D&D General Edition Changes and Brand Identity: Remembering New Coke

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
And unlike Coca-Cola, D&D has actually changed multiple times over the years. Oh, not counting the removal of cocaine from the formula in its early years. D&D hasn't been a static product with little to no changes over the decades. Even the class names aren't the same.

So what you're saying is ... we need to add cocaine to D&D?



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People can, and have, argued that the whole tasting process misunderstood the way that people drank the beverage, and that having the cola be "less sweet" was actually a benefit when people were drinking it in the customary way- which is to say, 8 to 12 oz (or, if you're a real 'Murkian, in a Big Gulp of 32 oz or more).
This might just be a me thing, as a dedicated Americano consumer and person so addicted to seltzer water I've installed my own home tap, but I have never, ever wanted to drink 8 ounces of something. At a minimum I want 12, and generally I want 16 to 20. There is no beverage that I could possibly want at all that I would only want 8 ounces of.


This might just be a me thing, as a dedicated Americano consumer and person so addicted to seltzer water I've installed my own home tap, but I have never, ever wanted to drink 8 ounces of something. At a minimum I want 12, and generally I want 16 to 20. There is no beverage that I could possibly want at all that I would only want 8 ounces of.

I take it your not a big fan of Scotch?

Coke manage to survive the New Coke flop.
For now Wotc manage to survive 4ed, the OGL crisis, the problems of Hasbro, the insatisfaction about the new playtest, the doubts about it is a new edition or not.
I guess they got a phylactery well hidden somewhere.


The change was front-page news. People bought out the stocks of the "old Coke" quickly and began campaigns to bring back the old Coke. The response was overwhelming and unprecedented. To its credit, the company quickly changed course and release "Coca Cola Classic" within three months, and by the end of the 1985, Classic was outselling New Coke and Pepsi combined. In a weird way, the terrible mistake of New Coke was the best thing that could have happened to Coke, as the Coca Cola Company remembered what it was selling, and people remembered why they drank Coke.
So, new changes announced to much public outcry, followed by a complete reversal and apology that somehow wound up bouncing them back to being as well or better supported than before? Eerily reminiscent of certain events in January.

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