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DT's Old School Campaign- (Chapter 4: The Guild and The Girl)

Deuce Traveler

The kobold made a face that seemed an equivalent of a smirk. "We'll see, human. But for now keep dreaming dream. Also, you should know that Mukang has it in for Rexor. He cares little what happens you, but Rexor will likely die." The kobold opened a closet near the eastern gate to the pit and offered to hold Edvan's items inside while Edvan fought.

Everyone Else
Vera quickly slipped away and started rummaging in a far bin for different garments, and also grabbing a pitcher of water from a nearby table as she prepared to clean off. The rescuers entered the room and shut it behind them, Lola moving to assist with the collar. "Ok, so do you want to tell me what the plan is as I get ready?"

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[sblock]Edvan prepares for the fight, storing those items that he didn't leave with his friends to hold. He'll then wait until time to fight passing the time with stretching and limbering up.[/sblock]

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Everyone Else
Vera quickly slipped away and started rummaging in a far bin for different garments, and also grabbing a pitcher of water from a nearby table as she prepared to clean off. The rescuers entered the room and shut it behind them, Lola moving to assist with the collar. "Ok, so do you want to tell me what the plan is as I get ready?"

"wellll , you see...we are to, uh, wait for a signal and then get this place into a maniacal mutinous frezy, Mopp, er, vera.Does ye hand, er, former handler have any keys on hi personage, or if not, where do the keys get kept? We be needin to be settin some slaves free here and soon."

Deuce Traveler

"Ladies and gentlemen! The last fight tonight is going to be something special, indeed! We have the terrible and famous Rexor and the newcomer Captain Edward von Agnok. Will either survive? Let's find out! Lord Mukang himself places the odds at 3:2 against Rexor's survival!"

Edvan removed all your except his pants and footwear and allowed the kobolds to throw water at him to make his muscles shine more for the crowd. He could see from the spaces in the western and eastern portcullises that Rexor was given similar treatment across from across the pit. As the portcullis gates were raised, Rexor and Edvan walked into the arena. The gates then closed and a quarterstaff was tossed to each of them from a smiling Mukang, who stood expectantly in front of his chair.

Rexor approached Edvan while expertly twirling his staff. "He puts 3:2 odds against me, huh? He must really think you're something." Rexor circled to the left of Edvan as he spoke, but kept 20 feet away as he stayed close to the circular wall of the pit and studied his opponent.

Everyone Else
Lola was able to unlock the girl's collar with ease, although Rose sighed since she still wore hers. Vera wrapped herself in a comfortable looking robe, let her hair down to hide her face, tucked a kitchen knife in her belt, and told Quinn with a smile and after taking his arm in hers that she was ready and prepared to act as his comrade until they could slip out of the Pleasure Dome. But then everyone heard the announcement in regards to the fight. "So some fool has decided to take on Rexor? That killer is an expert with a handful of weapons. Ah well... it's not my funeral."

Rose replied sharply, "You'll kindly watch your tongue, waif! That man is up there trying to save your behind with a distraction!"

Vera seemed to be ready with a reply of her own before she pondered Rose's words. "I'm sorry. I did not know why he was doing what he was doing. I'm sure your friend is skilled enough to fight Rexor and I appreciate his help." Then she mumbled, "Besides, anyone good with a weapon can see that Rexor leans slightly to the opposite side of his strike before he attacks and that he is just feinting otherwise..."

Quinn found a ring with a large amount keys around the dead man's waist, though no one could say what they were for, although Lola suggested there were enough of them to be for quite a few rooms and different enough to suggest different types of doors.


[sblock]Edvan grabs the staff and holds it firmly with both hands. He keeps his eyes on Rexor and circles keeping himself facing the tougher warrior. "Maybe it's just wishful thinking and he only hopes I'll kill you." He favors Rexor with a humorless smile.[/sblock]

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
"hey losa, what say ye remove rose's collar too? I think that would the forwarner of our moment of action and Me thinks that when it happens, there wont be much of time to do any fancy finge work, eh? Rose, do ye have any skills with weapons?"


Queen of Everything
Lola pocketed the keys but kept them handy, just in case.

"Let me take a look at that Rose, okay?"
Lola took off the collar and tried to rig it so she could wear it loosely but it was no longer locked so Rose could get it off when the time was right.

"I suppose I need to get myself near to Mukang and prepare to have at him when the time is right. That might take some considerable acting. I hope Edvan doesn't get too hurt down there. Everyone know what they are doing?"


"Yes, we need to get out there, we all need to be in position." says Rovan.

"The assassin's guild is professional after all" he adds with a laugh.

Deuce Traveler

OOC: I apologize for the delay...

"We shall see, won't we!" Rexor circled closer, getting within 10 feet before springing forward, staff held at an angle. The two men clashed twice, parrying each others blows and testing defenses before springing back. On the third time, Rexor feinted to the left before shifting right and cracking Edvan along the knuckles. As Edvan loosened his grip, Rexor swung an end of his quarterstaff sharply and flung Edvan's own staff away.

Rexor's wolfish grin was swept away as Edvan's right hook connected with his face and cut his bottom lip. "First blood to the young lordling!" Lord Mukang's shout caused a roar of excitement to ripple through the crowd.

Everyone Else
Lola had trouble unlocking Rose's collar, but Quinn tried out the newly found keys on Vera's old collar. He guessed right on the seventh key, then tried the same on Rose's collar. It was a fit, and the collar fell away with a triumphant sigh from Rose.

"I don't know how to use a weapon, but that won't stop me from trying to follow the group on the way out." Rose went through the clothes Vera had browsed through and found her own garments. Like Vera, she also let her hair down to guard her face.

Hilmdyn and Rovan hid the body, then checked the hallway before leading the ladies followed by Quinn north and then up the stairs. They went near the pit and saw most of the building's population was taken up by the show. Lord Mukang leaned over in his chair and yelled, "First blood to the young lordling!" Lord Mukang's shout caused a roar of excitement to ripple through the crowd.

"I suppose your friend isn't doing so bad, after all. Shall we get closer to look or do you want us two to stand back while some of you get closer to Lord Mukang?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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