Dwimmermount IC:

"Not quite the chest of plat'num I was hoping ta haul out of here, but it'll do," grins Midgrim, greed throwing the wiser course of action right out the window (he'd barely even heard the rest!): "Let's take the middle one," he nods to his brother, carefully extending his 10' pole to jar it a little before moving-in and grabbing the back for a test-lift once Gargrim is in place at the front (assuming it didn't blow up or something).

OOC: Poke the thing a few times (to see if carrying motions will set it off) and then start moving it out of here, following Pieter/Pieter's map towards the Red Doors (so north from here, to map left). Standard door-opening proceedure on that door, please.
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Prodding the box causes it to shift slightly, it seems to be fairly heavy, probably about 30 lbs or so. There are also no handles, so it is quite awkward to carry. You're movement is halved and you'll have to put it down in order to do anything other than carry it.

Upon opening the door to the north you find what looks like the remains of a Kobold outpost. The kobolds have been slaughtered, the nine or so bodies having already lithified. That said, the blood stains on the floor are still tacky to the touch, so it couldn't have been more than a few hours since the battle.

Looking at the corpses, it seems as though they were hacked apart with dull, or improvised blades, by someone, or something with considerable strength.

OOC: So the school year is basically done. My report cards are done, just have final exams this week, and then we're home free. :]


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"Well, looks ta me like we got some kind souls walking the halls, doing good work," grins the rounder brother through his beard. "And why are yee shouting?"

Grumping and grumbling, he and Gargrim carry the silver box into the next room, then lay it down so they can do some proper looting.

OOC: Loot the bodies, if possible, and the rest of the room. No sign/remains of whatever did the killing?
OOC2: Oh and let's add: "Lay down the box; prepare weapons" to the door opening SOP please. :)

Gargrim helps his brother, while lowering his voice sheepishly, "Sorry about the shouting. I get a wee nervous when running into a massacre I didn't help along. The lost chance gets me anxious."

"So long as the wheat gets ta the bread," shrugs Midgrim. A pause. "And *I* get ta eat the bread."

So maybe he understands some of what his brother's feeling right now after all...

The next room seems to have at one point been a small library. The remains of what looked to have been a fairly comfortable chair are found in one corner, and although the shelves appear to be mostly empty, you do find a couple of interesting titles that don't immediately crumble to dust in your hands.

Midgrim you find an exceptionally rare copy of an old Thulian Fechtbuch or fencing manual, written by none other than Tyrleth, one of the great generals of the Thulian uprising and considered to be one of the greatest masters at arms to have ever lived. You can't read the old Thulian annotations, but the plates within it showing guards, stances, attacks and counterattacks are a wealth of information in and of themselves.


Klyman you manage to uncover a large map drawn on several pieces of vellum stitched together showing a vast continent with cities rivers and mountains labeled. You don't recognize the script on it at all, nevermind any landmarks, but it seems to be centered on a city right in the center of the map.

Peiter, you find a somewhat tattered judges handbook for an old Thulian wargame called Zatrikio. You know it is popular among members of the middle class, so it might be worth something. A red ribbon bookmarks a section called Asana's Challenge, which seems to show a scenario involving a small cavalry force being ambushed by archers in a canyon or pass.


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Gargrim grumbles, "Books? Seriously, why? Nothing's in there ye can't learn by just doing things for yourself. At least that dar one has some nice pictures of humans stabbing each other."

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