I liked 3rd and even put some house rules that later were fixed the way i did it, some players didn't like the fixes like for haste and such, but to me, it was a good idea. Lots of crunches made making creatures a nightmare many times i just reskinned others to provide different challenges. You could make some very broken characters much like 2nd edition as well as the current version which is more like superheroes, with less struggle, unlike the versions of 2nd and lower. Each edition has had its flaws 3rd/3.5 had massive power creep and the creatures at times were hard to run due to so many things like feats, powers, and abilities was like running many NPC's at once. I think the current version has some good bones to it, but like many earlier ones still has its issues which could be fixed by bringing back some of the other rules to fill the gaps.