Quasqueton said:I am really glad you folks are getting as big a laugh out of this as I thought you would.
Are you kidding? This is good stuff. And Simplicity's remarks were comedy gold. I'm quite literally laughing out loud.
Quasqueton said:I am really glad you folks are getting as big a laugh out of this as I thought you would.
lukelightning said:What a ridiculous statement in the module. Unless the room is entirely empty, there is always something to steal; when in doubt take a pillow.. I learned this from playing Morrowind on my Xbox: there is always a pillow to steal.
lukelightning said:Let's get those PCs and steal all their money! Charge! Wait, where did Bob and Agnes go? What do you mean they went home to our lair! They are one fifth of our force! Well, let's do it anyways...chaaaarge! What? We rolled a 3? Are they surprised or is nobody surprised? And why do I only have 10 hit points when I rolled a 5 for hit dice (hit dice 1-6)? Joe and Fred, you two quit that singing! And no joking either. And stop running. Yes, I know we were in a hurry but still no running. Why? You're carrying a sword for Pelor's sake and if you trip you might stab someone. JOE! What did I just tell you about singing? Hurry up and stop that tarrying, but without running or singing. What, Fred, did you just ask me how to stop a rhino from charging? NO *#@!% JOKING DO YOU HEAR ME! I knew we should have just gone to that wererat infested inn or that stupid pavilion with the hand-wringing nymph...
GlassJaw said:The scary thing about this module is that I actually PLAYED it!! This was one of the first modules my original group (back in junior high) ever played. Fortunately, I remember very little about it, which is probably a good thing.
GlassJaw said:DId you take every one you could find in the game and bring them to your house? No, I didn't either...![]()
I took every single little demonic statue and skull I could find the game and put them all over the house. It looked like Cthulhu himself lived there.![]()
Nomad4life said:I wonder how hard it would be to secure the rights to this module… To adapt it into a screenplay, of course.