Epic Problem : Return to Power


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Salarassa shrugs. "As you wish milady." Salarassa speaks a few arcane intonations and rises into the air, Flying towards to gateway into the prime. He reasons that the fewer obstacles aloft should allow him to avoid trouble, and anyone who would naturally seek to prevent his usage of the gateway would be distracted by his abundantly obstreperous companions.

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Panarchus eyes the draconic ogre, but the illusionary symbols covering the avatar no more emotion than the impassive face beneath. Plans had yet to be finalized. And the chances of being scryed upon would be somewhat increased within the Prime Material. But there were precautions that could be taken, and simply going along now could have its advantages.

"Very well. Let us proceed." The whirling lights of Panarchus' body begin to die as he approaches the gate, fading into utter darkness just before he steps through.


First Post
Salarassa ducks and weaves through a nest of wrestling demons and angels and other unsavory types in the air, smoothly avoiding the occasional detonation as a Solar beheads a Balor. Once in the air above the Gateway, he dives towards it, sliding into the quicksilver portal seamlessly.


The area around the portal is allready a Maelstrom, Solars, Archons, Balors, Pit Fiends, Slaad, Rakshassa, Humanoids, a small clan of Vampires - Everybody wants a piece of the Prime, but since they can't get through themselves, they've decided to take it out on the others trying to get in.

The first you encounter is a Balor who steps in front of Jool, laughing "You're going nowhere, Precious" It spits, swiping at her. She Parries easily and replies in kind, slicing the thing to pieces with several mighty blows. As her 4th attack pierces its heart, it howls in pain and explodes, taking out some of the other injured beings around you. Jool is caught full force by the blast but walks right through it without slowing, beheading another Balor that charges up, and joins its companion in death throes. The rest of you decide to stay slightly clear of her path of detonation.

Meanwhile, the rest of you, with various degrees of intensity, decide to drive towards the portal.

Salarassa is the first to reach the portal, weaving easily through the air to dive into it. As he does so, the portal flashes, a bright light flying out and illuminating the plane. A few vampires explode, and several Good aligned outsiders dissapear.. Each of you remaining feel the Red light wash over you, strengthening and bolstering you as your Marks start glowing slightly.

Ijazim waves his hands and a group of Archons explode into flames, the hounds dropping immediately, the Trumpet archons requiring a second storm.

Panarchus and Xis’talamarisk follow easily behind, each picking off anything that gets in their way with waves of magical energy. At one point, a Solar stands before them. "HALT, vile beings, I cannot let you pass through this gate and bring your evil to another land!"
With a roll of the eyes, the two obliterate him and then step through.

It takes a total of about 20 seconds to all get through the portal, destroying anything that gets in your way, and every time one of you goes through, the rest feel a wave of bolstering strength.

As you pass through the portal, everything goes dark for what seems like a few minutes, and then you find yourselves standing in a mountain range, standing in a large, bowl-shaped depression that seems to be several hundred feet across. Surrounding the bowl is a large, flat area that all seems to have been carved from a single stone. The skies are filled with black lightning and howling, hurricane force winds, though Salarassa, who's been there for almost half a minute when the others arrive, has noted that the storm only just started, the instant he appearred.

OOC: I've decided to speed things up I will be rolling a few things for you, SPot checks, Iitiative, Saves, that's about it. Also, for scenes like this, which are mostly cinematic (You guys wading through a horde of lessers, I'm just winging it, keeping in mind your characters and any posted strategies.. I just don't want to start off with a huge war.

BTW, we're still waiting on Avalon to show up.. I'll have him just follow till he says otherwise.

Also, that wave of bolstering strength means that when you get to the other side, any spells you've cast/wounds you've taken are treated as though you'ld had a full days rest upon going through the portal.


Guest 11456

Jool the Drogorn

Jool looks around at her surrondings and at her new 'companions'. At last they were on the prime. But what to do now...


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Ijazim looks up into the storm and smiles, musing to himself. "The world trembles before us, and those who can read the signs will know we have arrived. They will prepare for us, and yet they will fail."
"Salarassa, I believe you said you had a contact here on this prime. Why don't you lead us to him?"


First Post
Grinning at Ijazim, Salarassa replies "There is quite a bit difference between having a contact and 'I know of a guy', but I'll see what I can do. First things first though, I'll need to find me a city."

With that, Salarassa jogs up to the edge of the stone, careful not to slip in the rising winds, and things hard about where they might be, in relation to a populace center on the prime.


All you can see in any direction are the jagged, evil looking mountains (Though truth be told the fierce storm keeps vision to a fair minimum). There are a few places you could be, but one story in particular from the past jogs your memory... Glancing back at the bowl, you catch a glimpse from a story you heard long ago, about the Dragonsback Mountains on the continent of Alseria. Supposedly there is a magical place there called "the Bowl" where immortals are not, and anything can die. If that's where you are, then the nearest cities would be quite a ways due West, though flying in this weather would be treacherous for the strongest of dragons. Looking around you see a well worn trail leading to the north.


First Post
He stares at the Rakshasa (ooc True Seeing is still active), Lying little pussycat, what game are you playing? This ball of string may snare you still.
"No, you definately said you had a contact. Well, no matter. Have you at least met this person? In that case, if you will allow me to read your thoughts I may be able to Discern his Location." He grins disconcertingly.
"Or I could simply gate us into space above this world, from there we should be able to spot the light sources of any major cities and gate there. Any other search would take too much time."
He looks around sceptically, speaking to himself seemingly unaware that the others are listening. "This location is surely relevant in some way, but it's too conspicuous to mark the target of our search. If anything can die here then this may be the place we must fight the Seventh..."

ooc: If noone objects he will cast a Gate spell to take them into space a hundred miles above the night side of the planet. From there, assuming they can spot a likely light-source, he will then use a Pearl of Power to regain his Gate spell and Gate them down into a major city.

[sblock=Jemal]I emailed you this question, but you must not have recieved it. Does my character know enough about any of the Seven to be able to find them with any spell? Has he seen any of them, or any item or effect on their person? Does he know any of their names, or does someone he could ask know enough to fill him in? What does he know about their powers, levels, items and abilities? [/sblock]
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Guest 11456

Jool the Drogorn

Jool looks over at Ijazim. "I am ready for action. Let us be off."

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