D&D 5E E's Tomb of Annihilation


A middle aged male halfing makes his way over to the table and looked at the new comers with interest, “It looks like a ship must of just came in,” he said smiling. “Can I get anything for you to drink?”

Not waiting for a reply he kept talking, “What brings the lot of you to Port Nyanzaru are you here for the races, or you looking to make a fortune bringing treasure back in from the rain forest?”

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Port Nyanzeru/Red Bazaar

“Treasure?” Lily perked up, looking at the other halfling. “What kind of treasure?” she asked him eagerly. “Oh, and can I have some of that tej?” she asked.

Bonus Action:

AC: 15 (studded leather)
HP: 8/8 HD: 1/1d8


"Off to see the races. Even though I grew up here, I have never been out to see them." Tlazo says with opptimism of experiencing something new.

He looks over the halfling wondering how long he has lived in the city. "Know of anyone who has returned with treasure from the jungle? Anyone who may have a map of the jungle?"

OOC: Does anyone know the lay of the land in our party. Although raised here Tlazo was never let far off his nanny's skirts. Wonder where we are in relation to "east of Mbala."

"We don't have to worry about the races until midday tomorrow." Oskeld announces. He goes to the proprietor and asks how much a private room far from the loud common areas costs.


The halfing smiled at Lily, “Oh all kinds of treasure, or so I hear. I haven’t actually seen much brought back but there are all types of forgotten cities and Shrines throughout the jungle. One tej coming up.”

“And a second for you as well,” he says to Burk

As Oskeld approaches the bar and old human female nods her head, “It’s five silver a night for a bed,” she says with a smile.

Mbala is one of the two locations in the jungle that are on the map you were given. It is SW of Port Nyanzaru around 30 miles into the uncharted lands near the end of the Soshenstar River.
A mug of tej is 2 CP during happy hour.

Oskeld pays for two nights. And then sits with the others. He also buys a mug of tej and drinks it slowly. "So what was that all about with the man in the street talking about Mbala, was it?"


Port Nyanzeru/Red Bazaar

Lily paid the two copper for the tej and looked at the others. She wasn’t going to buy a room until she knew she needed it.

“Think Mbala has anything to do with this curse we’re supposed to solve?” she asked. “How do we go about finding out about this curse, anyway, and where to go next?”

Bonus Action:

AC: 15 (studded leather)
HP: 8/8 HD: 1/1d8


Tlazo fiddles with the medallion around his neck and answers Lily's question. "I think that is what we'll find out tomorrow at the races. Or at least we'l learn more than we know right now."

OOC: Who has the map? If Tlazo has it he will roll it out and point to Mbala on it. South of Camp Vengeance.


First Post
Burk downs his tej and raises his mug to ask for another one. "I am sure it will all come together. Maybe we need to get a guide to tell us more. Joffrey told us to find one anyways, maybe he knows!"

OOC: I don't think anyone has the map, I think we just looked at Joffrey's map.

Voidrunner's Codex

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