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Epic M&M: Issue 5 (IC)


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Mai Pei, China
October 25, 2120

"Very well," Li replies, though she still sounds uncomfortable at the thought. As you touch her, and mimic her powers, you understand why. You feel ridges open in your skin as super-strong fins burst from your forearms, shins and calves painfully. Slits open up on your back, and involuntarily you draw breath through them. You realize they are gills, and breathing becomes quite painful through them, though you feel it is mitigated by your clothing. You could probably breath while completely submerged in whater. A membrane forms over your eyes, completely transparent, giving you visual acuity you've never had. Momentarily, you feel as if you are able to see miles, and you glance down the cave, seeing perfectly clearly in the darkness of it, though only in black and white. You hearing is very sensitive, as is your sense of smell. Your hands are somewhat sticky as well, which is probably due to whatever it is she exudes from her hands.

Powers: Aquatic +7 [Energy blast (flaw: require sufficient water source), Water Breathing, Swimming, Super-senses] (stunt: immunity (pressure) (cost 5PP); Natural Weapons +7 (extra: retractable) (cost 3PP), Snare +7 (flaw: touch) (cost 1PP)

"I can lead you through the caves if you like," Quey says. "But it's pretty straightforward. I'd like to get my brother to the doctor in town though," she adds, looking off towards Mai Pei.

Brazilia, SAA
SAP Research Facility
October 13, 2120
Containment Area
Initiatives: Cosmo 25 (6HP, 1L, disabled), Loco 24 (1HP), Monica 22 (4HP, 2S, 2L), Loki 21 (4HP), Mantis 19 (2HP, 4L, 7PL Insect Control, disabled), Alan Cashman 19 (1HP, 1L), Straightjacket 18 (5HP, 4L, 1S, disabled), Vince 15 (5HP, 1L, 2S), Metal Mistress 13 (1HP, 1L), Neutron 12 (5HP, 2L, 3S, fatigued, Anaconda infected), Johan 7 (2HP, 2S), Anna 6 (3L, 2S, 5HP, disabled, KO), Rebound 5 (5HP, 1S , fatigued, KO), Mason 4 (5VP, 12S, 1L, nullified, broken bracers, grappled, unconscious), Anithos 0 (6VP, disabled)

"I taught you everything I know, boy, and there's no melted steel for me to get tossed in this time!" the man shouts back at Straightjacket. Mason is tugging at the man's arm, but can't break the hold.

Vince tries to punch Mason, but misses wildly, his jerking in SJ's dad's hold making him hard to hit.

Attack roll: 7 misses

Straightjacket moves forward, limping heavily, and while he makes it within reach, the pain in his stomach and leg is too much to allow him to attack.

HP for a half action (movement). Any more actions will drop you to dying.

With everyone holding their attacks for a clear shot, Johan and Loki helping Anna and Mantis, Mason tenses up, veins bulging on his arms and neck. He grabs hold of SJ's dad's arm and slowly pulls it off his throat, just enough to slam the back of his head into the older man's face. SJ's dad staggers backwards, stunned, though he quickly shakes off the effect. Lunging after the assault, Mason plows into the nearby guards with a primal scream.

His effect on them is nothing short of graphically catastrophic.

He snaps the nearest guards neck so quickly that it turns a full 180 degrees and stays there. Quickly, ten of the guards have already been slain, with several severed limbs, ripped from their bodies, being tossed from the fray. As the guards fall back, Mason is left exposed, holding a guard by the back of the neck. Just as Neutron and Metal Mistress launch energy blasts at the assassin, he rips the man's spine out just before both blasts take him in the back. Unbelievably, while Mason is badly staggered, he doesn't go down!

Attack rolls: MM 18 hits, Neutron 20 hits
Damage saves (DC 23/22): 15 fails (1S, stunned), 17 fails (1L)

Luckily, all the damage done to Mason have left him completely vulnerable. Staggered and bleeding from dozens of wounds, he cannot defend himself against the whirling Loco. Fists and feet flash from the tornado of Loco, slamming Mason repeatedly. As Mason drops finally to his knees, three more rapid spinning kicks by Loco put drop Mason to his side, unconscious... for now.

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"We won't need a guide," Raisa says. "But we are going to need Dara's powers and she can't be occupied with this one the entire time. Just tie her up, leave her here with her brother and the others, and let's get Master Wen already."

She starts toward the entrance, and as she passes Carl she mutters to him. "If that bitch gets inside my head again, I'm trusting you to take me down. I've hurt enough people today."


Sanjay follows John's cue and stumbles back to the nearest wall and slides down it in a slumped position. "I don't feel so good."


First Post
Michelle is relievied to watch Mason finally fall until she surveys the destruction that he did before he fell.

She turns towards one of the remaining security personal. I want a medical team down here now, we have wounded and I want him so drugged up he won't wake up for a month. She nods towards Mason at the last part.

She gestures towards one of the broken elevator doors ripping it the rest of the way off its hinges, she attempts to wrap up Mason and lift him off the ground as she floats down towards Loco.

