Name: Filmark the Guardsman Alignment: Chaotic Good Race: Male Human Effective Class: Fighter-1 Former Profession: None | Height: 6' 1" Weight: 208# Eyes: brown Hair: light brown Age: 18 | Surprise: Normal Movement: 12" Initiative: +2 AC: 2 (5 base from Scale Mail & Shield, -3 from Dex) Hit Points: 7/7 |
Strength: Intelligence: Wisdom: Dexterity: Constitution: Charisma: Comeliness: | 17 15 11 17 15 13 14 | To Hit: +1 Damage: +1 Weight Allowed: +500 Open Door: 1-3 BB/LG: 13% Additional Languages: 4 Magic Saves Adj: +3 Bonus Spells: N/A Spell failure: 0% Reaction/Missile Adj: +2 AC Bonus: -3 HP Adj: +1 System Shock Survival: 91% Resurrection Survival: 94% Max # Henchmen: 5 Loyalty Adj: +0% Reaction Adj: +5% Fascinate MoOS unless Wisdom exceeds: 7 Reaction Adj (humans and halflings): +15% |
SAVING THROWS Fighter-1 | Paralyzation, Poison & Death Magic 14 | Petrification & Polymorph 15 | Rod, Staff & Wand 16 | Breath Weapon 17 | Spells 17 |
Armor Class Fighter 1 | 10 10 | 9 11 | 8 12 | 7 13 | 6 14 | 5 15 | 4 16 | 3 17 | 2 18 | 1 19 | 0 20 | -1 20 | -2 20 | -3 20 | -4 20 | -5 20 | -6 21 | -7 22 | -8 23 | -9 24 | -10 25 |
Weapon Longsword Spear Longbow | To Hit Bonus +2 +1 +2 | Damage Vs Small/Medium 1d8+3 1d6+1 1d6 | Damage Vs Large 1d12+3 1d8+1 1d6 | Range S/M/L --- 1/2/3 7/14/21 | Attacks per Round 3/2 1/1 2/1 |
Cure Light Wounds ×2And I'll need your 3 1st lvl spells listed in your next post hero4hire, thank you.
Welcome, we have one slot open and it is all yours if you want it.
All your options would fit in nicely with the group. Adding a bit more magic. Do you have the 1e books? If so you may use any method to generate your character. If not I would go with 4d6 drop the lowest and place results where you wish.
And no need to rush, we are in an "epic" battle right now, lol