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Eyes Of The Lich Queen

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Ari looks to Rogan. "Rogan now exhibits the Orien mark. I-... I've noticed nothing new." The last is made with a pointed look at Jango. "That tears it. Something has gone and affected us all. What in Khyber is going on?"

OOC: I assume Ari did not notice anything in his personal inspection.


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Brother Donovan, warpriestly human cleric

"Two true marks and two aberrants, all in the same day?" Donovan's floored. "My mark burned as it set in, but Khalia didn't seem to feel hers. Another priest noticed the tip of it, though we're lucky he thought it was a bruise. Jango already lost his mark, but you might want to give youself a once over, Ari, just to be sure."


First Post
drothgery said:
OOC: Jango knows Khalia has been marked; she told him (and Jina) on the way here.

OOC: Forgot about it. I've edited my message.

Jango listen to Ari. "I haven't manifested a new mark yet, or get my old one, but that might be related to my new link with Sur'Kil..." He turns his attention toward the silver dragon. "Do you know anything that could explain such things. Aern doesn't seems to have manifested one. Did Skargash have manifested one? If he has, it would be related to the fight where I lost my mark. Losing a mark, gaining four in a day, we are walking phenomena."
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As Jango begins describing the trials the group went through to try and find the Eye, Sur'Kil nods with interest. Nothing seems to surprise the disguised dragon, not even the mention of the door Jango couldn't see (presumably because he just experienced the same thing). When the elf mentions that one of the relics was missing and that the circular depression on the slab was empty, he sighs heavily... as though this was something he was hoping to avoid, but is not surprised is true.

"It sounds as though whomever it was that got into the chamber first was only able to grab one of the artifacts and the Dragon's Eye before they were driven away. Most likely a guardian of the chamber was there to protect the Eye, and when it was grabbed the guardian might have shortened the thieve's time in the chamber."

When Jango presents the remaining two relics, Sur'Kil reaches for them and inspects them, smiling happily at what he sees. "Very nice pieces. Look to be quite powerful, more powerful than I was expecting. The two shards embedded within the items have dragonmark patterns within them, see?" He shows you the dark blue swirls within the crystals that might very well be dragonmarks. "I had said in my correspondance I'd pay you one thousand gold for each of them... but if these are as powerful as I believe, I'll raise it to 1500 each. That will be 500 gold for each of you."

With that pleasant business out of the way... Jango and the rest begin speaking on the other major happening... the manifestation of four dragonmarks on previously unmarked people. When this is brought up, this is what finally shocks the dragon into silence.

Jango said:
"I'm not the most knowledgeable about the marks, but she has a true mark and I had an aberant mark, which make no sense. Khalia too has a mark. And Donovan was unlikely too to manifest one."
Ari said:
"Rogan now exhibits the Orien mark."
Donovan said:
"Two true marks and two aberrants, all in the same day?"
Sur'Kil immediately asks to see each of these four new marks that have appeared and one by one each of them are shown. The dragon takes a long time to think about things as the conversation continues on about what happened, and finally he speaks.

"I do seem to recall in times past another incident of spontaneous dragonmark manifestation... however I'll need to do a bit more research on it to fully understand what had occured. As far as why two marks are True and two aren't... I would theorize that two of you must have some True blood within you somewhere up your ascendant line. This is obviously true in Jina's case... as Jango is proof of that. One does not ordinarily manifest an aberrant mark unless there are one or more types of True blood within the line that have gotten corrupted at some point.

The Silversun family must have a Philaran or Thurani family tie somewhere, which gave Jango his aberrant mark, and... due to what must be a large exposure to some sort of draconic magic... purified Jina's blood to produce the True mark of Shadow. I would imagine that had Jango still have had his mark, it might very well have changed to a True one. But his connection and disassociation with the Khyber fiend stripped that out of him, and it was my own magic that replaced it. But this exposure to dragon magic I would think would have done something additional to you, Jango... assuming you were also exposed. Maybe that is still to come or perhaps you weren't?"