Thank you for responding so quickly Loco, I'm Michelle, we are part of the new EPIC team. Thunder gave me your pager in case we got over our head. Ghost was here as well and there might be more Anarchy members close by.


First Post
Calinon said:
His effect on them is nothing short of graphically catastrophic.
Loki will graphically lose his lunch. He then sets his jaw and wades into the bloody mess to see what he can do to stop some bleeding. "You are a f***ing animal!" he yells at the prone form of Mason, and kicks him as hard as he can in his stony head (much to the chagrin of Loki's toes)


First Post
Vince heads over and helps Cosmo. "Good job man. I hate to make your head any bigger but we just did what no one thought was possible. We took down Mason and a big part of that was you." (Vince sees if there is anything he can do to help Cosmo with his Medicine +3)

Once Cosmo is looked after, Vince heads over to Mason and watches to make sure he doesnt wake back up. A Mach One Punch ready to plow him at Superspeed if he regains consciousness.


First Post
Kevins take a deep breath, just to get use to this new feeling. "Strange, but not a bad feeling..." he tells to himself. "We won't need a guide, and he may need a doctor" Kevin said, pointing the male twin. "That's my opinion."


First Post
Brazilia, SAA
SAP Research Facility
October 13, 2120
Containment Area

"Not a chance!" a security guard exclaims to Michelle's request. "No civilian steps foot in here until he is secured," he says, pointing at the unconscious Mason.

As Loki kicks Mason, something that doesn't hurt Loki in the slightest since the man is without his powers, Loco yanks him backwards. "While you may wish to kill him, I wish him tried and executed publicly. More than the few of us here should witness this one fall on the world stage."

Vince moves to tend to Cosmo, and with both of his shoulders violently seperated, there is little Vince can do, except try to pop them back in place. Cosmo shakes his head. "I have a better idea," he groans. He hobbles over on his knees to where Mason is and...


Cosmo bites hard into Mason's neck. Cosmo's shoulders jerk, as do Mason's as the boy's shoulders are healed and Mason's are violently dislocated. Cosmo doesn't release the unconscious man until all of his wounds fade, and Mason is looking very pale indeed. Pretty much everyone nearby looks on with a shocked expression. Cosmo stands easily, appearing completely healed, though very tired.

"He won't be getting his powers back now," Cosmo smirks. "Now get some doctors down here like Metal Mistress said!" The guard quickly radios the all clear and requests medical assistance.

Michelle's diplomacy check (assisted by Cosmo): 27

Sanjay collapses against the wall and Monica is quickly bounding over to him, nuzzling him affectionately and trying to comfort the Anaconda ridden hero. "You were so brave," she says, giving him a big kiss.

Straightjacket's father, ignoring any remaining questions as to his identity, is equally quick to his son's side, though thankfully, there is no nuzzling involved there. Instead, he just works to stem the flow of blood from SJ's leg. He still has a fairly intense green glow about him.

Anna lays motionless and Tara sits slumped against a damaged containment unit. Rebound is barely stirring from where he impacted the Mole.

"Then you must be the one who has cancelled his power," Loco says at Cosmo, who simply nods in response. "If Mason has fallen and no others have shown themselves, Anarchy is not nearby," Loco says with assurance. But, you have seen Ghost?" Loco asks Michelle. "None ever have gotten a description of the villain before," he says, then looks around. "A guard upstairs warned me of other villains within the facility. What happened to them?"

Doctors and medics, most probably scientists at the facility start exiting the working elevators. Many rush about to tend to various injuries, but an equal amount rush about to containment units, assessing them for leaks. It troubles you a fair amount to see that nearly all of them are clothed in biohazard gear.

Mai Pei, China
October 25, 2120

Quey takes her brother and flies off towards Mai Pei.

"She won't be back," Dara says, sounding very certain.

"Good, then let's go," Carl says, striding towards the cave.

You enter the cavern, and find it lit enough for you to see, though it is still dark. The simple lights strung along the wall at wide intervals, give the cave a slightly foreboding feeling. Quey's description seems spot on, however, and it takes only a short bit of time to pass a few barracks and come up on what looks like a large cavern ahead. Most of you hear no voices or movement, but Kevin and Li can both make out the sounds of quiet breathing from somewhere nearby. The cave echoes make it impossible to determine an accurate direction, but you doubt it is from anywhere behind you.

The scent of the cave is musty, making it hard to pick out any individual scents, though Kevin can detect the faint smell of a familiar perfume from ahead somewhere.

"I say we rush them," Carl says. "They gotta be in that cavern waiting for us. Let's not disappoint, huh?"

Michael seems in agreement with that, though Li, Xi and X12 don't seem to share the same enthusiasm of a headlong rush.


First Post
"You're both nuts," Raisa says in a low voice so it doesn't echo too much. "Rushing into 15 or so armed gang members plus two rather powerful mutants not exactly the best idea. Yes, they're waiting for us but I don't plan on running head long into any traps they've got set up for us. Been there, done that, don't want to do it again. We do this right and make sure that they can't get the drop on us because we missed something going in."

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