Dragonlance Dragons of Fate Dragonlance Novel Cover Revealed


The cover and description of Dragons of Fate, Margaret Weis' and Tracy Hickman's second novel in the new Dragonlance novel trilogy have been revealed on Amazon, with a release date of August 1, 2023.

A courageous heroine trapped in the distant past is determined to return to her own time--without changing the shape of the world forever--as the New York Times bestselling Dragonlance series continues in the thrilling sequel to Dragons of Deceit.

A clash of powerful magical forces sets off the Graygem of Gargath, sending Destina and her companions deeper into the past than she intended--to the age of Huma Dragonsbane and the Third Dragon War. Now, after the Device of Time Journeying shatters, they must find another way back to their own era, before the Graygem alters history irrevocably and the Third Dragon War ends in defeat for the forces of good.

With the battle raging on, Destina tries desperately to make amends and prevent disaster. Raistlin and Sturm encounter their heroes, Huma and Magius, and must reconcile the myths with the men. Meanwhile, Tasslehoff--shocked that the Knights of Solamnia have never heard of dragonlances--sets out to find the famed weapons.

But as the forces of the Dark Queen close in on the High Clerist's Tower, Destina's party must return to their own timeline together--or not at all.

The first book in the trilogy, Dragons of Deceit, came out earlier this year.

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Yes and no.

In the real world, we have rare examples of women being warriors in various cultures that generally didn't allow it. The exceptions prove the rule, to be cliche.

In the fantasy world of Krynn, women are not generally accepted as Knights of Solamnia. There are exceptions. Doesn't change the practice.

At your table, you can simply say your PCs are the exception and allow female knights. Or, better yet, as WotC is doing in their modern take on Dragonlance, eliminate the cultural restriction all together. Female knights are no longer an exception, they are simply allowed and accepted by all.
It still stands the 3rd book in the series by the original authors had it established that many of the knights were wrong about their own rules as stated by Astinus. It might have been uncommon because so many believed the incorrect rule, but it doesn't make it impossible. Astinus pointing this out directly led to Laurana leading them in the novels.

As for a game products, none of them ever said anything about gender when it comes to creating a knight because the material is focused on actual game rules instead of incorrect assertions made by characters in the novel so there's no reason to houserule anything. IMO, it's more of a houserule to slavishly follow the novels but to each their own.

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As for a game products, none of them ever said anything about gender when it comes to creating a knight because the material is focused on actual game rules instead of incorrect assertions made by characters in the novel so there's no reason to houserule anything. IMO, it's more of a houserule to slavishly follow the novels but to each their own.
Actually, there's an explicit allowance for it (at least post-War of the Lance) in the game rules for the Knights of Takhisis, which also references the Knights of Solamnia, found in the appendix of The Second Generation novel (Dragonlance, for whatever reason, has several novels with game stats in the back).

From page 390 of the February, 1995 mass market paperback version:

As with the Knights of Solamnia, women may enter the ranks of the Knights of Takhisis. One of the most renowned leaders during the War of the Lance was Dragon Highlord Kitiara Uth Matar, and despite the fact that she was, in large part, responsible for the death of Lord Ariakan's father, Kitiara is celebrated as one of the heroes of the knights, for her courage and daring in battle. Women may enter any order without restriction and may rise as high as their own abilities take them.

Actually, there's an explicit allowance for it (at least post-War of the Lance) in the game rules for the Knights of Takhisis, which also references the Knights of Solamnia, found in the appendix of The Second Generation novel (Dragonlance, for whatever reason, has several novels with game stats in the back).

From page 390 of the February, 1995 mass market paperback version:
That's fair, I had completely forgotten they included that in the back of the novel though it does support that female characters can be knights. It's honestly kinda strange they went that route considering how much material TSR was putting out in 1995, they could have squeezed a short module out of those game stats easily.

Dragons of Deceit was incredible and I’m really glad the original authors of the series are back once again. Huge DL fan and have been since I was a kid. I can’t wait for Dragons of Fate~ I’ve already pre-ordered it on Amazon.
Seeing the cover with Sturm Brightblade and Raistlin Majere gets me even more stoked to get my hands on the hard cover and start reading~

Which takes place during the war. And change doesn't happen over night. Even after Sturms death and the war finally ending, it takes time (and voting) to get things sorted. The Knights eventually sort themselves out more or less.
It takes place before, during and after the war and in all of that time women can not be knights (according to the main character).

It is a major plot element and I suspect the genesis of the lawsuit as it would dramatically change the book if women in book-world Dragonlance could be knights.

If Sturm is alive it can’t really be after the war (certainly that part cannot, timetravel aside)
Read the book. Absolutely it is.

After the war is over Destina goes on a Quest and during that quest she meets, talks to and tries to drug Sturm Brightblade. Yes, there are nuances to that, but any more detail would be spoiling the book.

It is sufficient to say your presentation of the Knights, as those of modern WOTC and apparently TSR 30 years ago, are not consistent with the knighthood as presented in this book.

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