He glances over at Rogan, Khalia, and Donovan. "This same thing applies to the three of you. Rogan, you have royal blood within you... assuming of course ir'Tharvar is your real family name... and somewhere in your distant past a family member must have had a dalliance with an Orien. Khalia and Horatio... both of you must not have had any House family blood within your lines, which is why the draconic magic you were exposed to could only produce an aberrant mark.

The big question though... is when and where this exposure might have occured, and how many of you were there?"

Sur'Kil then glances at Ari... but says nothing.
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First Post
Brother Donovan, warpriestly human cleric

DEFCON 1 said:
"This same thing applies to the three of you. Rogan, you have royal blood within you... assuming of course ir'Tharvar is your real family name... and somewhere in your distant past a family member must have had a dalliance with an Orien. Khalia and Horatio... both of you must not have had any House family blood within your lines, which is why the draconic magic you were exposed to could only produce an aberrant mark.

The big question though... is when and where this exposure might have occured, and how many of you were there?"

Sur'Kil then glances at Ari... but says nothing.

Donovan frowns. "We were all there at the battle to subdue the Khyber fiend," Donovan tries. Then he looks up. "And there was the crystal. On our path to the tomb, there was a large crystal, a lot like a shard, that charged up and shot out lightning. None of us marked were hit by it, but we were all close when it struck. And, of course, whatever was in that tomb we didn't open..."


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
DEFCON 1 said:
Sur'Kil then glances at Ari... but says nothing.
Ari clenches his teeth a moment, but the decision was one that was made long ago. There would be no hiding it now.

He looked to the others while pulling at the heavy glove off his left hand. "I was not affected as far as I can tell for a simple reason. Have you ever wondered the source of a hexer's power? It isn't taught. Its innate. And most everyone learned I've spoken to about it associates it with Khyber. Well, She's certainly touched me."

The hexer loosens the final finger, and then pulls of the sinister glove. And that is when it is revealed. All blues and red, a scar that is not a tattoo, a matrix of swirls and blisters. But unlike the aberrant marks recently exhibited, Ari's mark is more---larger and more intense. To Jango, the only other to see the mark, it is a surprise: Where once it covered both sides of his hands, now its complex whorls cover his fingers as well, more livid than it ever was. To Khalia and Donovan, its almost as if it thrums.

"I have always been marked, and learned long ago the lesson to master it. I control it as I would my blade or my magics. It is the lesson of power I spoke of earlier. This... growth is recent, since the chamber in the jungle. Not the tomb below the temple. So our new marks... I cannot help but believe its from the temple somehow."


First Post
"The event that marked all of you is not from the battle against the Daelkyr, or others then you would have been marked, some of the Flames, and Khalia and Donovan would most likely been questionned about any possible mark.

It must be from our expedition to the temple. And the only magic that seems strong enough to do so, it is the slab itself."

Jango stare a moment at Ari's mark. Itd idn't surprised him at first, he had expected something like that, but when he told it was coming from the room in the jungle and not under the temple, he starts to thinks deeply.

"Why not both... The magic of the room under the jungle seems strong enough to alter your mark, and the magic of the slab was strong too. One might not be enough, but teh combinaison of the two might do the work. But unless we meet someone who has been only at the slab room and not in the room under the jungle, we might never be sure."


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Velmont said:
"Why not both... The magic of the room under the jungle seems strong enough to alter your mark, and the magic of the slab was strong too. One might not be enough, but teh combinaison of the two might do the work. But unless we meet someone who has been only at the slab room and not in the room under the jungle, we might never be sure."
Ari shakes his head. "Rogan did not go beneath the jungle as far as I know. Its influence on him would be little. And my mark's transformation was complete at the jungle tomb---Sur'Kil witnessed it himself. It must have been the temple. Aern was in the jungle but did not follow us down... and he made no mention of something odd on his person. He saw Donovan's mark, I he was with Khalia as well. The temple's tomb is the only commonality."


First Post
"Rogan haven't been down... ok, I thought everyone was there. Let's say my memory of teh event are not very clear. In that case, only the tomb under the temple is the common place. And even if Aern would have been with us, i wouldn't have expected him to manifest a mark. Changelling aren't a dragonmarked race."

Voidrunner's Codex

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