• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D&D 5E Dwimmermount [IC]


First Post
As gently and as quickly as they can the company moves the two corpses into the ruins of the still smoldering homestead. You also move a bit of debris over them as best you can to protect them from any scavengers.

After this grim work is done the company again heads west towards where you hope you will find Hiddell's homestead. As you make your way west with renewed vigil you become awake of the lack of wildlife. Where in the first part of you journey there were morning bird songs and small animals in the grass, now all is quiet and deadly still.

As the morning turns towards midday you crest yet another of the endless hills of the his land and spot a large walled homestead on the next rise. This homestead appears to be made up of at least four good sized buildings and a large barn. All are enclosed within a wooden palisade. You also see four or so figures riding ponies watching over a small herd of cattle.

As the company approaches two of the riders move to intersect you. They both have bows with arrows notched but not drawn. The older of the two human men calls out when you are close enough "Who be you folks I a wondering? Whats ye a want on my lands?"

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First Post
Both riders spit onto the ground near them at Lucious words. "Aye" replies the old man "Goblins be a blight on these lands like ancient days again. So yous are just a wandering band of bounty hunter or are ye's a legal and bond extermination company? Fer if ye be legal I mights have work fer the likes of ye..."


Hunter Brightwood

Hunter smiled as he stepped towards the two riders, “We are legal, my good man. We are the Fellowship of Tome and Steel and we have a license and bond to seek legal work from Murtberg.”

Hunter paused for a moment, “My noble friend can produce the paperwork if needed,” Hunter said and made a nod towards Magen, “but I always have believed a man’s word is his bond, and I give you my word we are legal and we are here to help you.”

Hunter took a step forward and extended his hand towards the lead rider.



Magen Brigward
Fighter 2

Magen steps forward with Hunter, "We are." he agrees with Hunter, "We read in the city that Hiddel was looking for some help with goblin raids. I am Magen Brigward, would you be Hiddel?"

[SBLOCK=Mini Stats]
Passive Perception: 11
AC: 19
Initiative: +0
HP: 24/24 (HD: 2/2d10)

Longsword: +5 5ft 1d8+3S
Longsword (2hnd): +5 5ft 1d10+3
H. Crossbow: +2 150/600 1d10P Heavy, Two handed

Second Wind: 1/1
Action Surge: 1/1
Inspiration: 3
Healing potions: 1


First Post
The man nods his head as he dismounts, adding "Aye, I am Hiddel." He shakes Hunter's and Magen, taking Hunter's words on faith he continues "Aye, I had one of me boys rides into the Muntberg a few days ago to post there. We have been having problems with a nasty tribes of wolf riding goblins the last couple of weeks."

"Marcus head backs to the herd, I need to have a word with these folks" Hiddel says to the younger rider who heads back towards the herd.

Looking over the company with a keen eye he nods and says "Well I guess iffin' yer are a legal company and come out this way I let ye know whats your gettin' yerselves into. I figure this here tribe, the Skull Takers they calls themselves. Well this here tribe came down from the mountains I'd say about three week ago. They started poaching my herd and the herds of some of the folk around here. Then last week they killed the Miller family to the north of here. Stien Miller and his wife and three boys all lost their lives and their heads to this band of cutthroats. They been a raiding other homesteads in the area but only ats night and most folk out here have some stout dwellings so near as I can tell no one else been killed."

"Now ta make matters worst, just yesterday, Thom Wellsmith sent up one of his boys to let the homesteaders knows about a raid on his place two nights ago. He and his kin fought them buggers off but he thinks that he sawed a ogre with the party."

"Sos I wants this here tribe dead. Alls of them. As far as I can figure they might be twenty or so of them, but they don't seems to work all together like. They split up into two of three bands to do their a raiding. Their boss is a sodoff goblinscum calls himself Bittertooth. They ride them Black Wolves of theirs' and they seem to have an ogre ally. I give yea 5 gold pieces for every goblin head ye can bring to me, 10 gold for the hide of their black wolves, and 100 for Bittertooth's head. He is a real slimy pale face unlikes most of them that be dark green. Can't miss him. I also give you a 100 gold for the head of that ogre iffin' he is still with the group. Finally I also give you another 200 gold iffin' ye bring back the heads of the Miller's them bastards took sos we can give them a proper burial like."

"Well whats' ye think?" He says after making his offer "I'll feed ya and he can hold up at my place at night while ye be doing yer bloodwork..."


Magen Brigward
Fighter 2

"An ogre and 20 goblins, sounds....easy." Magen says, trying to relax the situation a bit. "I can't guarantee we will get them all, goblins being the cowardly beasts that they are, but we can certainly break their will."

Magen looks thoughtful for a few seconds then says, "The quickest solution will be to find the Ogre and the leader, take them out and the rest of the band will scatter. That leaves them to regroup behind another leader though.

"A more permanent solution, if they are being nice enough to split up, is to hit one of the bands first, then go after the leader. That'll thin their numbers and won't give the leader time to flee. The last few we can mop up as they try to flee... even the homesteaders could probably finish them off.

"The wolves might pose a bigger problem though, both now and later. They'll have a mobility advantage and are less likely to be intimidated or flee.

"Your price sounds fair."
He finishes.

[SBLOCK=Mini Stats]
Passive Perception: 11
AC: 19
Initiative: +0
HP: 24/24 (HD: 2/2d10)

Longsword: +5 5ft 1d8+3S
Longsword (2hnd): +5 5ft 1d10+3
H. Crossbow: +2 150/600 1d10P Heavy, Two handed

Second Wind: 1/1
Action Surge: 1/1
Inspiration: 3
Healing potions: 1


First Post
Hiddel looks at the arrow fetching and nods his head to Lucious "Aye that appear to be their. Black arrows feathers and such. None one of the homesteaders uses that color or makes I can tell ya... Where ye a get it?"

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