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Epic Problem : Return to Power


The bard is clearly impressed by your talent, as he, too, seems to be trying his hardest. (57, 61, 63)

Salarassa - 60,53,65,55
Old Bard - 61,56,62,60

After several minutes of the best playing any of the patrons have ever heard, neither of you has managed to do significantly better than the other, though the old bard tends to come out slightly ahead. He's definitely talented, and his Silver fidle seems to be very well crafted.

"You're pretty good, son, where'd you learn to play like that?"

[sblock=Panarchus] OOC: First off, I'd like to say I really like your 'time god' idea.. Is Panarchus a self creation, or did you get it from somewhere else? I think i'm gonna run with it, If you'd like to talk about more details, my email is (jemal999 at hotmail dot com). I'm very happy when players help write campaign story for me. ;)

IC: Panarchus watches the duel with mild interest, he's seen only a few who could top such a performance even on the outside, but being so related to the timestream, he does not get the sense of timelessness from this old bard that would be expected from the Ancient One. This one is talented, surely, and old, but he is still just an extremely gifted mortal with a magic fiddle.

*OOC: Avalon and Tailspinner, feel free to post, if you're just waiting for combat that will be coming soon, other than that, I'd just like to know what you're up to, and make sure you're even still interested.. *

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"Here and there, here and there. Where I come from, few play music, so I travelled a lot to learn what I have. Actually, I was seeking a particular bard that I've heard wanders from place to place, and has been longer than any of the rest of us. Happen to know him?"


The bard smiles and motions to a table nearby. After being seated, he looks at you thoughtfully "A pleasure to meet you, my fellow. My name is Paique (rhymes with Pain, but with a K sound), you may have heard of me during your.. Travels. What I know is that if someone as talented as yourself is searching for an old bard, then I can only assume that you're looking for THE bard, the Ancient One himself, one of the last living legends, and when you saw my playing, thought I must be him. I have told many tales of him in my long years... Ha, there's one few of us could ever achieve.. A bard with more tales told OF him than ones written BY him. I can tell you he's in town, or was recently... or will be soon.. I'm not entirely certain on that part" His brow furrows in annoyance "but I know something important is happening in Grennet, and I know he'll be here. He always is for the truly important stuff, though many say that he's more instigator than observor. What I can't understand is how someone as talented as yourself would just pop out of nowhere so conveniently... I've seen all the good bards, heard all the tunes, and I've never seen anything like what you played... Besides, I'd thought I was the only one this close to his talent.. at least, the only one on THIS plane." He takes a drink while gauging your reaction.


After several long, agonizingly boring minutes, ( ;) ) you see the man look up, shock apparent on his face, though he recovers quickly and waves frantically. Soon, a young, frail looking woman with Red draconic wings and a greatsword strapped to her back lands in front of him. Looking around, as several open-mouthed people stare, she booms "I am Her. Kneel." As the man quickly falls to a knee, nearby guards begin moving forwards.


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Xis'talamarisk moves away from the others when Salarassa begins his duel against the bard. Once he is some distance away from them he mutters some arcane words to his open hand. One by one, floating eyes pop out around him until there are thirty-two orbs are floating around him. In a quiet whisper, he commands the eyes: "Spread out in a one-mile radius from me and return if you see anyone who bears a musical instrument aside from those two over there", gestruring to Salarassa and his opponent. As soon as he finishes his command, they eyes fly out thru the front door and begin the search.

Having done his business, Xis'talamarisk rejoins the group just in time to see the two musicians finish their duel.

[sblock= OOC]Cast greater prying eyes. They have true seeing and spot modifiers of +25[/sblock]


Guest 11456

Jool the Drogorn

As Jool watches the performances, she gets bored in starts to wonder if she maybe made a mistake in coming here. She longs for the battle. She thinks that the fun they had back at the gate would be better then this. Frustrated she pounds on a nearby table, splintering it into many pieces.


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Jemal said:
After several long, agonizingly boring minutes, ( ;) ) you see the man look up, shock apparent on his face, though he recovers quickly and waves frantically. Soon, a young, frail looking woman with Red draconic wings and a greatsword strapped to her back lands in front of him. Looking around, as several open-mouthed people stare, she booms "I am Her. Kneel." As the man quickly falls to a knee, nearby guards begin moving forwards.

"And then there were only six." Ijazim laughs, touches his Bead of karma, casts several spells* and (new round) steps trough the Mirror to the top of the temple steps with the massive gates of the building framing him from behind. "I bring word from Mother," his voice is not loud, but it's menace carries far. "She is not pleased."
Looking down upon her with a cool disdain in his eyes he rips trough her defenses with a Disjunction before pummeling her with waves of devastating spells. **

* Spell Resistance 12+34=46, Spell Turning 1d4+6=8, Death Ward, Freedom of Movement. (True Seeing still active).

**(Disjunction) Q Sound Burst (DC 35), Q Confusion (DC37), Q Bolts of Bedevilment (DC38), And in case she's not yet incapacitated two Quickened Destruction (DC40) spells. Caster level against SR 30+4+4=38

If she is incapacitated by the non-lethal spells Ijazim will throw another QSound Burst at the kneeling man and turn to the advancing guards. "Put her in here," he opens the now empty Portable Hole. "No questions. Quickly now, before she comes to." I think someone will appreciate her new play-thing, his smile becomes sinister.
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Ijazim, the Dragon Disciple turns and people scatter as you speak, and fling a half dozen spells her way. She seems almost completely unfazed, though you're certain the Disjunction worked, and you know the Destruction Spells dealt damage. "Mother doesn't always know Best... But Father DOES." She licks her lips in anticipation and flies at you with incredible speed, delivering a backhand (53 damage) which sends you flying backwards several feet through the temple's main gates (Another 7 points of damage) you land in front of the doors, which are still closed. The guards move in to surround her warily, and her eyes glaze over with bloodlust. "Fresh meat!"

After smashing the table, Jool heads outside, and notices a few people milling around pointing to the sky and talking over each other "I'm not lying, I did too see it!" "I saw it too, A woman with giant red wings!" "A giant red bird just went that way, towards the temple!"

Several moments after Xis'talamarisk returns to the Tavern, while the two bards are engaged in conversation, one of his eyes returns, showing it's trip through the city and to the Main Temple, where it saw an old man laying on a building playing a flute, looking down. As the eye turned to return to you, you catch in the replay a glimpse of an armoured woman with red dragon wings backhand someone, sending him flying into the temple as guards approach and surround her.

OOC : Sorry bout the manhandling, but she made all of the saves.


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Ijazim rises, giggling, "Impressive, not many could have withstood that. It's a pity that I'm going to have to kill you." he casts a Dimensional Anchor (No save). "But perhaps you'd like to beg for mercy, for the Mother's forgiveness. No? Either way, your soul is hers."
he commands forcefully, pointing towards the kneeler, "Arrest that man." and turns back to the Disciple. "This one is all mine."
"Now!" (Destruction DC 40) "You!" (Destruction DC 40) "Die!" (Destruction DC 40).

If she still stands Ijazim frowns, beginning to grow concerned, and throws forth two more spells, bracing himself for the onslaught to come. (Sound Burst DC 35) Antilife Shell (No save)

ooc: active spells: True Seeing, Spell Turning, Spell Resistance, Freedom of Movement, Death Ward, Antilife Shell. Caster level against SR: 30+4+4+d20=47

ooc: Does the modified Disjunction spell supress magic items (instead of destroying them)? For how long?
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