D&D 5E E's Tomb of Annihilation

"And if we leave it until tomorrow, we can drink for the rest of today!" Burk laughed as he playfully elbowed Oskeld's arm. "Are triceratops like those large lizards we saw enter the arena?"

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As the group came down for dinner they were seated at a corner table. A few minutes into their meal they were approached by a Chultan human female, who has two apparent body guards that stood back ten feet from the table.

“I beg your pardon’s, but my name is K’lahu a local business woman and I am looking for a group with you appearance to help me on a job. There would be pay if you are interested?”

Moving the story along a few hours it is now around 5 PM in the evening.

"We already have a patron and we are meeting with him tomorrow at the races." Oskeld says. "If his requirements and your job do not conflict, it is possible we could help. With that in mind, and knowing we might not be able to commit tonight, what can you tell us about this job?"

Port Nyanzeru/Inn
5:00 PM

Lily was heartily enjoying some of the fine Chultan stew. She liked the exotic spices. The little halfling thief looked up as a dark-skinned Chultan woman approached their table. She eyed the body guards standing back from her. Huh.

She listened to the woman’s proposal. Oskeld seemed to have things handled, though, but Lily wasn’t averse to a little side job.

“And who are you?” Lily chirped up. “And can you afford us?” Always best to make a client sound like they were getting the best by paying more money.

Bonus Action:

AC: 15 (studded leather)
HP: 8/8 HD: 1/1d8

"Afford us?" Tlazo says looking up from his drink. The wood elves' ears being long and very useful. "Are we mercenaries now? I'm here for the exploration and discovery, I'm not sure I like being on to many peoples payrolls."

“To be honest I’m a bookie and I’m looking for you to do a one time job for me. One of the local gladiators, Taban, owes me five hundred gold pieces and I’m looking for some muscle to help convince him to repay me.”

K'lahu paused for a moment looking at the group, “I’d pass on ten percent of what we collect from Taban, most likely all you’ll have to do is stand behind me and look tough, perhaps a back hand or two, it shouldn’t take much.”

"If this job just requires looking tough and maybe a back hand, what is wrong with those two standing with you looking tough and applying a back hand or two?" Oskeld asks. "Tell me exactly why you need additional muscle."

OOC: Insight check [roll0]

Port Nyanzeru/Inn
5:01 PM

“Hm,” Lily mused. “Not sure I can reach to backhand him,” the little halfling said. “I can punch him in the nuts, though!” she said, perking up. “Ten percent of five hundred is fifty, divided by…” she counted around the group. “Well, that’s pretty good gold for just punching a guy in the ding-dong. Heck, I’d do that for free! Oskeld, you don’t want your share, do you?” she asked the cleric. “I mean, I’m not sure where blows to the sticks and stones stands with your...you know…” she said, pointing up. “And, well, Tlazo already said he didn’t want his share. Good of him to do a public service for free.”

Bonus Action:

AC: 15 (studded leather)
HP: 8/8 HD: 1/1d8

"Lily, this patron already has access to muscle. Don't you find it strange that she needs our help in this case. There is probably more going on here than just a gladiator owning a bookie 500 gp." Oskeld says, ignoring the fact that K'lahu is standing right there.

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