Endur's Return to TOEE part 2


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The party heads in the direction that they surmise lead to the Dragon's lair and their former equipment. Fully aware that every moment they linger is another moment for the Hag to summon additional reinforcements, the party drags Naquent's armored body along with them instead of waiting for Torn to remove Naquent's armor.

The party enters an octagonal chamber (room 34) that rises high up into the ridge, the ceiling out of sight. There are three exits from the room besides the Eastern door the party entered through, a western door, a southern door, and a flight of steps leading to the north. To the north is a flight of stairs going down to a tall black door bound in silvery metal with a large white circle (symbol of the air temple) carved into the door in relief, edged with silver. No handle, hinges, or other conventional door trapings are visible (probably the Air Door Leading to the Air Bridge).

Four adult arrowhawks plunge out of the darkness above to attack the party with bolts of lightning.

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“Watch out!”

When the creatures attack, Lenya jumps back as her instincts take over, then she aims her own blasts against them to return the favor.

OOC: Noxious Eldritch Chain against (up to) three of them.


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Round 1
22: Belaver (Brown Bear form) begins summoning a Large Air Elemental
22: Neshi barks (full defense)
17: Torn casts Searing Light at an Arrowhawk (15+ hit, dmg 27)
16: Lenya sends an Eldritch Chain of Noxious Blasts at three Arrowhawks, but misses the fast moving creatures (1+ miss)
16: Toriah dodges (full defense)
13: Craven dodges (full defense)
12: Four Adult Arrowhawks (-27) send electrical blasts at the party (17+12=29 hit Neshi dmg 10, 10+12=22 hit Kerwyn dmg 11, 6+12=18 hit Craven dmg 10, 7+12=19 Lenya dmg 2)
11: Kerwyn
11: Lylamwyn
8: Winged Lion (Lammasu) flies up and breathes a cone of fire at the arrowhawks (DC21 dmg 34, Reflex 15+10 pass, 7+ fail, 4+ fail, 16+ pass; dmg 17-10=7, dmg 34-10=24, 24, 7)
6: Raner dodges (full defense)


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Round 2
22: Large Air Elemental arrives in whirlwind form, spinnings one of the Arrowhawks out of control(DC 16 dmg 6, 20+ pass, 19+ pass, 18+ pass, 5+10=15 fail)
22: Belaver (Brown Bear form) changes form to that of a Dire Bat
22: Neshi (-10, full defense) barks
17: Torn casts Blindness on an Adult Arrowhawk, but it resists the spell (16+5=21)
16: Lenya (-2) sends an Eldritch Chain of Noxious Blasts at three Arrowhawks, but misses the fast moving creatures (2+ miss)
16: Toriah dodges (full defense)
13: Craven dodges (-10, full defense)
12: Four Adult Arrowhawks (-34, -24, -24, -13 and trapped in whirlwind). Three send electrical blasts at the party while the fourth escapes out of the whirlwind (8+12=20 hit Lenya dmg 10, 15+12=27 hit Belaver dmg 9, 19+12=31 hit Neshi dmg 11; Reflex DC16 6+10=16)
11: Kerwyn (-11)
11: Lylamwyn
8: Winged Lion (Lammasu, flying) casts Holy Smite on the Arrowhawks, vaporizing one of the arrowhawks and wounding the other three (Dmg 21, DC17, 1+ fail dmg 21 dead, 12+ pass dmg 10, 16+ pass dmg 10, 12+ pass dmg 10)
6: Raner dodges (full defense)
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Paxus Asclepius

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Belaver, seeing the inefficacy of the whirlwind, orders the elemental to fight the arrowhawks in a more conventional fashion, and himself assumes the form of a dire bat to do the same.


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Round 3
22: Large Air Elemental in whirlwind form, attempts to spin the Arrowhawks, but they are too agile (DC 16 dmg 3, 17+ pass, 16+ pass, 15+ pass)
22: Belaver (-9, Dire Bat form) flies and attempts to bite, but misses (1+)
22: Neshi (-21, full defense) barks
17: Torn
16: Lenya (-12) sends an Eldritch Chain of Noxious Blasts at three Arrowhawks and hits one of the fast moving creatures, blasting it out of the sky (13+ hit, dmg 21, dead, 3+ miss)
16: Toriah dodges (full defense)
13: Craven dodges (-10, full defense)
12: Two Adult Arrowhawks (-34, -34) send electrical blasts at the party(11+12=23 hit the Lammasu dmg 12, 13+12=25 hit Lammasu dmg 13)
11: Kerwyn (-11)
11: Lylamwyn
8: Winged Lion (-25, Lammasu, flying) flies and claws an Arrrowhawk (5+12=17 miss)
6: Raner dodges (full defense)
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