forget Agatha's meddling with the hex and making things worse. It was her who took control of some of the people and practically had them attacking Wanda, if I am remembering that part correctly.

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the Incomparably Shrewd and Clever
Also, since Clea is probably from another timeline, the incursion may be back on Earth 838 or Earth 617, seeing as how the dead Strange 617 ended up on Earth 838 with America, where Strange 616 then animated the body and used it for the dreamwalk. Earth 617 seems more likely for the incursion because their Strange basically vanished.
Assuming the Dr. Strange in the opening scene is from 617, his body ends up in 616 and stays there. After Wanda captures America in 838, she activates America's power and sends America back to 616 to perform the ritual to remove her power. Strange 616 dreamwalks from the incursion-ravaged universe to the body of Strange 617 entombed in 616 and portals to Wundagore for the final confrontation.


Did we watch the same show? Because I clearly remember the scene where she found out/realized just what was going on in the town and she was horrified. Also, her control over Westview was just about 2 weeks, despite how time seemed to advance within the hex.
Actually, I was going by the three weeks suggested earlier in the thread, not my own number. A quick Google search actually pins it down to "about a week" WandaVision Filmmakers Clarify The Marvel Timeline, And The Span Of The Westview Anomaly May Surprise You - so, there's that.

Still doesn't really change my point though. Sorry, she only kidnapped and physically and mentally abused hundreds of children for a week. I guess that makes all the difference then? :erm: Oh, right, she feels really bad about it and stops torturing children to death once it's rubbed in her face and her victims beg her to kill them rather than keep mind raping them. But, yeah, she feels bad, so, I guess it's all okay.

The point is, she takes zero responsibility for her actions, makes no attempt to turn herself in or anything else. She just walks away and snuggles up to the Darkhold in a nice little cabin in the woods somewhere. :uhoh:

The whole point of this discussion was brought about by the idea that people were surprised that Wanda was the villain in MoM. Sure, you can make the argument for Tragic Hero in WandaVision - I can certainly buy that. But, it's not much of a step from WandaVision to full on villain IMO.


Biological Disaster
I'm not SURPRISED they made Wanda the villain of MoM. I'm just disappointed. WandaVision explored a lot of complexity in Wanda's character that's completely ignored in Strange's movie, which isn't shocking when you consider the director didn't bother to watch the series centered around his villain. Tony Stark's actions definitely directly resulted in more deaths and suffering than Wanda's (before he became Iron Man he was an arms dealer, Ultron was directly his fault), but he was given a redemption/true hero arc despite negatively impacting the lives of SIGNIFICANTLY more people than Wanda did. Including Wanda!

MoM was a visually entertaining movie, but I can't help but be distracted by just how much Wanda's breakdown is a direct result of pretty much everybody in her life letting her down, INCLUDING STRANGE. He can risk destroying reality because Spider-Man doesn't like being a celebrity, but he can't bother checking in on the obviously magical, superpowered Avenger who caused a massive reality-rewriting incident and clearly needed help? Wong couldn't spare a single person from Kamar-Taj to investigate? None of the Avengers heard about what happened and cared enough to check in on her, or send someone to? But then, it seems none of them bothered to be there for her when/after Vision died, so I guess that's just par for the course.

Wanda is a tragic person that was let down by everyone at every stage in her life and became a monster in an attempt to seek some form of happiness. Her being a villain in MoM makes sense, but she only became a villain because literally every MCU hero and institution that knew her did nothing to help her before things got to that point.


Scion of Murgen (He/Him)
All true, though to reiterate, the Wandavision incident happened over a pretty brief period of time, and almost immediately after the reversal of the snap. The world's population had just doubled again, with all kinds of chaos and confusion, which makes for a reasonable circumstance under which said heroes and institutions could have missed it until it was over.

Yes, ideally Wong or someone should have tracked her down to follow up on it, but it's not straining credibility too much for them not to have been able to, especially if she was using her powers consciously and deliberately to hide.

Thomas Shey

All true, though to reiterate, the Wandavision incident happened over a pretty brief period of time, and almost immediately after the reversal of the snap. The world's population had just doubled again, with all kinds of chaos and confusion, which makes for a reasonable circumstance under which said heroes and institutions could have missed it until it was over.

Yes, ideally Wong or someone should have tracked her down to follow up on it, but it's not straining credibility too much for them not to have been able to, especially if she was using her powers consciously and deliberately to hide.

I might buy that they got thoroughly distracted, but as to the latter--Strange was certainly able to find her when he wanted to.


MoM was a visually entertaining movie, but I can't help but be distracted by just how much Wanda's breakdown is a direct result of pretty much everybody in her life letting her down, INCLUDING STRANGE. He can risk destroying reality because Spider-Man doesn't like being a celebrity, but he can't bother checking in on the obviously magical, superpowered Avenger who caused a massive reality-rewriting incident and clearly needed help? Wong couldn't spare a single person from Kamar-Taj to investigate? None of the Avengers heard about what happened and cared enough to check in on her, or send someone to? But then, it seems none of them bothered to be there for her when/after Vision died, so I guess that's just par for the course.
Its a fair point, even Old Cap (who is still around, just retired) couldn't swing around?

This remains the main issue with hosting a connected universe....Marvel throws in the connection when its convenient, but ignores them even when they are narratively expected. Now its understandable that they can't have all the actors show up all the time, scheduling is hard enough as it is....but there are ways to do it.... body doubles, letters or texts instead of visits...there are ways to show the members still talk to each other beyond the world ending criseses.

One interesting way they could have done it, maybe before Strange finds Wanda he finds her phone, magically breaks into it (you can even have a little joke that instead of Strange casting some massive locator spell he just uses find a phone or some equivalent). There are tons of unread texts from all sorts of people, we get little cameos of Cap or Spiderman or XYZ people reaching out to her, seeing if she's ok. The fact that she hasn't read them shows us how that she has become incredibly isolated. This immediately tells us:
  • Yes these people are in fact human, and are trying to connect with Wanda and help her.
  • Wanda has cut herself off from people (a red flag that she is pulling into darker places, but not yet a guarrantee by any stretch).
The whole scene could take 5 minutes, and require 0 additional actors.

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