Dwimmermount IC:

Klyman Sylar, human rogue

"Just who is this 'Segur' and what makes you think he would do any better against us than you would?"

"You think it's his mama or his nanny?" Klyman whispers to his friends.

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The Orc puffs up a little bit.

Segur gnoll slayer, ring giver, and chief of Bloodreign clan. He lead our mighty warriors in battle, and drinks from the skulls of foes. Rethar he thumps his chest leading you to assume Rethar is his name scout for Bloodreign and sworn axe of Segur. Bloodreign clan expanding from below, I scout here to find new great hall. Ask question. I answer as can. His eyes narrow cunningly Maybe, other stunties you seek? he asks gesturing at the dwarves.

"Why should we do this ones dirty work? Do we have a beef with this wizard or something? And why would Segurs really care if he lost an orc. I'm sure it happens down here all the time. Gah! Talking to orcs make me head hurts!" Gargrim complains but let's the others with better brains do the talking.
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Climent pipes in and says in a low voice. "He's probably blowing a fair bit of smoke when it comes to Segur, but I'm wondering about what he was saying about 'other dwarves'. Didn't you say there were supposed to be dwarven custodians in here?"

The rotund dwarf growls back at the Orc: "Respect, Rethar, unless you want us ta bring yee down below my level right quick?"

Seems 'stunties' stuck a bit deep in Midgrim's craw... and the axe in his right hand leaves no doubt as to his meaning.

Climent pipes in and says in a low voice. "He's probably blowing a fair bit of smoke when it comes to Segur, but I'm wondering about what he was saying about 'other dwarves'. Didn't you say there were supposed to be dwarven custodians in here?"
"Yes, thank yee Climent," the tressed dwarf replies, a bit drily.

Still, he's right: that is why they came in here in the first place... A steadying breath, getting his emotions back under fair control: "Alright, so who's this wizard yee're fighting and did he have anything ta do with the attack on the Custodians? The dwarven custodians," he specifies.

Rethar might be smart enough to pick up that whoever that is is going to bathe in the blood of his and Gargrim's bloody vengeance.


Does Klyman correct himself before he gets the full insult out, [MENTION=48762]Leif[/MENTION]? If not, he'll get an elbow jab to remind him. :)
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OOC: ACH! An elbow jab to the knee! Klyman doesn't see it as an insult, he's just using the word that the orc used. :P

The Orc growls back, and puffs his chest out "I be talking wit respect stunty as soon as ya be doin da same. Orcs no be needin 'nannies' ta change our nappies like hummies do, we also not be blowin' smoke less it from burnin dead enemies... We's also gots good hearin. Sides, ifin ya be killin me ain't no one ta be tellin Segur dat da stunties we be hostin' mite be worth more dan a meal... Ya see, when dey attack our outpost... we take a couple of em alive. Yall best stop be puttin on airs actin' like you's betta dan me ifin you be interested in seein' dem again."

He pauses for a moment to let that sink in.

Da wizard is who what created us from da pool. Den he decide that he was gonna make gnolls instead and told da gnolls ta be killin us. Segur told us dat we is Orcs, and we must be fightin so we fight our way out. We been fightin da gnolls since. We still be needin weapons dough... I be thinking dat one stunty wort dis many good axes right? he holds up five fingers. We be havin 3 three of yous kin sittin tight in our fortress... dat be dis many axes. he opens and closes his hand three times.
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Fifteen gold pieces, is the number that instantly pops into Midgrim's head. Still, he wasn't born yesterday.

Glancing down significantly to Rethar's own crude 'axe': "If'n that's the best weapon the best warrior of the Bloodreign can manage right now... Three times three axes, and yee're robbing us blind." He points his own axe at the big Orc's chest: "BUT yee deliver the first of yer guests ta us right now, so we know yee have any of our kin at all." Now THAT could be worth a whole lot to them right now... "Deal?"

OOC: 'to the Knee'? The KNEE!? LOL. I'm pretty sure Midgrim can reach a certain spot about twice that high if need be, Leif. :)
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