D&D 5E EB's Curse of Strahd IC (Year One)


This wasn’t working. Josiah put his gun away and drew out his dagger.

“Wait!” He called out, pushing His daughter down behind a bench before slicing a long, thin line on his arm. He grabbed an offering bowl from the dirty ground and caught the flow of blood in it.

“You want something to eat?” He said to the vampire spawn. “Back off and you’ll get it.”

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The look of rage on Digger's face, for a moment one wasn't sure who he was going to attack.
"FOOL! There is no bartering with evil! You jeopardize the little one and us all by not pressing the attack!"
He again used his Spade, more weapon than shovel, to hack at the undead thing.

Normally I'd be down to try that tactic. But Digger by the nature of his background and class wont abide.
Hit AC 21 for 14 slashing 3 fire
Attack vampire w advantage: 1D20+6 = [3]+6 = 9
1D20+6 = [15]+6 = 21

Damage: 1D12+3 = [11]+3 = 14
1D4 = [3] = 3


Idiot! Josiah thought, looking at the man. “You May have fought evil, but I have been evil. This is no bargain. This is control.”


For a moment the vampire spawn looks distracted. The animosity between the two men cause it to pause a moment, leaving an opening that Irena and Ismark take advantage of. The rapier of the noble-woman and the bastard sword of her brother both bite deep into the chalk white skin of the monster causing him to scream and dodge back in pain. Ireena tries to take advantage of the same situation, but she is a little late and it is set. She slyly retreats back and the creature looks at all those before him...

Digger: HP 12/18

AC: 15, damage taken 44[/sblock]


... "You!" he looks and charges towards Josiah. "I will take your blood! And then that of the rest here!"

Digger will get an AoO as it moves out of his threat zone.
Irena AoO

Spawn atk vs Josiah

AC: 15, damage taken 34[/sblock]


Ready for the thing to come at him, the gunslinger flings the small bowl of blood into the creatures eyes, and dodges its wild clawing.

OOC: Group is up.
Digger gets, AoO and regular attack.


Josiah sidesteps the creature, levels his gun, and grits his teeth.

OOC: If I have Advantage from the creature being blinded, then I’ll use my Sharpshooter Feat plus 2 grit points to add 2 to my Attack and damage. If not, then add 5 to the first roll and disregard the second, and subtract 10 from the damage.

[roll0] or [roll1]


OOC: Halo was in melee with the vampire as well (she hit with her axe last round). No OA for her? It's cool if not, just trying to get a lay of the land...


OOC: He stayed in Halo and Ismark's threat areas. Left Digger's and Irena's threatened reach. Had it four were attacking him so two got the chance and two didn't. Please note that your axe is doing full damage so swing away. lol

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