• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D&D 5E Dwimmermount [IC]


First Post
The new company returns to their rooms at the Boarding House to gather their gear and head out of town, leaving a few of Magen's retainers behind*. The morning sun is just peeking over the mountains to the east as the group leaves the gate and starts heading west. The going is going to be a bit of a challenge as indeed there are no formal roads (other a few animal paths) and the foothills of the Whitecap Mountains are quite formidable themselves.

The air is cold but at least the skies are clear and you march onward through the rolling hills. You pass a few homesteads along the way (most a mile or so away north or south but a couple are on your path), all are small fortified like homes. The locals, while wary, point you in the right direction of your final destination. They also mention that they have all heard distant drums in the night but no one has seen any goblins of late.

After about an hour you are cresting yet another hill when you see smoke just on the other side of the next hill. Moving forward with a bit of caution and approaching the next rise you see what appears to be a small homestead burning. You don’t spot any movement in the area…

GM: *You are going to need to spend 2 silver pieces for their room a night and 3 copper pieces for the mull.
Secret roll: 1D20+6 = [8]+6 = 14
Party’s Action? You are still at least an hour for where you assume Hiddell's homestead is.
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First Post
Shara looks less cautious, and more anxious. She looks at the rest of the group pleadingly.

"I don't see anyone, but there might be survivors. Please, we need to hurry!"


Hunter Brightwood

Hunter’s heart sank as he saw the smoke rising from the burning homestead. Silently he studied the land in front of him looking for the safest most covered way down, Hunter heard Lucious and Shara talking next to him.

“Shara is right we need to go,” Hunter said as he slowly started down the hill moving only a few feet from the others before turning his head back. “But we must go cautiously; we will do those people no good if we are ambushed along the way.”

Perception check
_: 1D20+2 = [12]+2 = 14


First Post
Shara goes with Hunter, trying not to break into a run.

OOC: Passive perception is 15. If you want an active roll: [roll0]


First Post
Mikel hobbles after the rest of the group, he had no problem keeping up with the rest of them regardless of what pace they wanted to set. Even if they were quite far from where the goblins were expected, the little buggers could have expanded their range a few miles if they thought it would be safer or easier pickings. With their fellowship, it wouldn't be hard to deal with a few goblins, so he rushed forward with little caution.


Magen Brigward
Fighter 2

"Yes," agrees Magen, "We came to sort out the problem, not hide from it. I think it's best if someone scouts ahead, within bowshot of the rest of us. Someone not wearing great clanking armour." he jumps to emphasise his point. "Scout the perimeter, so we know there is nothing waiting for us there, then we can all go in and see if there are any survivors."

OOC: I know I'll have to pay for the room and board for the retainers while we're away, but in the spirit of "they will not follow you into danger" I thought it best if they stayed. I brought Edgar with for RP reasons, I'm supposed to be teaching him, so leaving him that far behind doesn't make sense.

[SBLOCK=Mini Stats]
Passive Perception: 11
AC: 19
Initiative: +0
HP: 24/24 (HD: 2/2d10)

Longsword: +5 5ft 1d8+3S
Longsword (2hnd): +5 5ft 1d10+3
H. Crossbow: +2 150/600 1d10P Heavy, Two handed

Second Wind: 1/1
Action Surge: 1/1
Inspiration: 3
Healing potions: 1


First Post
As the company quickly moves forward, you notice carrion birds floating on the wind above that are somewhat obscured by the smoke. As you crest the hill you see a small fortified homestead and barn that has partially caved in an collapsed and blacked from the now smoldering ruins.

Just past the ruined homestead are numerous carrion birds feasting on a large carcass. As you get closer they cry angrily as they take flight when you approach and you can see a half eaten oxen carcass. Just past it you all notice two humanoid bodies with numerous black feathered arrows sticking out of them. When you get close, to your horror you see that both of them, humans most likely, have had their heads removed and are no where to be seen!!!

Lucious notices some large animal prints in the muddy ground around the oxen carcass. They have been partially obscured by the carrion birds but he can point them out to the others...

GM: If anyone wants to make a Intelligence (Nature) check to determine what or who produces the tracks they may. Anyone wanting to see if they can pick up the trail of the tracks needs a Wisdom (Survival) roll


Lucious points out the large tracks near the oxen carcass before moving to inspect the barn and house. As he passes the headless corpses he snaps one of the black feathered arrows and pockets the end. He does a small ritual as he backs away and continues toward the smoldering building.

Voidrunner's Codex

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