Dragon Mountain - Twin Forks


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The Druid walks over to the gnome picks up the gnome's head to face him, and sighs

"Silly gadget-rats and their parties."

<If he can cast something to cure drunkeness, he does>

"You little people don't hold your drink too well, do you. I bet I could drink three times as much as you any time, any place.

But if its adventure that you're after, little one, you've come to the right place. Dragon Mountain has returned at last. We're all off to find it. If you;re half as charming to marauding goblinoids as you were to those girls, maybe you'll be of some use."

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Argent Silvermage

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An elf walks into a bar...

Following fast on Naglfar's footsteps is a dashing elf. Eyes and hair of raven black his skin is alabaster white. He is riding a floating carpet and there is a drunken human man in his lap. "For Corellon's sake Naglfar. How many times must I tell you Not to try to stiff me with the bill. Oh hey guys! Let me get a fresh one and I'm ready for my next set." Argent gets off his carpet (a rare thing as you all know) and sets the human in a chair. "Hm... let me think, Man, woman or something more exotic this time?"


First Post
Rino thinks by himself ' why can't i get people drunk on water and rob them afterwards'

he gets him self an ale and goes back to the table


Living EN World Judge
Naglfar smiles up at the mouthy Leaf-Talker and replies 'Why, such caring touches my Heart, oh befriender of woodchucks,marmosets and magpies. Your ascertation of my ability to charm the pants off of anything we encounter is close to the mark, your statement as to my drinking prowess is a bit further from dead-on, I think. Perhaps we will get a chance to debauch when we have slayed the Dragon, stole the Lich's hoard or whatever we end up doing. Until then, is there some breakfast in the house, I think a half dozen eggs and a rasher of bacon will do nicely.'

Turning to Argent, Naglfar looks suprised to see him 'I would have thought you were still in bed with that Rashani girl and the other one, what was it...ah yes, the Sembian Dandy...he looked to be more than you could handle.'

Naglfar smiles and chortles 'Oh, there he is, poor bugger.You should drop himoff in a tree like you did that poor dwarvish lass after you had 'given her a ride on your carpet'...that's always a hoot.''
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Argent Silvermage

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Oh my brothers and sisters It is far to early to be discussing food. Argent says through a slight drunken lisp. Why don't we just sleep for a while and ..... Wait! Your talking about an adventure! I can tell by the way Vengar is sweating! I'm coming along. You idiots always need a member of the clergy.


First Post
Jeff walks over to Argent and mumbles a prayer to Tempus and slaps him on the shoulder(to deliver the Quick Sober)"Aye, twould be a loss if'n you had not made it to go with us on this adventure."

OOC: Quick Sober Orison from Relics and Rituals does exactly what it sounds like.


First Post
Calim said:
Jeff walks over to Argent and mumbles a prayer to Tempus and slaps him on the shoulder(to deliver the Quick Sober)"Aye, twould be a loss if'n you had not made it to go with us on this adventure."
And as he delivers the "healing touch" a little too hard, Argon smiles and chuckles "goofy kids."

Argent Silvermage

First Post
Hey, I wasn't done with that Alcohol yet! That's just not fair. Argent whines. He gets back onto his carpet (after wiping his feet) and sits down. So where do we begin? I heard about the village we ned to go to but let me think if there's anything I've hear of about this place.

(use bardic knowledge)


Argent said:
"Hey, I wasn't done with that Alcohol yet! That's just not fair."Argent whines. He gets back onto his carpet (after wiping his feet) and sits down. "So where do we begin? I heard about the village we ned to go to but let me think if there's anything I've hear of about this place."

"Had been the case you had some more self-discipline, you´d have learn that a man called Lothar that lives in Twin´s Fork, knows something about Dragion Mountain" says Telustiel. "And he certainly is not going to come here."

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