Dwimmermount IC:

Jimmy Disco T

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[OOC: Quick question for our benevolent DM - did we managed to find something that Vindar was able to use in place of his missing leg, or did Pieter have to give up his iron pole/spit? Just need to know if I'm currently unarmed!]

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The door pulls open with relative ease, revealing an empty room (room 22). It appears as though there is a coating of oil spread all over the floors and walls beyond the door.

As for a crutch for Vindar, you were unable to find anything, but the spit is too short to be of much use anyhow. It seems to be easiest simply to prop him up on your shoulder and help him hobble along.


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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"I'ma thinking 'fire trap'," communicates the rounder of the two dwarves after a narrow-eyed inspection. He draws one of his iron spikes from his growing pack: "Let's just set it off, shall we?"

OOC: If nobody has a better plan, Midgrim will just toss the spike in and close the door, trusting the sparks will set off the oil. "Let sear for three hundred beats..."


The spike arcs through the air, and you slam the door shut just before you hear a loud "FHWOOMPH!" from the other side. After a moment the door grows quite warm to the touch but after waiting a spell you are able to open the door to a billow of smoke. It does eventually clear and other than the smoldering stone the room seems non the worse for wear.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"Cooked ta perfection," agrees the fat dwarf with a grin towards their scout. "Let's be careful still though." No telling if this was the only surprise they planted on their doorstep...

OOC: Midgrim will prod the way to the opposite door with his pole, gesturing Klyman towards it if they get there without incident: "Trapped?"

I propose the following SOP for all doors we encounter:
1. Klyman checks for traps
2. Another listens for noise and peers under/through (Midgrim, Gargrim, Pieter, Climent, in order?)
3. If nothing and unlocked, open and go through.



Klyman Sylar, human rogue

Klyman carefully and gingerly approaches the door and searches it for traps. If he finds none, he moves aside for the Opener.

Jimmy Disco T

First Post
Pieter steadies Vindar as he jumps slightly at the sound of the fire trap being set off.

"Good job, Midgrim." he says quietly. Awkwardly he hefts the iron spit in his hand, trying to simultaneously stop Vindar from falling. They creep forward, ready to enter the room once given the all clear.


The door does not appear to be trapped, and it opens with relative ease leading into a square shaped room with two passages going off in either direction. There is a large iron table, as well as empty iron shelves lining the walls. The south wall (the only one without a door in it) has 3 brass boxes set against it. They are quite large, likely about three feet long, two feet wide, and two feet high, and they are covered in knobs and dials made of a silvery metal, and polished to a high sheen. There is some strange discoloration around the boxes, and some silvery looking splotches on the ground near them.


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