Dragonlance Dragons of Fate Dragonlance Novel Cover Revealed

The cover and description of Dragons of Fate, Margaret Weis' and Tracy Hickman's second novel in the new Dragonlance novel trilogy have been revealed on Amazon, with a release date of August 1, 2023. A courageous heroine trapped in the distant past is determined to return to her own time--without changing the shape of the world forever--as the New York Times bestselling Dragonlance series...


The cover and description of Dragons of Fate, Margaret Weis' and Tracy Hickman's second novel in the new Dragonlance novel trilogy have been revealed on Amazon, with a release date of August 1, 2023.

A courageous heroine trapped in the distant past is determined to return to her own time--without changing the shape of the world forever--as the New York Times bestselling Dragonlance series continues in the thrilling sequel to Dragons of Deceit.

A clash of powerful magical forces sets off the Graygem of Gargath, sending Destina and her companions deeper into the past than she intended--to the age of Huma Dragonsbane and the Third Dragon War. Now, after the Device of Time Journeying shatters, they must find another way back to their own era, before the Graygem alters history irrevocably and the Third Dragon War ends in defeat for the forces of good.

With the battle raging on, Destina tries desperately to make amends and prevent disaster. Raistlin and Sturm encounter their heroes, Huma and Magius, and must reconcile the myths with the men. Meanwhile, Tasslehoff--shocked that the Knights of Solamnia have never heard of dragonlances--sets out to find the famed weapons.

But as the forces of the Dark Queen close in on the High Clerist's Tower, Destina's party must return to their own timeline together--or not at all.

The first book in the trilogy, Dragons of Deceit, came out earlier this year.

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Blue Orange

Gone to Texas
This was dispelled in other threads. Read Dragons of Spring Dawning where Astinus of Palanthas makes it very clear that having women in the knighthood is not without precedent (though some believe that is not the case).
You are correct! This is so much easier with Kindle...

p. 84:

"I'm certain that, according to the Measure, women are not permitted in the Knighthood--"
"You are wrong," Astinus stated flatly. "And there is precedent. In the Third Dragonwar, a young woman was accepted into the Knigthood following the deaths of her father and her brothers. She rose to Knight of the Sword and died honorably in battle, mourned by her brethren."

So, at least as of 1st-ed, it was possible. Realistic? Well, maybe, maybe not, but then neither are dragons or dragonlances. ;)

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You are correct! This is so much easier with Kindle...

p. 84:

"I'm certain that, according to the Measure, women are not permitted in the Knighthood--"
"You are wrong," Astinus stated flatly. "And there is precedent. In the Third Dragonwar, a young woman was accepted into the Knigthood following the deaths of her father and her brothers. She rose to Knight of the Sword and died honorably in battle, mourned by her brethren."

So, at least as of 1st-ed, it was possible. Realistic? Well, maybe, maybe not, but then neither are dragons or dragonlances. ;)
Hmm...wonder if we'll find out that Destina was that woman...


No, it's not. As @DragonBelow referenced, Dragons of Spring Dawning set this straight with Astinus referencing a female knight from long before the War of the Lance. The entire point you seem to be missing was there were a lot of knights that were clearly mistaken about what their own rules even said.

There might have been female knights in the version of Krynn where Dragons of Spring Dawning took place, but they are not in the version of Krynn where Dragons of Deceit takes place even though they are in the same timeline and overlap.

If this quote from Astinus is true, it means either one of two things:

1. What Astinus referenced is something that happened long before not only the War of the Lance, but before Huma Dragonsbane as well and in fact before the measure was written, since this new book states that the measure itself restricts the knighthood to men and there are no knights in the KOS and this is after the war of the Lance. This is stated multiple times in the book and it is a main story element. The book talks about Laurana, and about her leading the defense of the High Clerist Tower, but she is not a knight in it.


2. the authors themselves slipped up and missed this and forgot about this statement by Astinus when they wrote the new book.
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No, it's not. As @DragonBelow referenced, Dragons of Spring Dawning set this straight with Astinus referencing a female knight from long before the War of the Lance. The entire point you seem to be missing was there were a lot of knights that were clearly mistaken about what their own rules even said.

Now whether females were able to inherit property without a will specifically declaring it in Solamnian society is entirely a different topic.

I'm also not sure where you get that the Classic tag was a part of the WotC lawsuit settlement. Do you actually have a legitimate source for that info? Because everything I saw reported around the time of the settlement had nothing for specifics other than the books would be allowed to be published under the existing WotC approval process.
I know what the previous novels said, I know what the previous rules said. This is not my first DragonLance rodeo, ok?

I also know what Dragons of Deceit, published in August, 2022 said. And in the novel, Destina laments that she cannot be a Knight of Solamnia, as women can't become one. That was my point.

With respect to the logo, the use of the "Classic Dragonlance" logo (by adding the term classic) appears to be an express term of the settlement and is explicitly referenced in the press release from the authors. The DL logo has changed and now the word "classic" expressly appears at the top. The terms of the deal was a license to the authors to publish novels under the "Classic Dragonlance" brand. That's in the press release.

The nature of the claim launched by Hickman and Weis complains that WotC made editorial requests and changes to the novels to update them to modern sensibilities. Those allegations appear in the claim of the authors, discussions of which were previously posted on ENworld here.

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