D&D 5E E's Tomb of Annihilation

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As Eshek seems to be doing fine and not wanting further assistance, Burk turns his attention to the Red Bazaar. He looks through the stalls and examines the various wares and items available but quickly grows tired of them. Burk then spies the lizard sign and thinks, (The Thundering Lizard perhaps?). Hoping to see what wonders he might be holding in such a place, Burk quickly heads toward it.

Feeling ignored, Oskeld resumes his search for Kaya's House of Repose. "These legs of mine are just happy to be on solid ground." He says to no one.


Port Nyanzeru/Red Bazaar

Lily suddenly popped out of the crowd in front of Oskeld. Her dark leathers were now decorated in brightly colored scarves, jewelry, and other local adornments. She was eating some kind of tropical fruit she had no doubt filched from some stall. It had a red, spikey rind, and she’d cut it open with one of the many daggers sheathed around her person, peeling out the white flesh with black seeds with her knife and popping it into her mouth.

“Where you going? The rest are heading to that Thunder Lizard place. You not coming?” She popped another piece of fruit in her mouth and wiped off a bit of the juice from her chin. “Want some?” she offered, holding out the other half of the fruit. “It’s pretty good. Not sure what it’s called.”

Bonus Action:

AC: 15 (studded leather)
HP: 8/8 HD: 1/1d8

Oskeld almost doesn't recognize Lily from the ship before he nods and excepts the offered fruit. "They are? We are here for work, not carousing. The Thunder Lizard sounds unlike a place of quiet and rest." He shakes his head as he bites into the fruit. "Sweet. Most excellent. Almost too sweet but not cloying. I must remember to enter it into my journal tonight. It's too bad you don't know what it's called."

He looks around and Lily has reappeared nearby though he has no idea how she got from his left side to his right side without seeming to walk the short distance. "There you are. Okay, I'll go to the Lizard. If you find it before me, let me know."


Tlazo keeps with the group as he takes in all the sites trying to spot any areas he remembers form his past.

OOC: Don't think this character is the leader/decider type. More of a follower for now, and not wishing to rock the boat.


Lily moves through the crowd and bumps into one of its citizens who fortunately for the group they do not notice their property is gone until Lily has moved out of sight.

The group walks past the Red Bazaar and walks up to the four story wood building that is the Thundering Lizard. A large half-orc with a rather expansive waist line stumble out the door and vomits in the street before leaning back against the wall of the inn and taking a drink from his tankard, “Half priced Tej for the next hour inside drink while you can.”

It was just reaching mid day as the half-orc slid down to a sitting position and took another drink from his mug.


Port Nyanzeru/Red Bazaar

“But carousing is more fun!” Lily told Oskeld. “And you can learn a lot, if you listen. We were cooped up on a ship for weeks. Why not have a little fun?”

She took another bite of the fruit. “Called it dragon something. Thought for sure they said dragon poop. But it might have been fruit. I don’t know. Hard to understand people. They talk funny.”

Lily looked around, but couldn’t see much over the heads of the bigger folk. “I think the Lizard is that way. That’s the way the others were going. Saw a sign with a lizard on it. We could ask around. If it’s a popular enough place, the locals will know it.”

They caught up with the others and Lily looked at the orc and then the vomit. “Well, that’s kinda gross.” She danced around the puddle. “What’s tej?” she asked. “Is it any good?” She popped the last piece of fruit in her mouth and tossed the rind away.

Someone gave a yelp as the slipped on the rind, and Lily danced through legs into the Thundering Lizard.

Bonus Action:

AC: 15 (studded leather)
HP: 8/8 HD: 1/1d8


"This place hasn't changed much," Tlazo says and then adds after getting some odd looks. "No, no, no. Not the Thundering Lizard, I've never been here. I meant the people and their strange accents, clothes, and need to vomit wherever they like."

Finding the closest table the wood elf is relieved to remove his pack once more. "Did someone ask about Tej? Its kind of like mead. Fermented honey, really is what it is."


Port Nyanzeru/Red Bazaar

“Oh! I like mead!” Lily said, popping up next to Tlazo as he sat at the table. She was playing with his sextant, which she’d somehow gotten out of his pack. “Can we get some?” She looked through the glass at the customers around the tavern, occasionally pausing to focus on some pretty bauble.

Bonus Action:

AC: 15 (studded leather)
HP: 8/8 HD: 1/1d8

Voidrunner's Codex

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