Dr Strange 2: In the Multiverse of Madness (Spoilers)


the Incomparably Shrewd and Clever
Hawkeye would be the best one to look out for Wanda. Unfortunately, he is presumably dealing with his own trauma and reconnecting with his family during WandaVision.

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the Incomparably Shrewd and Clever
I might buy that they got thoroughly distracted, but as to the latter--Strange was certainly able to find her when he wanted to.
Yeah, as impressive as the reveal of the evil forest was, it was not clear to me where that was, and how Strange could miss such a massive corruption (or when he was there, how could he miss the illusion), but I guess it's the old "witchcraft vs sorcery" excuse.

Thomas Shey

Yeah, as impressive as the reveal of the evil forest was, it was not clear to me where that was, and how Strange could miss such a massive corruption (or when he was there, how could he miss the illusion), but I guess it's the old "witchcraft vs sorcery" excuse.

Well, by that point she was certainly powerful enough that you can at least have a premise where her illusions were good enough to fool him (from what we've seen sorcery doesn't seem big into illusions).

But it still comes down to the fact he located her location with its illusion when he wanted to, and I don't think we can play the "now she made herself findable" game because that alone would have made him suspicious when he showed up, which he didn't seem to be.

The whole point of this discussion was brought about by the idea that people were surprised that Wanda was the villain in MoM. Sure, you can make the argument for Tragic Hero in WandaVision - I can certainly buy that. But, it's not much of a step from WandaVision to full on villain IMO.

The big problem with this is not an in-story thing, but rather that Raimi admitted that he never watched all of WandaVision and wrote the script without all the knowledge needed to make a better connection between the two. But then, only those of us who have watched the series even know this problem. For all other other millions and millions who only watch the movies, they know nothing of Westview or Agatha and were probably even more confused by the Darkhold and the children. They only know that Wanda somehow got hold of a book that turned her evil and she is having dreams of another universe where she had kids and now wants them for herself, with the evil from the book driving her to extremes.

I thought that in WandaVision her meltdown was caused by the Shield agent showing her Visions body, which is why I didn't consider her a villain in the series. If someone cuts the brakes on your car and you get into a crash, the person that cut the brakes is responsible, not the person driving.

I had no problem with her transition into the Scarlet Witch and thus being the villain in Multiverse of Madness, as she's being taken over by the Darkhold after being treated like a villain most of her life. I thought they did a good job of making the turn understandable and to a degree sympathetic.

Meanwhile, Loki invaded Earth, killed tens of thousands of people and escaped capture only to become a hero. But I've never seen the kind of demands of punishment that people seem to make towards Wanda.


I thought that in WandaVision her meltdown was caused by the Shield agent showing her Visions body, which is why I didn't consider her a villain in the series. If someone cuts the brakes on your car and you get into a crash, the person that cut the brakes is responsible, not the person driving.
If someone cuts you off on the road and stops at a redlight, and then you pull up to them get out of the car, and kill them.....you are guilty of manslaughter. You don't get to kill people because someone made you mad, that's not how things work.


Meanwhile, Loki invaded Earth, killed tens of thousands of people and escaped capture only to become a hero. But I've never seen the kind of demands of punishment that people seem to make towards Wanda.
Loki is in no way a hero to the people of earth. He might be considered a hero to his own people maybe, but at no point has he walked back to Earth and all the earth people are like, "hey Loki welcome back, good to see you."

If someone cuts you off on the road and stops at a redlight, and then you pull up to them get out of the car, and kill them.....you are guilty of manslaughter. You don't get to kill people because someone made you mad, that's not how things work.
Killing someone at a traffic light because they cut you off is pretty much murder.
I think my example with the brakes being cut was closer to what happened to Wanda.

People will interpret art in different ways, that's the beauty of it.

Thomas Shey

Killing someone at a traffic light because they cut you off is pretty much murder.
I think my example with the brakes being cut was closer to what happened to Wanda.

People will interpret art in different ways, that's the beauty of it.

Yeah. As I said, if you find Wanda operating in anything resembling her right mind for most of Wandavision, we clearly saw different shows (in the sense that our perspective and interpretation is vastly different).

Yeah. As I said, if you find Wanda operating in anything resembling her right mind for most of Wandavision, we clearly saw different shows (in the sense that our perspective and interpretation is vastly different).

Yep, someone's interpretation of art often says as much about them as the art itself.

Voidrunner's Codex

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